Feature request #3986

Support for presenting index.html info about plugins

Added by Chris Crook almost 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No


It would be good if the repository had a feature of looking for an index.html file in the plugin zip file and providing a link to this if it exists. See


Two things that make this a bit difficult are
1) Security - there is not control on the contents of the HTML file
2) References - eg references to images within the index.html file.

Maybe there is a better way of meeting the underlying requirement, which is to be able to provide more comprehensive information about the plugin without installing it.


#1 Updated by Paolo Cavallini over 12 years ago

  • Pull Request or Patch supplied set to No

I think first we should define the structure, and add the feature to the Plugin Builder, then adding it to django should be straightforward.

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