Feature request #9362

Export PDF layers from QGIS map composers

Added by Asier Sarasua almost 11 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Category:Map Composer/Printing
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:17962


As in the attached image.

PDF layers are formally known as Optional Content Groups.

"They represent a collection of graphic objects that can be made visible or invisible. Any graphic content of the PDF can be made optional, including page contents, XObjects, and annotations." Reference:

This feature would give the ability to open a PDF (generated from the QGIS composer) in Acrobat and enable/disable the visibility of layers.

PDFlayers.png (172 KB) Asier Sarasua, 2014-01-17 12:25 AM

qgis_geopdf.png - GDAL translate in Proccessing (413 KB) Asier Sarasua, 2015-03-15 02:39 AM

qgis_geopdf_2.png - Output GeoPDF (76.3 KB) Asier Sarasua, 2015-03-15 02:39 AM

Related issues

Duplicates QGIS Application - Feature request #8771: Export print layouts in geospatial pdf format Closed 2013-10-04


#1 Updated by Jukka Rahkonen almost 11 years ago

Feels the same as #8771 speaks about geopdf but it would be more safe to call it as geospatial pdf because GeoPDF is a trade mark.

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 11 years ago

  • Target version set to Future Release - Nice to have

To note that QGIS "can" already export (from the canvas, not the composer) as geopdf: the format is supported in gdal/ogr used by qgis, so it would be possible to export using the "save as..." vector function or the translate tool in the raster menu. But as far as I can see the "geopdf" format is not listed in the gui comboboxes.

#3 Updated by Simon W almost 10 years ago

Can we get a status on this or 8771?

#4 Updated by Nyall Dawson almost 10 years ago

Simon - nothing to report, as far as I'm aware no one is currently tackling this issue.

#5 Updated by Asier Sarasua almost 10 years ago


As GDAL 1.10 supports GeoPDF, I successfully exported a PDF with layers (a raster layer and a polyline vector layer) from Processing inserting a OGR_DATASOURCE parameter in the "Additional creation parameters" box to add the vector layer. However, it only exports vectors without style. I have to investigate more into this1[2].


#6 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 10 years ago

Asier Sarasua wrote:


As GDAL 1.10 supports GeoPDF, I successfully exported a PDF with layers (a raster layer and a polyline vector layer) f


yes this is expected beside the lack of options in QGIS gui.

The ticket is more about the possibility to export a map from the QGIS composer as geopdf.

#7 Updated by Luca Delucchi over 9 years ago


I'm working on a plugin to create GeospatialPDF (not that real GeoPDF because is proprietary format) from raster and vector data loaded into QGIS, but not from QGIS composer.
I tried to investigate a little bit more about this possibility but I didn't find any good solution.

The plugin is close to be released (I hope in two/three weeks) and will have the following capabilities:

  • export raster and styled vector (probably all the three QGIS symbol style)
  • most of the GeospatialPDF "Creation Options" [0] are supported
  • support for legend/scalebar/images and choose their position in the GeospatialPDF.

[0] http://www.gdal.org/frmt_pdf.html

#8 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

see also #8771

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Closed to Open

see also #8771

#10 Updated by James Wilson over 9 years ago

If you want to make a Georeferenced PDF for Avenza:

Set up your print composer, and export it as a georeferenced image
Bring this back into your project as use Raster > Conversion > Translate
to export it as a georeferenced PDF

#11 Updated by amedeo fadini over 8 years ago

I'm also interested in this feature: the planned use case is to distribute a PDF map or atlas in PDF format and give to the final user the chance to print the whole map or only the layers of interest.

#12 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

Also available in: Atom PDF