Bug report #17194
Several SAGA tools do not load on QGIS/Processing start
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | High | ||
Assignee: | |||
Category: | Processing/SAGA | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.18.13 | Regression?: | Yes |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | fixed/implemented |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 25093 |
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: AddGridValuestoPoints.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: AddGridValuestoShapes.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: AnalyticalHierarchyProcess.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: ArtificialNeuralNetworkClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: BioclimaticVariables.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: BoostingClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: CategoricalCoincidence.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: ClusterAnalysisforGrids.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: CoveredDistance.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: DecisionTreeClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: FastRegionGrowingAlgorithm.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: FuzzyIntersection(AND).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: FuzzyUnion(OR).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GeographicallyWeightedMultipleRegression(PointsGrids).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GridsProduct.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GridsSum.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GridStatisticsforPoints.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GridStatisticsforPolygons.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: GridValuestoPoints.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: ISODATAClusteringforGrids.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: K-MeansClusteringforGrids.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: K-NearestNeighboursClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: Layerofextremevalue.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: MaximumEntropyPresencePrediction.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: MergeLayers.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: Mosaicking.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: Multi-BandVariation.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: MultipleRegressionAnalysis(PointsandPredictorGrids).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: MultipleRegressionAnalysis(PointsGrids).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: NormalBayesClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: OrderedWeightedAveraging(OWA).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: OrdinaryKriging(Global).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: RandomForestClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: RandomForestPresencePrediction(ViGrA).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: RegressionKriging.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: RiverGridGeneration.txt
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 3: ordinal not in range(128)
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: SeedGeneration.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: StatisticsforGrids.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: SupervisedClassification.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: SupervisedClassificationforGrids.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: SupportVectorMachineClassification(OpenCV).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:29 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: SVMClassification.txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:30 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: UniversalKriging(Global).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
2017-09-25T11:19:30 2 Could not open SAGA algorithm: ZonalMultipleRegressionAnalysis(PointsandPredictorGrids).txt
ParameterMultipleInput instance has no attribute 'type'
Related issues
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago
was ok until 2.18.12
Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 7 years ago
- Resolution set to fixed/implemented
- Status changed from Open to Closed
Fixed here: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5252
Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 7 years ago
- Duplicated by Bug report #17190: In QGIS 2.18.13 SAGA ‘Raster values to points’ is a no show in Processing added