From 2011-01-03 to 2011-02-01
11:55 PM Bug report #3465 (Closed): Legend in map composer has an infinite height
- After creating a legend, if you apply changes ie by suppr the rasters, the legend creates a long white bar. When you ...
11:33 PM Bug report #3464 (Closed): Remove NASA JPL from the list of WMS servers
- Fixed with commit:24932c3f (SVN r15120)
11:33 PM Bug report #3464 (Closed): Remove NASA JPL from the list of WMS servers
- Fixed with commit:24932c3f (SVN r15120)
11:14 PM Bug report #3464 (Closed): Remove NASA JPL from the list of WMS servers
- The NASA WMS service has been discontinued, so the corresponding entry should be deleted from the list of servers.
04:34 PM Bug report #3459 (Feedback): Show feature count issue
- After query feature count updates if uncheck and check again this option manually.
commit:feda5827 (SVN r15119) -
04:34 PM Bug report #3459 (Feedback): Show feature count issue
- After query feature count updates if uncheck and check again this option manually.
commit:feda5827 (SVN r15119) -
07:44 AM Bug report #3459 (Closed): Show feature count issue
- Should be fixed in commit:91296f6e (SVN r15115) (update after query seems to work here too)
07:44 AM Bug report #3459 (Closed): Show feature count issue
- Should be fixed in commit:91296f6e (SVN r15115) (update after query seems to work here too)
06:34 AM Bug report #3459: Show feature count issue
- And feature count not updates automatically after executing Query.
06:28 AM Bug report #3459 (Closed): Show feature count issue
- Click on layer name in TOC and check Show feature count. Uncheck this option - feature count still present.
01:13 PM Bug report #3463 (Closed): QGIS crash when browsing data with topological errors
- QGIS crash when browsing Grass data using the GRASS tools -> Browser if the polygonal data contain topological errors.
10:43 AM Bug report #3462: Wrong paths in the project file make qgis 1.6 crash
- Verified: it is because of the change in the path. I've made a version with
the correct path and qgis 1.6 opens the p... -
10:36 AM Bug report #3462 (Closed): Wrong paths in the project file make qgis 1.6 crash
- The attached project makes qgis 1.6 crash right away.
I think it is because directory ../VGT_OLD is
now ../VGT/VGT_OL... -
10:29 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:10 wonder]:
> Right. I see one more benefit: the dependencies (e.g. postgresql library for
> po... -
01:46 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:9 mhugent]:
> A great benefit of bringing the dialogs into the provider libs is that dialogs co... -
09:17 AM Bug report #3461 (Closed): slow image load visualization for tfw with rotation parameters
- When I try to load or visualize raster ortophoto (abotu 120 Mb) with rotation parameter in the header file (tfw) qgis...
09:15 AM Bug report #3460 (Closed): slow image load visualization for tfw with rotation parameters
- When I try to load or visualize raster ortophoto with rotation parameter in the header file (tfw) qgis is freezing fo...
07:56 AM Bug report #3455: OTF or save as in another projection not work no more
- In fact OTF only support EPSG projections not IGNF.
"Save as" works only if you don't change the CRS -
05:34 AM Bug report #3458 (Closed): New Symbology: Simple Markers don't allow to specify stroke-width
- In the new Symbology, there is no way to specify a stroke-width for simple markers. This was possible in the old symb...
02:33 AM Bug report #2921 (Feedback): Avoid intersection of new polygons.. IS BROKEN
- The problem is still present
02:33 AM Bug report #2921 (Feedback): Avoid intersection of new polygons.. IS BROKEN
- The problem is still present
12:43 AM Bug report #3411 (Closed): Raster based terrain analysis: does not remember the path to the last ...
- Added in commit:8a637471 (SVN r15114)
12:43 AM Bug report #3411 (Closed): Raster based terrain analysis: does not remember the path to the last ...
- Added in commit:8a637471 (SVN r15114)
12:22 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- A great benefit of bringing the dialogs into the provider libs is that dialogs could link to provider classes and us...
02:59 PM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:6 timlinux]:
> I think there is still a good reason to avoid GUI interaction at the provider lev... -
02:19 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:5 wonder]:
> (Pure imagination begins now) At some point, we could reach a situation where
> we ... -
11:38 PM Feature request #3457 (Open): Connect to WMS service should provide STOP/Cancel button
- When I choose not working WMS server from connections list and click "Connect" button, QGIS just hangs till socket ti...
02:32 PM Feature request #1061 (Closed): Multiple symbols over a single point
- With new symbology it's possible to draw multiple symbols for a point. Moreover there's a point displacement renderer...
02:32 PM Feature request #1061 (Closed): Multiple symbols over a single point
- With new symbology it's possible to draw multiple symbols for a point. Moreover there's a point displacement renderer...
02:30 PM Feature request #2765 (Closed): 'Remove from style' button is absent, but 'Add to style' is prese...
- There is a button now which opens style manager where the symbols can be removed.
02:30 PM Feature request #2765 (Closed): 'Remove from style' button is absent, but 'Add to style' is prese...
- There is a button now which opens style manager where the symbols can be removed.
10:25 AM Bug report #3456 (Closed): Difference between vectors is empty if one of the inputs has errors
- The polygon [[PolygonAgricultureBefore]] (included as attachment) has a weird structure at the bottom,
probably a dig... -
07:12 AM Bug report #3455 (Closed): OTF or save as in another projection not work no more
- With a vector layer in WGS84 (mifmid or shape)cannot "move" it to Lambert4carto so all my projects do not work no mor...
06:20 AM Feature request #2219: It's impossible to edit vertices in GPX layers
- The provider currently doesn't implement the [[ChangeGeometries]] capability (just like OGR doesn't doesn't implement...
06:13 AM Bug report #3155: Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
- Recalculating the extent on every editing operation could be quite expensive. So it might be useful to make this opt...
03:49 AM Feature request #3454 (Closed): Automatic loading of a custom layer style
- Ooops, really!
I just upgraded to 1.6 and it really works. Nice. I will post this also to the forum to let the other ... -
03:49 AM Feature request #3454 (Closed): Automatic loading of a custom layer style
- Ooops, really!
I just upgraded to 1.6 and it really works. Nice. I will post this also to the forum to let the other ... -
03:34 AM Feature request #3454: Automatic loading of a custom layer style
- It already works like that. It does not work for you?
03:32 AM Feature request #3454 (Closed): Automatic loading of a custom layer style
- Hi,
what do you think about adding a possibility to load a custom layer style in QGIS in case this style file would h...
12:19 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:5 wonder]:
> Replying to [comment:4 jef]:
> > Replying to [comment:3 timlinux]:
> > > I was thin... -
12:11 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:4 jef]:
> Replying to [comment:3 timlinux]:
> > I was thinking we could have a [[QgisApp]]::addL... -
11:47 PM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Replying to [comment:3 timlinux]:
> I was thinking we could have a [[QgisApp]]::addLayerLoaderAction(QAction *) that ... -
04:19 PM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- That's fine. Thanks for being willing to discuss.
01:42 PM Feature request #3453 (Closed): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Replying to [comment:6 arencambre]:
> Better yet, is there any reason why *Use estimated table metadata* shouldn't be... -
01:42 PM Feature request #3453 (Closed): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Replying to [comment:6 arencambre]:
> Better yet, is there any reason why *Use estimated table metadata* shouldn't be... -
12:46 PM Feature request #3453 (Feedback): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Sorry, meant autosensing for very long queries. But that might get complex.
Better yet, is there any reason why *Use... -
12:46 PM Feature request #3453 (Feedback): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Sorry, meant autosensing for very long queries. But that might get complex.
Better yet, is there any reason why *Use... -
11:21 AM Feature request #3453 (Closed): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Replying to [comment:4 arencambre]:
> OK, that fixed it, but is there any reason for this not to be enabled by defaul... -
11:21 AM Feature request #3453 (Closed): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Replying to [comment:4 arencambre]:
> OK, that fixed it, but is there any reason for this not to be enabled by defaul... -
10:52 AM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- OK, that fixed it, but is there any reason for this not to be enabled by default, or use some kind of autosensing to ...
10:37 AM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Replying to [comment:2 arencambre]:
> If the query could be limited to a reasonable timeframe (LIMIT 100?), that woul... -
10:15 AM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Thanks. Further analysis yields a correction: The query happens when the *Add Postgis Tables(s)* dialog appears after...
09:05 AM Feature request #3453: Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- ...
08:22 AM Feature request #3453 (Closed): Enable "Use estimated table metadata" by default
- Postgis layer loads start out with this query:...
11:32 AM Bug report #3028: Displacement between vector and WMS layers after printing
- see also #3448
11:32 AM Bug report #3448 (Closed): Basic Printing not Properly Working under Windows.
- duplicate of #3028.
11:32 AM Bug report #3448 (Closed): Basic Printing not Properly Working under Windows.
- duplicate of #3028.
04:12 AM Bug report #3374 (Closed): Lose "id" field when saving vector in GeoJSON
- fixed in commit:0f0a9661 (SVN r15109).
04:12 AM Bug report #3374 (Closed): Lose "id" field when saving vector in GeoJSON
- fixed in commit:0f0a9661 (SVN r15109).
03:25 AM Bug report #3374 (Feedback): Lose "id" field when saving vector in GeoJSON
- Problem still present in QGIS built with GDAL/OGR 1.8.0, commit:3cc6f3f9 (SVN r15108)
03:25 AM Bug report #3374 (Feedback): Lose "id" field when saving vector in GeoJSON
- Problem still present in QGIS built with GDAL/OGR 1.8.0, commit:3cc6f3f9 (SVN r15108)
02:14 AM Feature request #3452 (Open): Implement gamma correction for raster maps
- To visually enhance raster maps such as satellite data from files or WMS, support of gamma correction (
12:42 PM Bug report #2796: Labelling plugin: wrong printing result
- This bug seems fixed for me.
12:40 PM Feature request #3451 (Closed): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- fixed in commit:3cc6f3f9 (SVN r15108).
12:40 PM Feature request #3451 (Closed): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- fixed in commit:3cc6f3f9 (SVN r15108).
12:15 PM Feature request #3451 (Feedback): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- But it's still rechecked on every load. It's impossible for me to us a 12 million row view thanks to this.
12:15 PM Feature request #3451 (Feedback): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- But it's still rechecked on every load. It's impossible for me to us a 12 million row view thanks to this.
12:11 PM Feature request #3451 (Closed): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- This was already addressed back in commit:468550c6 (SVN r10658). The key field is stored, but rechecked on load.
12:11 PM Feature request #3451 (Closed): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- This was already addressed back in commit:468550c6 (SVN r10658). The key field is stored, but rechecked on load.
11:28 AM Feature request #3451: Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- BTW, I can see risk with this--if at point in time X, view's column A is a true key, but at point in time X+Y, column...
11:26 AM Feature request #3451 (Closed): Allow suppression of Postgis view key verification on every load
- It appears that Postgres has no way of telling which column of a view is the key. Therefore, when QGIS loads a view, ...
01:37 AM Bug report #3450 (Closed): GdalTools: grid - loading a point layer from the canvas does not work
- If a file is loaded on the canvas, attempting to use it for grid analyses results in an error:
the selected file is n... -
01:23 AM Bug report #3449 (Closed): GdalTools: unclear results from clipping
- Currently, when >1 layer is loaded into the canvas, clipping results are difficult to interpret. The tool attempts to...
12:31 PM Bug report #3448 (Closed): Basic Printing not Properly Working under Windows.
- I (Linux user) talked a few people (they use Win) into QGIS. The thing is that I never noticed this Composer print co...
07:06 AM Feature request #3447: Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Applied with commit:58bd7acd (SVN r15095). However I think we should have all add layers except Add vector and Add ra...
06:44 AM Feature request #3447 (In Progress): Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
04:38 AM Feature request #3447 (Closed): Grouping "add layer" toolbar buttons
- Proposed patch replaced five "add layer" buttons with one dropdown button. See also discussion in qgis-developer mail...
11:49 AM Bug report #3445: merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- In this case all .prj files presented (split tool create correct .prj for each file).
10:41 AM Bug report #3445: merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- I can, see #3077
08:53 AM Bug report #3445: merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- Cannot confirm with commit:8087f640 (SVN r15080) on Slackware Linux
08:13 AM Bug report #3445 (Closed): merge shapefiles (fTools) crashes qgis
- Merging a folder of shp (generated by split, fTools) crashes qgis with:
Jan 27 16:45:05 fox kernel: [26357.459559] qg... -
08:39 AM Bug report #3446: "Layers" panel issue
- Confirmed on Windows with commit:97149eda (SVN r15057). On Linux with commit:8087f640 (SVN r15080) layer's tree is di...
08:23 AM Bug report #3446 (Closed): "Layers" panel issue
- Test case:
1. Turn off "Layers" panel;
2. Close QGIS and start it again;
3. Open any layers;
4. Turn on "Layers" ... -
06:28 AM Feature request #3444 (Closed): Add label offset in map units (labeling-ng)
- It would be great to have the possibility to set the offset in mm or in map units. Currently, only mm are possible.
11:08 PM Bug report #3317 (Closed): ftools, datamanagement, merge to one crash qigs 1.6
- Not reproducible on Linux and Windows with commit:8087f640 (SVN r15080). Closed as "worksforme"
Please reopen if nece... -
11:08 PM Bug report #3317 (Closed): ftools, datamanagement, merge to one crash qigs 1.6
- Not reproducible on Linux and Windows with commit:8087f640 (SVN r15080). Closed as "worksforme"
Please reopen if nece... -
12:17 PM Bug report #3317: ftools, datamanagement, merge to one crash qigs 1.6
- I cannot confirm it under 1.7 Trunk as well.
09:22 AM Bug report #3443 (Closed): line snapping fails to snap to it self
- Line snapping works just fine for existing lines but it fails to snap to new digitized line (it self). It's usefull t...
08:44 AM Bug report #2921 (Closed): Avoid intersection of new polygons.. IS BROKEN
- This was a rounding problem, should be fixed in commit:8e84137a (SVN r15088). Please test and reopen the bug if the p...
08:44 AM Bug report #2921 (Closed): Avoid intersection of new polygons.. IS BROKEN
- This was a rounding problem, should be fixed in commit:8e84137a (SVN r15088). Please test and reopen the bug if the p...
05:27 AM Feature request #3442 (Closed): Support datetime fields in Graduated Renderer
- It would be great if datetime fields could be used in Symbology for e.g. Graduated Renderer.
04:49 PM Feature request #3441 (Closed): Support non-int4 keys
04:49 PM Feature request #3441 (Closed): Support non-int4 keys
04:44 PM Feature request #3441 (Closed): Support non-int4 keys
- I have a view that has a valid key, but the key is a varchar. I can't use the view "as is" with qgis because it wants...
04:25 PM Feature request #3177 (Closed): field calculator improvements: functions for strings
10:39 AM Feature request #2783: Zoom to group
- Here is a patch that adds this functionality
10:21 AM Feature request #3440 (Closed): Rule Render: In the legend permit the change of the title in the ...
- In the rule-renderer , actually for every rule, in the legend there is the Filter string.
This not always is a good c... -
06:16 AM Bug report #3439 (Closed): QGIS crashes when reshaping invalid polygon geometry
- GEOS 3.2.2 QGIS r15075
Steps to reproduce:
* draw self intersecting polygon;
* use reshape too to reshape it:... -
02:20 AM Feature request #3438 (Closed): Transparency for vector symbol layers
- At this moment is possible to set transparency to whole vector symbol but it's not possible to create symbol with sem...
12:24 AM Feature request #3434 (Closed): new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- Replying to [comment:4 strk]:
> jef suggested this much simplified version:
> I've te... -
12:24 AM Feature request #3434 (Closed): new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- Replying to [comment:4 strk]:
> jef suggested this much simplified version:
> I've te... -
11:55 PM Feature request #3434: new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- jef suggested this much simplified version:
I've tested it and works fine. -
11:41 AM Feature request #3434: new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- Found and fixed. Attached format-patch (good to apply with git-am).
Problem was for both vertical and horizontal line... -
06:56 AM Feature request #3434: new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- Further debugging shows that the problem has to do with the final segment being _exactly_ horizontal.
I suspect there... -
02:44 AM Feature request #3434 (Closed): new symbology line decoration with wrong orientation
- I'm showing 2 lines with new symbology and line decoration.
Both lines are horizontal 2 points segments.
The one abov... -
11:45 PM Bug report #3420: QgsMapCanvas not rendering raster layers in QGIS 1.7
- Applied with commit:43aff118 (SVN r15076).
Tim -
10:53 PM Bug report #3420 (Closed): QgsMapCanvas not rendering raster layers in QGIS 1.7
- Hey here is a solution to this problem (hopefully). Just added the paintEvent to the Python bindings. I've attached a...
10:53 PM Bug report #3420 (Closed): QgsMapCanvas not rendering raster layers in QGIS 1.7
- Hey here is a solution to this problem (hopefully). Just added the paintEvent to the Python bindings. I've attached a...
09:51 PM Feature request #3414 (Closed): Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text...
- Patch applied in commit:dfb0602f (SVN r15075) - thanks!
09:51 PM Feature request #3414 (Closed): Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text...
- Patch applied in commit:dfb0602f (SVN r15075) - thanks!
05:16 PM Feature request #3414: Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text provider...
- Found and fixed another bug in delimited text provider. Not related directly to this change, but expedient to includ...
11:27 AM Feature request #3414: Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text provider...
- Fixed bug in patch - mSkipLines was not being initiallized, resulting in arbitrary behaviour when not defined in URI.
01:58 PM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Kyngchaos, you're right about Libspatialite. I mixed that up with the tools and the other stuff.
But I still think, ... -
07:12 AM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Huh? _lib_spatialite has always been on the Mozilla license, still is as of 2.4rc4. The spatialite tools and raster...
11:51 AM Feature request #3437 (Closed): Add natgrid to IGNF's RGF93 projections
- Hi,
This ticket follows #3394. The official IGNF register does not specify the use of the gsb natgrid in the proj's ... -
09:37 AM Feature request #3436 (Closed): Default settings for image output
- QGIS' main basic image output is using the TIFF format in its lowest form which has a negative impact on performance ...
03:10 AM Bug report #3435 (Closed): GDAL - warp fails
- Warp of raster geotiff fails...
An error has occured while executing Python code:
Traceback (most recent call last)... -
03:01 AM Feature request #3416: road-graph plugin
- Applied in "commit:0a76ab42 (SVN r15069)":
02:58 AM Feature request #3416 (Closed): road-graph plugin
10:13 PM Bug report #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in composer labels
- > Both produce output as expected.
Interesting. Do you actually have the Calibri font installed?
> The Qt pdf expor... -
05:21 PM Feature request #3433 (Closed): GEOSException not exposed through python bindings
- If you try and parse some invalid WKT (or do a number of other bad things), GEOS will throw an error you *can't catch...
02:56 PM Bug report #3432: License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- Hm, my interpretation from is that it should be possible:
... -
01:50 PM Bug report #3432 (Closed): License conflict with GPLv3+ libs
- QGIS currently links two libraries, that are incompatible with QGIS' GPLv2+:
* Libspatialite (GPLv3+)
* Sqlanywhere... -
04:47 AM Bug report #3431 (Closed): fix build from pure-git clone
- fixed in commit:975b0fc7 (SVN r15066). surprisingly git doesn't have a builtin sed - or I just didn't find it yet.
04:47 AM Bug report #3431 (Closed): fix build from pure-git clone
- fixed in commit:975b0fc7 (SVN r15066). surprisingly git doesn't have a builtin sed - or I just didn't find it yet.
03:56 AM Bug report #3431: fix build from pure-git clone
- BTW, the patch is in mailbox format, good for reading by git-am.
03:56 AM Bug report #3431 (Closed): fix build from pure-git clone
- When fetching qgis from github directly there's no way git-svn can obtain the svn version number. This is instead att...
02:03 AM Feature request #3430 (Closed): fill pattern missing for point markers in new symbology engine
- It's not possible with the new symbology engine to set the fill pattern (i.e. vertical line, horizontal line, etc.) o...
02:01 PM Bug report #3429 (Closed): Can't chose edit widget "Enumeration" for empty postgres tables
- already fixed in commit:78cc7abf (SVN r15049).
02:01 PM Bug report #3429 (Closed): Can't chose edit widget "Enumeration" for empty postgres tables
- already fixed in commit:78cc7abf (SVN r15049).
12:21 PM Bug report #3429 (Closed): Can't chose edit widget "Enumeration" for empty postgres tables
- It's not possible to chose an edit widget of type "Enumeration" as long as the underlying table is empty.
You can t... -
04:46 AM Feature request #3428 (Closed): Translation Swedish
- Here are some small translations fixes for plugins etc, couldnt run so this is an improvement from the q...
01:34 PM Bug report #3369: Annotations disappear
- * incorrectly typed. The project file that was just uploaded has *ANNOTATIONS* which disappeared *not ATTRIBUTES*. ...
10:00 AM Feature request #3427 (Closed): Unnecessary rendering overhead
- When I open the property dialog for both raster and vector layers, I can make changes to those properties and hit 'Ap...
02:11 AM Bug report #2190: Identifying an holed polygon selects the whole area
- Is there any special reason to not to use some similar behavior like it is done by 'Select' tool ?
1. Draw ...
12:34 PM Bug report #3426: WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- Regarding '.. or works with such tags correctly (shows in attribute table)'
Should Quantum be able to -
1. handle sp... -
01:41 AM Bug report #3412: crash when double clicking edit table button
- Sometimes I have to click more than twice, and fast. I think this has something to do with one process not finishing ...
12:10 AM Bug report #3426: WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- ... or works with such tags correctly (shows in attribute table).
12:08 AM Bug report #3426: WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- It will be so useful if wfs provider could remove whitespace from the start and end of the tag name.
07:36 PM Bug report #3426: WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- Thanks, DR.
Good work.
This GML comes straight out of Geoserver, but there must be something weird in the [[PostGIS]... -
07:14 PM Bug report #3426: WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- Confirm. I think this problem because your xml tags contains many spaces, eg: <ogi:area >0.016000</ogi:area ...
04:33 PM Bug report #3426 (Closed): WFS attribute table is missing most of the data
- To observe problem -
1. Create WFS layer with URL - (502)
2. Read layer ogi:doq_... -
10:01 PM Feature request #2974: Search for NULL value seemignly not possible from simple search and not ob...
- Fixed in commit:b6a878e1de8afb77034926d4852b0daad3dacef4
09:59 PM Feature request #2974 (Closed): Search for NULL value seemignly not possible from simple search a...
09:55 PM Bug report #3155 (In Progress): Zoom to layer works incorrectly while layer editing
12:58 PM Feature request #3425 (Closed): Multiple movable symbol libraries
- It would be nice to make symbol libraries more flexible and to be able to:
1. Use more than one symbol library
2. A... -
10:40 AM Bug report #3424 (Closed): Mismatch between numbers of point in canvas and attribute table while ...
- fixed in commit:97149eda (SVN r15057). Caused by a rounding problem when using the layer's extent to query the spat...
10:40 AM Bug report #3424 (Closed): Mismatch between numbers of point in canvas and attribute table while ...
- fixed in commit:97149eda (SVN r15057). Caused by a rounding problem when using the layer's extent to query the spat...
09:27 AM Bug report #3424: Mismatch between numbers of point in canvas and attribute table while using WFS
- some points are identifiable even though they are not in the table -
09:18 AM Bug report #3424: Mismatch between numbers of point in canvas and attribute table while using WFS
- Confirmed under Linux and Windows, commit:44187c09 (SVN r15054)
09:06 AM Bug report #3424 (Closed): Mismatch between numbers of point in canvas and attribute table while ...
- Add WFS layer "ethno" from [] Number of points in canvas - 6, in attr...
09:55 AM Bug report #3418: Layer Color Selector Crashes
- Note that this appears to be similar to #2127. I can confirm that any symbology operation that invokes the color pick...
07:47 AM Feature request #3423 (Closed): OSM plugin: add tags/values when upload
- When you upload osm files in qgis with the "osm plugin", the columns that the plugin should be added, are not all the...
04:00 AM Bug report #3422 (Closed): Unreadable icons in TOC
- Open any point layer. Choose new symbology and apply any SVG marker. Set big size of marker, e.g. 100. Icon in TOC be...
03:43 AM Feature request #3421: right clicking the canvas
- OK, sorry, did not know that, but maybe then instead it should be possible to change the settings for this to make it...
03:34 AM Feature request #3421 (Closed): right clicking the canvas
- QGIS pans with the middle mouse button, ie. pressing down the wheel - also common. You can also hold down the space...
03:34 AM Feature request #3421 (Closed): right clicking the canvas
- QGIS pans with the middle mouse button, ie. pressing down the wheel - also common. You can also hold down the space...
03:05 AM Feature request #3421 (Closed): right clicking the canvas
- It is common in CAD applications, and very convenient, that the second mouse button (that is unused in QGIS today) is...
01:45 AM Bug report #3420 (Closed): QgsMapCanvas not rendering raster layers in QGIS 1.7
- I've found a problem when using the [[QgsMapCanvas]] in new version of QGIS(1.7) which is not present in the previous...
01:00 PM Bug report #3417: Data handling when exporting/printing maps
- Hi,
I downloaded a lot of data (vector and raster) from Ordnance Survey, added to a QGIS project (trunk, under linux... -
08:07 AM Bug report #3417 (Closed): Data handling when exporting/printing maps
- When producing A0 print compositions, using a raster basemap and vector overlay, the only means of using the map is b...
12:58 PM Feature request #3414: Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text provider...
- And forgot to update the SIP file for [[QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem]]. Now included too...
11:52 AM Feature request #3414: Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text provider...
- Should be good to go now...
10:43 AM Feature request #3414: Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text provider...
- Hold fire on this ...
Found a few issues so will put up a revised patch shortly :-( -
12:40 PM Bug report #3419 (Closed): QGIS hangs on WMS layer without network
- Steps to reproduce:
* Add a WMS layer;
* Disconnect network;
* Zoom/Pan map canvas.
QGIS get's stuck. It's impossibl... -
09:31 AM Bug report #3418 (Closed): Layer Color Selector Crashes
- I can change the hatch from solid to stripes etc without problems, but once I click anywhere on the color picker to c...
08:14 AM Feature request #3416: road-graph plugin
- Replying to [comment:2 mhugent]:
> Seems the patch is missing the png files have all png files -
06:53 AM Feature request #3416: road-graph plugin
- Seems the patch is missing the png files
04:28 AM Feature request #3416 (Closed): road-graph plugin
- This plugin cat find shortest path and export to liner vector layer on road graph. "home page":
05:00 AM Bug report #3412: crash when double clicking edit table button
- I cannot replicate it on my Ubuntu (10.04) box. Using trunk too.
04:59 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- it doesn't seems to resize vertically at all.
> The crash when resizing the overview windows is indeed fixed. Unfor... -
04:55 AM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Replying to [comment:11 jef]:
> see also #2884.
> commit:a3cfe6fb (SVN r15506) might fix this.
The crash when resizi... -
04:42 AM Feature request #3409: Optional copy of a raster when building pyramids
- The is an option (checkbox) "build pyramids internally if possible". If the checkbox is unselected, pyramids aren't a...
03:41 AM Bug report #3415 (Closed): Basemap shrinks during export to pdf
- Using the export to pdf tool, with a raster basemap and vector overlay, the basemap shrinks(?). There seems to be a ...
05:41 PM Feature request #3414 (Closed): Add Coordinate Reference System to memory provider and delim text...
- This patch adds the ability to specify the coordinate reference system in the datasourceUri for memory and delimited ...
12:40 PM Bug report #3413 (Closed): uninitialized mPreviousFieldRow in QgsQueryBuilder
- uninitialized mPreviousFieldRow in [[QgsQueryBuilder]] may cause the values list not to be cleared on selecting a fie...
12:05 PM Bug report #3412 (Closed): crash when double clicking edit table button
- To reproduce:
Select a postGIS layer
open the attribute table
click fast twice on the edit button to edit the table
03:48 PM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- This looks a lot like the (possible) race condition that causes the crashes on changing symbology, reported on #3380,...
03:34 PM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- see also #2339
03:27 PM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- Replying to [comment:11 jef]:
> see also #2884.
> commit:a3cfe6fb (SVN r15506) might fix this.
commit:185ec5db (SVN r... -
03:26 PM Bug report #2714: Crash when resizing map window with Qt 4.6
- see also #2884.
commit:a3cfe6fb (SVN r15506) might fix this. -
03:33 PM Bug report #2339 (Closed): QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map an...
- duplicate of #2714.
03:33 PM Bug report #2339 (Closed): QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map an...
- duplicate of #2714.
03:26 PM Bug report #2884 (Closed): crash when resizing vertically the overview window
- duplicate of #2714
03:26 PM Bug report #2884 (Closed): crash when resizing vertically the overview window
- duplicate of #2714
02:07 PM Bug report #1329: Vector Properties dialog - Labels tab - several minor problems
- Not sure if this is the place for my comment... Not disagreeing with this bug report. Want to comment that label bu...
11:53 AM Bug report #3411 (Closed): Raster based terrain analysis: does not remember the path to the last ...
- A minor annoyance, but easy to fix.
11:49 AM Bug report #3410 (Closed): WFS: show full description
- Currently, the description of each layer is on a single line in the Add WFS layer dialog, so if the description is ve...
10:54 AM Bug report #2604 (Closed): Broken layer visibility logic in groups
- Seems already fixed.
Tested on Linux (commit:4dbb5163 (SVN r15046)) and Windows (commit:f1b0e0a1 (SVN r15039)).
10:54 AM Bug report #2604 (Closed): Broken layer visibility logic in groups
- Seems already fixed.
Tested on Linux (commit:4dbb5163 (SVN r15046)) and Windows (commit:f1b0e0a1 (SVN r15039)).
10:48 AM Feature request #3409 (Open): Optional copy of a raster when building pyramids
- Creating internal pyramids modifies the original file. Wouldn't it be better to rename the original file by default?
... -
04:51 AM Feature request #3408 (Closed): Enhancement - Patch to add extra edit area and syntax highlightin...
- This patch adds a second non-interactive python coding area to the python console. This lets the users write and rea...
02:55 AM Bug report #2998 (Closed): QgisMapServer not rendering grouped layers
- this bug was fixed some time ago
02:55 AM Bug report #2998 (Closed): QgisMapServer not rendering grouped layers
- this bug was fixed some time ago
02:43 AM Bug report #3406 (Closed): Scrolling bar missing form attribute table choicepopup in print composer
- Added in commit:3e766c40 (SVN r15043)
02:43 AM Bug report #3406 (Closed): Scrolling bar missing form attribute table choicepopup in print composer
- Added in commit:3e766c40 (SVN r15043)
12:30 AM Bug report #3407 (Closed): Georeferencer asks for output file name even if only tfw is selected
- When setting the georeferencer options, the user has the choice of either writing to a new file, or adding a georefer...
12:22 AM Bug report #3406 (Closed): Scrolling bar missing form attribute table choicepopup in print composer
- When opening the attribute table to select fields to be shown, if the table has many attributes, they are not shown i...
04:08 PM Bug report #2339: QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map and "use re...
- Look at the attachment qgis_ticket_2339_bt:
at line 95 you can see the missing "before qApp->processEvents()"
and a... -
04:03 PM Bug report #2339: QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map and "use re...
- Replying to [comment:24 brushtyler]:
> I discovered another piece, it's caused by an invalid extra-call. If I add deb... -
03:52 PM Bug report #2339: QGis crashes when moving border between map canvas and overview map and "use re...
- Replying to [comment:23 lutra]:
> tested again with trunk, on ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 (different libqt4 versions), ren... -
01:02 PM Bug report #3401 (Closed): WMS authentication not using stored credentials
- fixed in commit:f5fe5f7a (SVN r15037).
01:02 PM Bug report #3401 (Closed): WMS authentication not using stored credentials
- fixed in commit:f5fe5f7a (SVN r15037).
12:54 PM Bug report #3390 (Closed): crash on start of QGIS due to conflict between Python versions
- right, you should use OSGeo4W's python.
12:54 PM Bug report #3390 (Closed): crash on start of QGIS due to conflict between Python versions
- right, you should use OSGeo4W's python.
11:35 AM Bug report #3400 (Closed): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- Fixed in
11:35 AM Bug report #3400 (Closed): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- Fixed in
09:18 AM Feature request #3405 (Closed): [PATCH] Prompt for symbol overwriting
- After creating new symbol in [[SymbologyNG]] there is no check for overwriting existing symbol with same name. This i...
12:44 PM Feature request #2058: inconsistency in the GUI: commas and full stops
- see also #3404
12:43 PM Bug report #3404 (Closed): Measure tool Segment/Total locales are inconsistent.
- duplicate of #2058
12:43 PM Bug report #3404 (Closed): Measure tool Segment/Total locales are inconsistent.
- duplicate of #2058
12:21 PM Bug report #3404 (Closed): Measure tool Segment/Total locales are inconsistent.
- Measure tool reports values formatted into different locales in the Segment window text area and in the Total line ed...
09:39 AM Bug report #2227: GPS Tools: "Import other file" doesn't work
- Tested with commit:5aed037f (SVN r15016) under Linux and all works fine. But on Windows with same revision and same d...
07:46 AM Bug report #3390: crash on start of QGIS due to conflict between Python versions
- I've removed system environment variable PYTHONPATH and problem is disappeared.
06:04 AM Bug report #3058: print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if symbology...
- Sorry, my attachments are a little box of the original PDFs
05:58 AM Bug report #3058: print composer: exporting to PDF does not resize correctly vectors if symbology...
- I attached two PDF exported with the composer.
They both represent the same area at the same scale (1:5000) on the s... -
05:55 AM Feature request #2241: "Node tool" should remember last feature which it was used on after switch...
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> More interesting notes on this issue:
> *) "pan map" tool -> node tool markers disap... -
05:07 AM Feature request #2974: Search for NULL value seemignly not possible from simple search and not ob...
- Replying to [comment:1 wonder]:
> I disagree with the second suggestion
Thanks, I would have posted almost exactly t... -
04:25 AM Feature request #2974: Search for NULL value seemignly not possible from simple search and not ob...
- I disagree with the second suggestion: allowing the syntax "Field = NULL" would not be correct. We are trying to keep...
10:33 AM Bug report #3313 (Closed): Cannot edit attributes in selected layers
- fixed in commit:c98d8d93 (SVN r15019).
10:33 AM Bug report #3313 (Closed): Cannot edit attributes in selected layers
- fixed in commit:c98d8d93 (SVN r15019).
06:49 AM Bug report #3313: Cannot edit attributes in selected layers
- Same here on OS X. A t first I thought it was from upgrading to Qt 4.7, but it still happens after downgrading to Qt...
04:20 AM Bug report #3403 (Closed): lost focus by click on a object when evis is activate to the layer
- Similar to Ticket #2646:
Activate the "evis Event ID Tool" and click on an object of the layer, evis window get the ...
04:53 PM Bug report #3398 (Closed): Calling help() in python console crashes QGIS
- Sorry this looks like a bug that I introduced somehow in some recent work I have been doing.
04:53 PM Bug report #3398 (Closed): Calling help() in python console crashes QGIS
- Sorry this looks like a bug that I introduced somehow in some recent work I have been doing.
03:41 PM Feature request #3222: Fast, easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
- Hi Martin,
I've just uploaded a new patch: rule_renderer_patch_on_r15004-symbols_not_merged.diff
There are just a fe... -
05:13 AM Bug report #3388: Performance issue with new symbology
- When will this clipping be available in trunk? I checked it with the threading branch and it's really nice.
Stefan -
05:09 AM Feature request #3402 (Closed): Feature count when using classifed symbology
- When using a classified symbology the "feature count" option in the legend shows the feature count of every class. It...
04:20 AM Bug report #3401 (Closed): WMS authentication not using stored credentials
- I cannot get HTTP authentication to work for WMS layers in QGIS 1.5 and 1.6.
It does work in QGis 1.4.
How i expect ...
06:00 PM Bug report #3400 (Closed): On project load the Selection color is not properly set.
- On project load the Selection color is not properly set. The Selection color does show OK in Project Properties dialo...
05:59 PM Bug report #3399 (Closed): unitialized mouseButtonDown variable in qgsmapcanvas.cpp
- fixed in . Thanks.
05:59 PM Bug report #3399 (Closed): unitialized mouseButtonDown variable in qgsmapcanvas.cpp
- fixed in . Thanks.
05:31 PM Bug report #3399 (Closed): unitialized mouseButtonDown variable in qgsmapcanvas.cpp
- in [[QgsMapCanvas]]::CanvasProperties the mouseButtonDown class member is not initialized. This causes the keyboard p...
05:02 PM Bug report #3398 (Closed): Calling help() in python console crashes QGIS
- When calling help() which normally gives the user a interactive help causes QGIS to halt and then crash.
To reproduc... -
02:38 PM Feature request #3397 (Open): Let specify icon name(s) in module xml
- Currently each GRASS module uses the icon(s) with the same name (and extension png or svg).
It would be useful to be...
09:00 AM Bug report #2884: crash when resizing vertically the overview window
- see also #3396.
09:00 AM Bug report #3396 (Closed): Resizing the overview with a WMS layer on it, makes QGis crash.
- duplicate of #2884.
09:00 AM Bug report #3396 (Closed): Resizing the overview with a WMS layer on it, makes QGis crash.
- duplicate of #2884.
08:54 AM Bug report #3396 (Closed): Resizing the overview with a WMS layer on it, makes QGis crash.
- Steps:
* Open QGis
* Add a WMS Layer (for example Park from DM Solutions service);
* Right click on the layer and cho... -
08:57 AM Bug report #3246 (Closed): Selecting features very fast crashes QGIS
- fixed in . ? grml, missed a round commit again - maybe I'll not make any before we switch to git.
08:57 AM Bug report #3246 (Closed): Selecting features very fast crashes QGIS
- fixed in . ? grml, missed a round commit again - maybe I'll not make any before we switch to git.
06:37 AM Bug report #3246: Selecting features very fast crashes QGIS
- Confirmed on Ubuntu 9.10 and QGis trunk commit:c4743a08 (SVN r14998).
1. QGis crashes by just double-click on featur...
03:32 PM Bug report #2793: Drag and Drop regression on Mac OSX
- It's now even worse - double-clicking or drag-n-drop onto QGIS do not work at all to open a GIS data file or a projec...
11:50 AM Feature request #1473: 3dz/3dm/4d support
- Replying to [comment:13 pcav]:
> bitner (or others), please provide sample data for testing and eventually apply the ... -
06:00 AM Bug report #3395 (Closed): Field Calculator Integer Conversion Error
- I tried to use FC to extract an integer number using the following formula:
(SURV_BRG * 1000) - to int (to int(SURV_...
02:20 PM Feature request #3394 (Closed): Update IGNF's projections register
- Hi,
Since its inclusion, the french IGNF register has been modified by the IGN :
- corrections of typos in descript... -
01:06 PM Bug report #3388: Performance issue with new symbology
- Btw., the threading branch also uses polygon clipping which solves the issue with the example dataset.
10:31 AM Feature request #3393 (Closed): Help Contents not about using QGIS
- Opening the help contents doesn't provide much in the way of useful information for a normal user. On my Ubuntu syste...
10:30 AM Bug report #3392 (Closed): Segmentation fault on Debian Squeeze w/ version 6.1
- I get a segmentation fault when initializing qgis. I have gdal version 7.1.2. I realize this might be a bit cryptic, ...
08:38 AM Bug report #3380: Crash when repeatedly switching symbology renderer
- see also #3391
08:38 AM Bug report #3391 (Closed): crash when applying vector symbology changes
- duplicate of #3380
08:38 AM Bug report #3391 (Closed): crash when applying vector symbology changes
- duplicate of #3380
08:31 AM Bug report #3391 (Closed): crash when applying vector symbology changes
- ...
06:36 AM Bug report #3390 (Closed): crash on start of QGIS due to conflict between Python versions
- When I start QGis I've got the next error:
"An error occured during execution of following code:
import os
can't i... -
06:28 AM Bug report #3389 (Closed): font issue 1.6 macos
- duplicate of #1752
06:28 AM Bug report #3389 (Closed): font issue 1.6 macos
- duplicate of #1752
06:13 AM Bug report #3389 (Closed): font issue 1.6 macos
- the font dialog has changed...
qgis is using an other font dialog (same as the textedit application)
...and with this...
12:32 PM Bug report #3388: Performance issue with new symbology
- This might be a clipping problem.
I'm currently working on a more efficient line and polygon clip (which will bring Q... -
12:17 PM Bug report #3388 (Closed): Performance issue with new symbology
- Hi
I have some performance issues with the new generation symbology. Using a polygon layer r1 with a categorized sy... -
08:16 AM Feature request #3387 (Closed): let the user select the color map extreme colors
- This is very old request/missing feature, see #782.
Actually it is on the Kcube poll -
08:16 AM Feature request #3387 (Closed): let the user select the color map extreme colors
- This is very old request/missing feature, see #782.
Actually it is on the Kcube poll -
07:48 AM Feature request #3387 (Closed): let the user select the color map extreme colors
- Maybe I miss something but it seems it's not possible to select the extreme colors before interpolating color map cla...
06:33 AM Feature request #3384 (Closed): Measure tool ignore 'measure\\ellipsoid' QGis settings
- The patch is applied in commit:862024a7 (SVN r14993). Thanks, Sergey!
I rearranged the code a bit and, following Mart... -
06:33 AM Feature request #3384 (Closed): Measure tool ignore 'measure\\ellipsoid' QGis settings
- The patch is applied in commit:862024a7 (SVN r14993). Thanks, Sergey!
I rearranged the code a bit and, following Mart...
12:36 AM Bug report #3386 (Closed): new symbology: rotation and dimension
- In new symbology, if I select categorized symbols for points, I can also choose, under Advanced, a rotation and a dim...
05:20 AM Feature request #3384: Measure tool ignore 'measure\\ellipsoid' QGis settings
- Thanks for the patch, I'm going to review it in detail in the next few days. Afaik, current approach is to use the el...
01:13 AM Feature request #3384 (Closed): Measure tool ignore 'measure\\ellipsoid' QGis settings
- Measure tool ignore 'measure\\ellipsoid' QGis settings and use always WGS 84
this path fix it. -
01:29 AM Feature request #3385 (Closed): GML: add a choice to insert a sql filter
- oops ,
I don't notice it support this just now.
sorry for noise.
01:29 AM Feature request #3385 (Closed): GML: add a choice to insert a sql filter
- oops ,
I don't notice it support this just now.
sorry for noise.
01:24 AM Feature request #3385 (Closed): GML: add a choice to insert a sql filter
- The GML format is multi-layer.
So to select a single layer (for example called roads) , gdal, has the option to inser... -
01:20 AM Feature request #3383: Add a SAGA plugin
- You are confusing saga (an api for grid computing with saga gis ( ...
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