Jorge Santos


Reported issues: 5


11:14 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16519 (Rejected): Processing: error when to trying to reproject layer
In QGIS 2.18.7, when I trying to reproject a single raster, I get the following error:
Algorithm Warp (reproject) ...


03:44 PM QGIS Application Bug report #16366 (Closed): error with pit remove algorithm in QGIS 2.18.4
When I run the TauDEM's Pit Remove algorithm in latest version (2.18.4) I get following error: *global name 'escapeAn...


10:26 AM QGIS Application Bug report #14836: Processing: checkbox list in wrong order in Modeler
I'm not sure. Please see the attached files. The box shows in right order (QGIS 2.0 Dufour).
10:26 AM QGIS Application Bug report #14836: Processing: checkbox list in wrong order in Modeler
I'm not sure. Please see the attached files. The box shows in right order (QGIS 2.0 Dufour).


07:24 PM QGIS Application Bug report #14836 (Closed): Processing: checkbox list in wrong order in Modeler
When running a model in the processing framework that produces a stack of bands as input (Band1, Band2, Band3...) The...


02:02 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13014: Processing: OGR Convert Format fails to convert KML to Shapefile
Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> in your kml file the "name" tag contains a layer name in the form of "PONTO1.kml" while it s...
01:43 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13014: Processing: OGR Convert Format fails to convert KML to Shapefile
Thanks, Jukka/Giovanni. Here goes.
12:10 PM QGIS Application Bug report #13014 (Closed): Processing: OGR Convert Format fails to convert KML to Shapefile
There's a crash when I'm trying to convert data form KML to ESRI Shapefile. No outtput file was produced. QGIS 2.8.2 ...


07:52 PM QGIS Application Bug report #12226 (Closed): Tool description vanishes when exchange the default theme
When I trying to exchange any theme in QGIS Master on Ubuntu 14.04 (Windows, Cleanlooks, Plastique...) all tooltips i...

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