Feature request #15954

Diagrams: Being able to create a categorized histogram (showing quantity and quality)

Added by Harrissou Santanna about 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:23870


This is originally inspired by this request (in french, but full of screenshots): http://www.forumsig.org/showthread.php/43135-Histogramme-cat%C3%A9goris%C3%A9

Trying to summarize: the aim is to create a histogram that could help to compare evolution of both quantity and quality. Let's take the example of analysis of nitrate production for years (2012-2015).

gid site year2012 year2013 year2014 year2015
1 foo 6 12 22 22
2 bar 11 5 8 10
3 baz 5 17 21 16
Also according to the quantity, there's a classification of the site quality :
  • quantity<=10 --> Good quality
  • 10<quantity<=16 --> Bad quality
  • quantity>16 --> Very bad quality

Currently, I can display a histogram showing for each site the quantity of nitrates reported each year.
This feature request is to be able to also display the quality (eg. green, yellow, red), so that the histogram would easily present to any reader the evolution of the quality of the site at the same time.

As you could see in the linked discussion, there's a workaround using symbols placement and offset but not user-friendly at all.
An idea of implementation could be to allow expression-based color for assigned attributes.


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago

  • Easy fix? set to No

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