Bug report #21523

QGis 3.6 Saga, every raster function fail

Added by Andreas Olsson almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:3.6.0 Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows 10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:duplicate
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:29339


DTM filter and other filters fail with generating output.

Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'Dtm filter (slope-based)' starting…
Input parameters: { 'GROUND' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'INPUT' : 'C:/Users/AndreasO/OneDrive - JVAB/Projekt_2016/Sjödalsvägen/GIS/5D_scannad_filledNoData_clipped.tif', 'NONGROUND' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'RADIUS' : 2, 'STDDEV ' : True, 'TERRAINSLOPE' : 30 }

io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/e672120c6f714808af71a353384269d5/5DscannadfilledNoDataclipped.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/AndreasO/OneDrive - JVAB/Projekt_2016/Sjödalsvägen/GIS/5D_scannad_filledNoData_clipped.tif"
grid_filter "DTM Filter (slope-based)" -INPUT "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/e672120c6f714808af71a353384269d5/5DscannadfilledNoDataclipped.sgrd" -RADIUS 2 -TERRAINSLOPE 30.0 -STDDEV true -GROUND "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/13cae3e1de504b22be375879a3501c73/GROUND.sdat"
grid_filter "DTM Filter (slope-based)" -INPUT "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/e672120c6f714808af71a353384269d5/5DscannadfilledNoDataclipped.sgrd" -RADIUS 2 -TERRAINSLOPE 30.0 -STDDEV true -GROUND "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/13cae3e1de504b22be375879a3501c73/GROUND.sdat" -NONGROUND "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/5afcff7b274c442eb757e46ecdf56574/NONGROUND.sdat"

C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.6\bin>set SAGA=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.6/apps\saga-ltr

C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.6\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.6/apps\saga-ltr\modules


C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.6\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/e672120c6f714808af71a353384269d5/5DscannadfilledNoDataclipped.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/AndreasO/OneDrive - JVAB/Projekt_2016/Sjödalsvägen/GIS/5D_scannad_filledNoData_clipped.tif"
Execution completed in 10.61 seconds
Results: {'GROUND': 'C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/13cae3e1de504b22be375879a3501c73/GROUND.sdat',
'NONGROUND': 'C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/5afcff7b274c442eb757e46ecdf56574/NONGROUND.sdat'}

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/13cae3e1de504b22be375879a3501c73/GROUND.sdat</li><li>C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/5afcff7b274c442eb757e46ecdf56574/NONGROUND.sdat</li><li>C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/5dac07bc9d494d8d9282635a7e2c9885/GROUND.sdat</li><li>C:/Users/AndreasO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_18e63b827cdf4548a4fc71fca54afcdb/dca56f1964614e50977ea5f22c3c3978/NONGROUND.sdat</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.

Related issues

Related to QGIS Application - Bug report #21530: error at the end of SAGA logs Open 2019-03-08


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Category changed from Analysis library to Processing/SAGA
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

I can't confirm with "DTM filter" and a DTM of my own. I also tried other tools.

Actually in QGIS 3.6 Processing log when SAGA finishes the following appears

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_78672142d2a448ee80c46f3c600901c9/0f148c064e624b7e815a936a301e85a3/C_GENE.sdat</li><li>C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_78672142d2a448ee80c46f3c600901c9/65c98a4ab4f047c99b8ddec8093d9d84/SLOPE.sdat</li><li>C:/Users/qgis/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_78672142d2a448ee80c46f3c600901c9/f36ee388fb4340c181b64c2e56f0e081/ASPECT.sdat</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.

but the results are loaded anyway.

Is this you are observing?

#2 Updated by Alexander Bruy almost 6 years ago

#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

yes, it seems that in 3.6 SAGA always throws an error at the end of the log, but outputs are generated.

#4 Updated by Andreas Olsson almost 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

yes, it seems that in 3.6 SAGA always throws an error at the end of the log, but outputs are generated.

Can’t find any output when I specified where to save it and what to name it.

#5 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

Andreas Olsson wrote:

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

yes, it seems that in 3.6 SAGA always throws an error at the end of the log, but outputs are generated.

Can’t find any output when I specified where to save it and what to name it.

I tested on 3.6 on Windows and Linux, if outputs are defined to a specific path and file name then they are created despite the final message in the log.

#6 Updated by Andreas Olsson almost 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

Andreas Olsson wrote:

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

yes, it seems that in 3.6 SAGA always throws an error at the end of the log, but outputs are generated.

Can’t find any output when I specified where to save it and what to name it.

I tested on 3.6 on Windows and Linux, if outputs are defined to a specific path and file name then they are created despite the final message in the log.

Well, I didn’t find any files so where did they go?

#7 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

Well, I didn’t find any files so where did they go?

post/attach the input you are using and the tool you are using, thanks.

#8 Updated by Andreas Olsson almost 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

Well, I didn’t find any files so where did they go?

post/attach the input you are using and the tool you are using, thanks.

The geoTif is larger than 5mb, there’s a limit here.

#9 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 6 years ago

The geoTif is larger than 5mb, there’s a limit here.

you can add a link to a dropbox/google drive/etc folder?

#10 Updated by Andreas Olsson almost 6 years ago

Giovanni Manghi wrote:

The geoTif is larger than 5mb, there’s a limit here.

you can add a link to a dropbox/google drive/etc folder?

It seems it was an old friend that was the trouble.
After warping the raster to the same crs it was already in things worked out.

I remember i had a similar solution to another problem earlier.

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