Bug report #16287
New SpatiaLite layer creates incompatible layer
Status: | Closed | ||
Priority: | Normal | ||
Assignee: | - | ||
Category: | Data Provider/SpatiaLite | ||
Affected QGIS version: | 2.18.4 | Regression?: | No |
Operating System: | Easy fix?: | No | |
Pull Request or Patch supplied: | No | Resolution: | not reproducable |
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data: | No | Copied to github as #: | 24197 |
It is possible to create a new SpatiaLite layer via dialog, still it produces an error message. Also it is not possible to add the new layer via "Add SpatiaLite Layers" dialog. If it is added via OGR, it is not editable. Created DB and layer passes spatialite> .checkgeom without any errors (except of being empty).
src/app/qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.cpp: 364: (apply) [13185ms] Creating table in database /home/maris/soft/grass_trunk/point_sample.sqlite src/app/qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.cpp: 366: (apply) [0ms] create table "my_points"(pkuid integer primary key autoincrement,"description" text) src/app/qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.cpp: 373: (apply) [0ms] select AddGeometryColumn('my_points','geometry',3059,'POINT',2) src/app/qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.cpp: 378: (apply) [0ms] select CreateSpatialIndex('my_points','geometry') src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp: 377: (provider) [3028ms] Library name is /home/maris/soft/qgis_bin/lib/qgis/plugins/libspatialiteprovider.so src/providers/spatialite/qgsspatialiteconnection.cpp: 736: (openDb) [1ms] New sqlite connection for /home/maris/soft/grass_trunk/point_sample.sqlite src/providers/spatialite/qgsspatialiteconnection.cpp: 757: (openDb) [6ms] Connection to the database was successful src/core/qgsmessagelog.cpp: 45: (logMessage) [0ms] 2017-03-05T12:42:13 SpatiaLite[1] SQLite kļūda: no such column: type SQL: SELECT type, srid, spatial_index_enabled, coord_dimension FROM geometry_columns WHERE upper(f_table_name) = upper('my_points') and upper(f_geometry_column) = upper('geometry') src/providers/spatialite/qgsspatialiteprovider.cpp: 562: (QgsSpatiaLiteProvider) [3ms] Invalid SpatiaLite layer src/core/qgsproviderregistry.cpp: 399: (provider) [1ms] Instantiated the data provider plugin: spatialite src/core/qgsvectorlayer.cpp: 1733: (setDataProvider) [0ms] Instantiated the data provider plugin src/core/qgsvectorlayer.cpp: 1738: (setDataProvider) [0ms] Invalid provider plugin dbname='/home/maris/soft/grass_trunk/point_sample.sqlite' table='my_points'(geometry) sql= src/app/qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.cpp: 438: (apply) [0ms] my_points is an invalid layer - not loaded
QGIS versija 2.18.4
QGIS koda revīzija d79bb3a0f3
Kompilēts priekš Qt 4.8.7
Darbina ar Qt 4.8.7
Kompilēts priekš GDAL/OGR 2.0.3
Darbina ar GDAL/OGR 2.0.3
Kompilēts priekš GEOS 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1
Darbina ar GEOS 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1 r0
PostgreSQL klienta versija 9.4.9
SpatiaLite versija 4.3.0a
QWT versija 5.2.3
PROJ.4 versija 492
QScintilla2 versija 2.9.4
Šī QGIS kopija raksta atkļūdošanas informāciju.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Feedback
Please attach sample data and exact steps to replicate. I cannot replicate here with sample data I use for tests.
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
- Resolution set to not reproducable
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Closing for lack of feedback, please reopen if necessary.