Bug report #19887

print / display PostGIS Raster in QGIS map composer

Added by Holger Naumann over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Category:Map Composer/Printing
Affected QGIS version:3.2.2 Regression?:No
Operating System:OpenSuse Leap 15, Windows 10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:27711


No raster are shown in map composer, if the source of the raster is a postgis database. Printing to tiff in the composer shows also just the vector data of the project. Exporting to tiff inside the map window of QGIS works.

I use the dtk100 Maps from https://www.lvermgeo.sachsen-anhalt.de/de/dtk100-grau.html
I put is into a database (PostgreSQL 10.3 with Postgis 2.4.4)

raster2pgsql -s 4647 -N 0 -I -C -M *.tif -F -t auto -l 5,10,50,100,200 dtk100.dtk100sw > dtk100sw.sql

qgis_layout.png - Map Composer (198 KB) Holger Naumann, 2018-09-19 08:05 AM

qgis_kartenfenster.png - Map Window (278 KB) Holger Naumann, 2018-09-19 08:06 AM

qgis_version.png - used version (95.9 KB) Holger Naumann, 2018-09-19 08:13 AM

qgis_db_verwaltung.png - Map preview (279 KB) Holger Naumann, 2018-09-19 08:13 AM

qgis_db_verwaltung2.png - Map metadata (197 KB) Holger Naumann, 2018-09-19 08:15 AM


#1 Updated by Holger Naumann over 6 years ago

I test it under Windows 10 with Version 3.2.2 and Leap 15 with 3.2.3.

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