pmcdermott -
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2011-06-04
Reported issues: 2
- 07:49 AM QGIS Application Bug report #1247: Failed assertion in ggsclipper.h
- Sorry, it was some time ago now, so I have completely re-built the
offending project
- 05:55 AM QGIS Application Bug report #1247 (Closed): Failed assertion in ggsclipper.h
- Started QGIS. Opened a project which I had created and worked on before. QGIS crashes with an assertion failure (deta...
- 04:43 AM QGIS Application Bug report #1244 (Closed): QGIS should warn/disallow selecting shapefiles that contain spaces
- QGIS should either warn or disallow selecting shapefiles which contain spaces in "Add a Vector Layer", and explain wh...
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