Bug report #15748

Processing: Log tab in processing dialog misses text in between angled brackets (<>)

Added by Martijn Verkleij over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Assignee:Victor Olaya
Affected QGIS version:2.18.0 Regression?:No
Operating System:Linux, Windows Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:23670


For some reason, text in between angled brackets disappears completely from log output found in the processing execution dialog.

This behavior was observed on QGIS 2.18, on both Windows and Ubuntu.

A model file is supplied to demonstrate the problem. The steps found below have been executed with this model.


1. Create a model, include a raster calculator and build a conditional query with angle brackets: (A<50)*A*2+A*2*(A>=50)+(A<-9999)*0
2. Execute the algorithm. The output of a run I did is included hereafter: (see also the included picture for a marked one)

Algorithm demonstration_angle_brackets starting...
Running Raster calculator [1/1]
Parameters: INPUT_A =||REDACTED||, BAND_A =1, INPUT_B =None, BAND_B =1, INPUT_C =None, BAND_C =1, INPUT_D =None, BAND_D =1, INPUT_E =None, BAND_E =1, INPUT_F =None, BAND_F =1, FORMULA =(A=50)+(A=, RTYPE =1, EXTRA =
GDAL command:
gdal_calc.py --calc "(A=50)+(A
GDAL command output:
0 .. 10 .. 20 .. 30 .. 40 .. 50 .. 60 .. 70 .. 80 .. 90 .. 100 - Done 
Converting outputs
OK. Execution took 0.250 ms (1 outputs).
Model processed ok. Executed 1 algorithms total
Converting outputs
Loading resulting layers
Algorithm demonstration_angle_brackets finished

3. Observe that in log output, the calculation reportedly executed is "(A=50)+(A", which is different from what was entered in the model before. Furthermore, the reported gdal_translate command is truncated altogether, which suggests that text sent to output is simply truncated from an open angle backet (<) onward.

4. Observe that the resulting raster map was calculated correctly.

demo_angle_brackets.model - Example model that demonstrates the bug (3.6 KB) Martijn Verkleij, 2016-10-24 09:08 AM

Screenshot_from_2016-10-24_18-05-37.png - Screenshot that highlights the glitched out output (83.9 KB) Martijn Verkleij, 2016-10-24 09:08 AM

Associated revisions

Revision 3c8c509c
Added by Victor Olaya over 8 years ago

[processing] replace greater than and lower than characters in log

fixes #15748


#1 Updated by Victor Olaya over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

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