Feature request #2622

Patch to visualize residuals

Added by Marco Hugentobler almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Assignee:mmassing -
Category:C++ Plugins
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:fixed
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:12682


This patch adds visualisation of the residuals to QgsGCPCanvasItem (red lines). Also, it removes some members in QgsGCPCanvasItems and adds an association to QgsGeorefDataPoint instead (removes small redundancies between those two classes).

Manuel, could you review this patch?


100403_show_residuals.diff Magnifier (11.2 KB) Marco Hugentobler, 2010-04-03 05:29 AM


#1 Updated by mmassing - almost 15 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Commited in 9b1e0b90 (SVN r13230).

Marco, thanks for the patch, cleanups and new features looks good :-) I just applied a minor
correction which flips the resiudals y-axis, needed due to the somewhat idiosyncratic coordinate system used for GCP transforms.

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