Feature request #2754

Snapping to switched off layers

Added by dr - over 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Assignee:Marco Hugentobler
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:wontfix
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:12814


1. Open two vector layers, for example layer1 and layer2;

2. Settings - Project Properties - Snapping options. Check layer1 and set any tolerance of snapping;

3. Turn off layer1 in TOC. Try to edit layer2. Snapping to switched off layer1 is active.

I suppose it would be good idea to turn off snapping to switched off layers.

snap_only_to_visible.diff Magnifier - Proposed patch (710 Bytes) Alexander Bruy, 2011-04-17 08:23 AM


#1 Updated by Alexander Bruy almost 14 years ago

Here is patch to that implements snapping only to visible layers

#2 Updated by Marco Hugentobler almost 14 years ago

In my opinion, we should not overwrite the snap settings based on the visibility of layers. It would lead to an inconsistent state of the snap settings dialog (where the layer still is marked for snapping).
And it is not totally impossible that a user sets snapping to a non-visible layer. So better separate the properties snappable and visible.

#3 Updated by Marco Hugentobler almost 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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