Lorenzo Pini

  • Registered on: 2017-09-13
  • Last connection: 2018-05-09


Reported issues: 2


11:07 AM QGIS Application Bug report #18929: Service url cannot include custom query parameters
Errata, WMS and WFS are working, the issue is only with WCS.
Tested with 3.0.2 too.


02:12 PM QGIS Application Bug report #18929 (Open): Service url cannot include custom query parameters
Adding new services (WCS, WMS, WFS) the url cannot contain any custom parameter.
If a custom parameter is added, Q...


05:06 PM QGIS Application Bug report #17134 (Closed): PRJ Files parsing error in Shapefiles
The attached Shapefiles have the same data, just with switched axis order.
Axis order is switched in the prj files t...

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