Bug report #2127

NG Symbol property color change freezes qgis

Added by John Tull over 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Assignee:Martin Dobias
Affected QGIS version: Regression?:No
Operating System:OS X Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied: Resolution:invalid
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: Copied to github as #:12187


On my OS X machine with qt-4.6, trying to change the color for a vector layer using ng-symbology's is freezing the application. Upon further testing, it appears to be an intermittent issue. For example, changing the fill color on a polygon layer will work, from the "Change" button on the main symbology window. But opening the Properties dialog and changing the color from the Symbol properties dialog will cause the freeze. This makes it impossible to create new symbol styles or do more than change the fill color for the default polygon symbol.


#1 Updated by John Tull about 15 years ago

I built qgis from trunk on ubuntu 9.10 with qt-4.6.0rc, and there were no problems with the color selector. It appears that this is an OS X only issue.

#2 Updated by John Tull about 15 years ago

I believe this might be a qt error, although I am not entirely confident of this. What is still bothering me is why it occurs for some color pick operations, but not others. E.g., changing polygon or line colors in old symbology has not impact, but changes in the style manager cause the hang.


#3 Updated by John Tull about 15 years ago

  • Resolution set to invalid
  • Status changed from Open to Closed

I built qt-4.6 from the git repository, and the bug no longer occurs. Scratch this up to a qt bug that will be fixed by the time they release qt-4.6. I've marked this as an invalid bug as it is not related to qgis code.

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