Feature request #779

Python error at startup

Added by cdavila - over 17 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:invalid
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:10838


Both 0.8.1 and 0.9 give an error when program is starting. When it tries to connect python it doesn't find SIP and Qt and so python can't be used. After installing python-sip4 and python-qt4 packages error disappeared.

So, my question is: shouldn't these packages be established as dependencies?


#1 Updated by Martin Dobias over 17 years ago

Yes, you're right, those packages contain files needed by PyQGIS and should be established as dependencies.

However, I'm wondering what error do you get at startup with QGIS 0.8.1 as it doesn't include python bindings.


#2 Updated by cdavila - over 17 years ago

Replying to [comment:1 wonder]:

However, I'm wondering what error do you get at startup with QGIS 0.8.1 as it doesn't include python bindings.


QGIS packages are 0.8.1-3 but both splashscreen and about info show 0.9.0-Preview-1.

Without python-sip4 and python-qt4 error is:

Couldn't load SIP module. Python support will be disabled.

After installing only python-sip4 error is:

Couldn't load PyQt bindings. Python support will be disabled.

#3 Updated by Martin Dobias over 17 years ago

... and from what source do you have the package?

#4 Updated by cdavila - over 17 years ago

Replying to [comment:3 wonder]:

... and from what source do you have the package?


#5 Updated by pcavallini - about 17 years ago

I think it is a packaging problem. Should be solved now.
Could you please check and close it?

#6 Updated by cdavila - about 17 years ago

I'm afraid it's not solved. I have uninstalled python-qt4 and python-sip packages with no warning about any qgis package depending on them. After that, error dialog reappears when starting qgis:

Could not load SIP module

Python support will be diabled

Tested with 0.9.2~rc20080131 packages from debian.gfoss.it

#7 Updated by Paolo Cavallini almost 17 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed
  • Resolution set to invalid

It is not a QGIS bug, but a package one. Forwarding it to packagers, to establish correct dependencies.

#8 Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Milestone Version 0.9.2 deleted

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