Bug report #2418

OGR layer converter errors

Added by Nick Hopton about 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Category:C++ Plugins
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:wontfix
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12478


QGIS 1.4, Vista 32-bit.

Please see here for the background to this problem:


OGR layer converter - when used to convert an ESPG:27700 shapefile to KML errors of about 120 metres occur. The error is consistent with the layer converter not recognising the '+datum=OSGB36' parameter in the parameter string.

In the attached zip: (1) 'Home.kml' a KML file for a line traced in Google Earth. (2) 'Home.shp', the result of loading the KML file into QGIS and saving it as a projected shape file. (3) 'homeconverted.kml', the result of using the layer converter to reconvert the the shape file to KML.

I know that the shape file (2) is correct.

Trying to make a GPX file from the shape file using the layer converter does not work.


testfiles.zip (3.27 KB) Nick Hopton, 2010-02-08 07:45 AM


#1 Updated by Paolo Cavallini almost 14 years ago

  • Resolution set to wontfix
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

The plugin has been removed as per f557e5d6 (SVN r15332)

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