Bug report #10772

core dump on loading project - fix broken PostGIS layer

Added by Gavin Fleming over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Category:Project Loading/Saving
Affected QGIS version:master Regression?:No
Operating System: Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:worksforme
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:Yes Copied to github as #:19154


I opened a project that had a missing PostGIS layer. The dialog to fix the broken layer came up and immediately, QGIS crashed.

Warning: Loading a file that was saved with an older version of qgis (saved in 2.3.0-Master, loaded in 2.5.0-Master). Problems may occur.
QGIS died on signal 11Could not attach to process.  If your uid matches the uid of the target
process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try
again as the root user.  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
ptrace: Operation not permitted.
No thread selected
No stack.
gdb returned 0
Aborted (core dumped)

So I ran QGIS as root, I could fix the layer without crashing. Thereafter the project opened fine running QGIS as my user again.

QGIS version 2.5.0-Master QGIS code revision exported
Compiled against Qt 4.8.6 Running against Qt 4.8.6
Compiled against GDAL/OGR 1.11.0 Running against GDAL/OGR 1.11.0
Compiled against GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 Running against GEOS 3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
PostgreSQL Client Version 9.3.4 SpatiaLite Version 4.1.1
QWT Version 5.2.3 PROJ.4 Version 480
QScintilla2 Version


#1 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

  • Category set to Project Loading/Saving
  • Affected QGIS version changed from 2.4.0 to master
  • Status changed from Open to Feedback

I see that you are using master, does this happen also on 2.4?

#2 Updated by Giovanni Manghi over 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Crashes QGIS or corrupts data changed from No to Yes

#3 Updated by Matthias Kuhn over 10 years ago

Is there a particular reason why you think that running as root would have changed something?

The main reason I can think of is a configuration issue.
Can you try to move your .qgis2 folder to another location temporarily so you start with a clean configuration from scratch and then check if you still get a crash.

#4 Updated by Jürgen Fischer over 10 years ago

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

closing for the lack of feedback ("try again as the root user" is an unrelated message from gdb, when trying to attach to the qgis process after the crash fails)

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