Bug report #19495

QGis 2 could import layers from projects accessed on an apache server through a http url, QGis 3 cannot and crashes

Added by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:3.2.1 Regression?:No
Operating System:Windows 10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:up/downstream
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:Yes Copied to github as #:27323



I have a local web server with Apache/php, running php code which builds qgis projects according to some data stored within a wiki page (master application is mediawiki), and allows online access to the qgs file through http protocol.

When using QGis 2 I could import layers from these online projects (Menu Layer, "Importer des couches et des groupes" in French, and providing the url as file location).

I join 3 screen captures to explain the steps :
Step 1 on picture menu_selection.jpg : menu is selected
Step 2 on picture web_project_selection.jpg : url of file is provided as file name
Step 3 on picture layer_selection.jpg : layers of project are correctly displayed

With QGis 3 the file selection windows vanishes and QGis window as well as soon as the url is provided, the windows can be displayed back by clicking on the applications start bar but the process is crashed and displayed windows are in fact completely idle.

The project provided online is a QGis 2 project. Unortunately it cannot be accessed outside of a protected network, any external check is impossible...

Is there a way to fix this problem ?
It is not critical because I just have to download the project on drive and acces layers from this physical copy but it leaves many unwanted files after the process.

Thanks for any help

menu_selection.jpg - Content of file is explained in text (324 KB) Yves NEDELEC, 2018-07-26 12:02 PM

layer_selection.jpg - Content of file is explained in text (314 KB) Yves NEDELEC, 2018-07-26 12:02 PM

web_project_selection.jpg - Content of file is explained in text (413 KB) Yves NEDELEC, 2018-07-26 12:02 PM

layer_selection_v3.jpg (360 KB) Yves NEDELEC, 2018-07-30 03:44 PM


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Crashes QGIS or corrupts data changed from No to Yes

#2 Updated by Richard Robson over 6 years ago


#3 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

Richard Robson wrote:

I'm endeavoring to utilize Qgis2threejs with a PolygonZ shapefile where each point in the polygons can contain diverse qualities assignment help uk. The polygons speak to houses which can have askew rooftops. I know Qgis2threejs as of now doesn't bolster these sort of shapefiles. In any case, I hadn't anticipated that QGIS would crash.

is this comment for real or is spam?

#4 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

seems to be a spam (mail address and link are suspect...)

#5 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

My description if context is wrong : the file provided online is a QGis v3 project and not v2 (I've forgotten I had to upgrade the project because a QGis internal integrity check in connection to Postgresql doesn't allow a duplicate key for temporary record, and in my process a pg trigger changes insert with replace when commiting).

As a consequence it seems that the issue described in this report #19495 cannot be solved by changing the version of the online file.
Y. Nedelec

#6 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

I saw on picture layer_selection.jpg that a temporary file is stored in inetcache (C:/Users/yves.nedelec/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/IE/4QTX8K48/download_qgis_creation1.php), this temporary file is the project file provided online.
It appears that this physically stored file can be used by version 3 to insert a layer (as can be seen on layer_selection_v3.jpg attached to this comment). The name is only reformatted by replacing / by \, the cache directory is different between the to pictures because the test was completely reedited today with versions 2 and 3).

So there seems to be a process corruption or loss when or before the access to this temporary inet file is passed (if it is still managed in version 3) to the layer selection window, which never appears...

#7 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

very unlikley we will be able to test this scenario locally (at least for me).

#8 Updated by Nyall Dawson over 6 years ago

Agreed - without access to the troublesome server this will be almost impossible to fix. You may need to engage a local qgis support provider to investigate if the data cannot be made available publically.

#9 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

Unfortunately I won't be able to use a public server for further investigations in the short term
If the opportunity appears I'll post informations...
Thanks for your kind interest

#10 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

I installed the dev version and used Debugview

Debugview recorded these last elements related to the issue :

[8360] Warning: Unable to create a local copy of QShellItem(attributes=0x400004 [stream], normalDisplay="", desktopAbsoluteParsing=""", url=QUrl(
[8104] shell\lib\bindctx.cpp(1144)\explorerframe.dll!00007FFB358F8EA4: (caller: 00007FFB359405AE) ReturnHr[PreRelease](68) tid(23c8) 80070057 Paramètre incorrect.
[8104] shell\lib\bindctx.cpp(1144)\explorerframe.dll!00007FFB358F8EA4: (caller: 00007FFB359405AE) ReturnHr[PreRelease](69) tid(23c8) 80070057 Paramètre incorrect.
[8104] shell\lib\bindctx.cpp(1144)\explorerframe.dll!00007FFB358F8EA4: (caller: 00007FFB359405AE) ReturnHr[PreRelease](70) tid(23c8) 80070057 Paramètre incorrect.
[8104] shell\lib\bindctx.cpp(1144)\explorerframe.dll!00007FFB358F8EA4: (caller: 00007FFB359405AE) ReturnHr[PreRelease](71) tid(23c8) 80070057 Paramètre incorrect.

It seems to look like a bug of Qt...

#11 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

Solved with Qt 5.9.4 if I understand well...

#12 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

Closing as is an upstream bug?

#13 Updated by Yves NEDELEC over 6 years ago

As there is an alternative which allows to wait for an upgrade of Qt, I guess it can be closed.

#14 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 6 years ago

  • Resolution set to up/downstream
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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