Feature request #7750

Topology Checker - Add "Save to" to the results

Added by Marcelo Silva almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Assignee:vinayan Parameswaran
Category:C++ plugins/Topology checker
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:16653


The Topology Checker is a great addition to the QGIS, but it needs a option to save the results.

This need is not important for dealing with small number of shapes, but when you have, like me, to process 1000+ ones, the option to save the error log as a separate log, to deal with later is very important.

Thanks in advance,


#1 Updated by vinayan Parameswaran almost 12 years ago

  • Target version set to Future Release - High Priority
  • Assignee set to vinayan Parameswaran
  • Category set to C++ Plugins

Marcelo, Saving the results to a shapefile makes sense. Since we are in feature freeze, I would add this for 2.1

#2 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 10 years ago

  • Category changed from C++ Plugins to C++ plugins/Topology checker

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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