Bug report #21961

Layer Panel display for point data layer unusable.

Added by John Fynn almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Category:Map Legend
Affected QGIS version:3.4.5 Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows 7 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:29776


Layers that display point data (i.e. a symbol denoting that one of our properties has been sold) display in an extremely expanded way that makes the layer unusable. These layers displayed perfectly OK in 2.18 but not in 3.45.

If I right click on the layer and select properties then just click on Apply the display reverts to normal. If I then interact with the layer in any way (i.e deselect a category) The layer immediately expands so that it is useless - please see attached file with images.

Normal layer display.png (12.7 KB) Saber Razmjooei, 2019-05-01 09:44 AM

Expanded layer display.png (9.78 KB) Saber Razmjooei, 2019-05-01 09:44 AM

TreeDataCategorization.png (58.2 KB) John Fynn, 2019-05-01 11:46 AM

TreeDataLayerPanelAfter.png (9.87 KB) John Fynn, 2019-05-01 11:46 AM

TreeDataLayerPanelBefore.png (18.1 KB) John Fynn, 2019-05-01 11:46 AM

LayerTestProperties.csv Magnifier (244 KB) John Fynn, 2019-05-02 02:53 PM

Housing_v3_4_5_bug_test.qgs.qgz (4.79 KB) John Fynn, 2019-05-02 02:53 PM

Screenshot_20190502_142735.png (446 KB) Giovanni Manghi, 2019-05-02 03:27 PM


#1 Updated by Alessandro Pasotti almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

I recommend you to attach a sample project and data that the developers can use to reproduce your issue.

#2 Updated by Saber Razmjooei almost 6 years ago

  • File deleted (Point data layer display images.docx)

#4 Updated by John Fynn almost 6 years ago

Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample project as recommended. Since discovering this bug I have created a new project and added a single point data layer which behaves in exactly the same way. I have also applied categorization and rule-based to the symbology with the same effects - see uploaded TreeData files

#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Category changed from Unknown to Map Legend
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

John Fynn wrote:

Our ICT are not keen on sharing our data publicly so I may not be able to attached a sample project as recommended. Since discovering this bug I have created a new project and added a single point data layer which behaves in exactly the same way. I have also applied categorization and rule-based to the symbology with the same effects - see uploaded TreeData files

there is of course something going on with your symbology (some property of your symbology, maybe a data defined one?) and the qgis legend, can't you put together a sample project and symbology made of a small set of fa«ke data?

#6 Updated by John Fynn almost 6 years ago

I've attached a copy of the project and csv point data file if that is of any use.

#7 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

John Fynn wrote:

I've attached a copy of the project and csv point data file if that is of any use.

I cannot replicate. Please note that the project you sent has issue of its own (not sure if related to the issue you reported):

1) the project uses an absolute path for the CSV datasource, to open on other machines the project file must be manually edited.

2) after fixing 1) the project opens, the layer load but but no points will show

3) manually loading the CSV as delimited text datasource will show the points, but the CRS for them is likely to be 27700 and not 4326 as in your project

4) copy all the properties of the layer in your project and pasting them to the layer loaded in 3) will make it disappear. If only the symbology is copy/pasted then the points will continue to show indicating that in the properties of the layer in your project there is something weird (I wasn't able to idenitfy it) that maked the points now render on the map

5) I wasn't able to replicate the original issue that you reported: the symbol in the legend never expands as in the picture you attached

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