Feature request #11149

Checkbox to active/deactivate all plugins

Added by João Gaspar over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Assignee:Borys Jurgiel
Category:Plugin Manager
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:19476


Hi, i'm wondering if it's possible to add a type of checkbox to activate and deactivate all plugins.

In this way we avoid check/uncheck one by one because sometimes we have a lot of plugins.

I customize a print screen in GIMP to show you a draft image.


Screenshot-1.png (112 KB) João Gaspar, 2014-09-06 02:53 AM


#1 Updated by Matthias Kuhn over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

What is the use-case?
There is also the option --noplugins.

#2 Updated by João Gaspar over 10 years ago

Hi Mathias, sorry for my delay in the answer.

I think the purpose of --noplugins don't load the plugins and you need to close and open session (I think...). In this case, is a possibility of activate/deactivate all of plugins in the current session.

Another thing, can you confirm this behavior:

When we do qgis --no plugins (in my case QGIS Chugiak 2.5 Linux Mint), the qgis don't load the plugins but in the plugin manager they appear with checked and/unchecked like the previous session of a normal start with plugins. This is suppose to be like that? The idea of --noplugins is not load the plugins and not appear in the plugin manager?

Best Regards,

#3 Updated by Borys Jurgiel over 10 years ago

Do you mean activate and deactivate all plugins INITIALLY ACTIVE I hope? :) I don't see any use in enabling all INSTALLED plugins.
Well, I'd rather label it just "Deactivate all plugins", and when checked, all the checked plugins become "half-checked" and the plugin list is grayed out. This way we indicate it's just temporary change and it doesn't change the configuration. Well, I'm still not convinced to that idea. Neither enabling too many plugins nor disabling them all looks convenient to me. If you need many plugins for various jobs, I'd rather create multiple QGIS configurations with different sets of activated plugins and run QGIS with --optionpath parameter (simplified to bash aliases or desktop icons). This way you only have a few or a dozen plugins necessary for given job type.

Another solution is to make a very simple plugin that does exactly what you want. I try to keep the Plugin Manager simple and clean, so I'd avoid adding such checkboxes unless majority of the community find it useful. But if they do, we can add it :)

About --noplugins and checked checkboxes: yes, it's intentional. The purpose is to be able to deactivate a broken plugin which crashes QGIS (so there is no other clicked way to disable it).

#4 Updated by João Gaspar over 10 years ago

Hi Borys,

thank you for your feedback.

And i understand perfectly your point of view.

I'm giving first steps in Python and PyQGIS :)

What can i do about this ticket? Is to close? How i proceed?

Best Regards

#5 Updated by Borys Jurgiel over 10 years ago

If you agree with me, yes please, you can close it. I assume, you're able (as the ticket author) to change the Status to Closed. Otherwise I can do it.

#6 Updated by João Gaspar over 10 years ago

Please close it for me. I don't see any button to change the status in my update box.

Perhaps i don't have permission to do it.

Thank you.

#7 Updated by Borys Jurgiel over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

Done. It's why I wasn't sure, though people should be able to close tickets they opened :)

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