Feature request #748

Edit vertices within a polygon, polyline vector layers

Added by John Tull over 17 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Assignee:nobody -
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:10807


It would be of great utility if the vector editing could be enhanced to allow selection of a series of vertices within polygon or polyline vectors. This subset of vertices could be moved, deleted, copied, or cut. This would make editing polygons with many vertices much more efficient than the current approach of selecting one vertex at a time and moving or deleting it.

The functionality would be as if selecting a subset of points in a point vector file, but operations would be on vertices rather than the entire polygon/polyline as is currently the case when trying to select a single vertex.


#1 Updated by springmeyer - over 16 years ago

I just finished a project using the vector editing of qgis0.10.0 on mac osx. Overall I was very impressed and it worked very well, although this ability you mention jctull is definitely one of the features I thought of that would be useful.

#2 Updated by cdavilam - about 16 years ago

QGIS 1.0.0 still lacks this feature that would be really a big improvement for digitizing. Maybe adding the possibility to open a window with the list of vertices in the feature where you could select any given vertex could be an approach to implement this feature.

#3 Updated by Martin Dobias over 15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Added in fb15622b (SVN r10891). Look for node tool in advanced digitizing toolbar.

It resembles a tool for editing paths by nodes that is present in every vector editor. How does it work:
- click on a feature, its nodes will be marked by small rectangles
- clicking and dragging a node moves it
- double clicking a segment will add a new node
- pressing delete key will remove active node
- it's possible to select more active nodes at once: by clicking and dragging a rectangle
- it's possible to select segment's adjacent nodes by clicking on the segment
- it's possible to add/remove active nodes by using Ctrl when clicking a node or dragging a rectangle


#4 Updated by John Tull over 15 years ago

This is a wonderful addition! Great work Richard Kostecky, and a big thanks!

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