Bug report #752

Attribute field missing in GRASS modules

Added by leo-lami - over 17 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:Debian Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:10811


When you use a Grass modules that needed information about fields of the table linked to the input vector, the attribute fields are not shown in the module window and you can use it.
Es: v.to.rast.attr, v.to.db, v.distance....

It worked in vers 0.8 and 0.8.1. There were not changes in the GRASS modules.
The bug is present in Linux Debian and Windows.



#1 Updated by Martin Dobias over 17 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Fixed in

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Milestone Version 0.9 deleted

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