From 2009-09-15 to 2009-10-14
02:35 PM Feature request #1317 (Feedback): Canceling all when loading project with broken links
- Switch to native dialogs broke "cancel all" functionality
02:35 PM Feature request #1317 (Feedback): Canceling all when loading project with broken links
- Switch to native dialogs broke "cancel all" functionality
08:50 AM Bug report #2010 (Closed): wrong values inserted on the table
- If I try to add values with decimals in the last column of the attached table, I get weird results. If the same value...
05:47 AM Bug report #2007: Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with DBF backend
- Thanks! Tested - now works just fine. Sorry for confusing description - at first I was using localised QGIS version a...
04:52 AM Bug report #2007 (Closed): Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with...
- Replying to "marisn":/issues/show/2007:
> * Open attribute table;
> * Open query builder;
Ouch, sorry, totally mis... -
04:52 AM Bug report #2007 (Closed): Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with...
- Replying to "marisn":/issues/show/2007:
> * Open attribute table;
> * Open query builder;
Ouch, sorry, totally mis... -
04:27 AM Bug report #2007: Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with DBF backend
- With your sample data and you SQL clause I get 3 (correct) results, so I cannot confirm the problem.
Using qgis trun... -
02:17 AM Bug report #2007: Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with DBF backend
- Good news - it's NOT an GDAL/OGR bug but a QGIS bug :) Tested with 1.6.2 ogrinfo -where and -sql options - OGR return...
04:24 PM Bug report #2009 (Closed): OGR Database Connection MySQL
- Cannot connect QGIS to a [[MySQL]] database. Steps to reproduce: Select "add vector layer". Select "database" under s...
02:35 PM Bug report #2008 (Closed): print composer grid feature freezes qgis if the test layer is not in a...
- See summary. Tested under ubuntu 9.04, qgis trunk and a few simple shapefiles used singularly.
01:11 PM Bug report #2007: Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with DBF backend
- Not replicable here too.
11:37 AM Bug report #2007: Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with DBF backend
- not reproducable here. QGIS uses OGR to access shapefiles and uses "OGR SQL": to que...
09:41 AM Bug report #2007 (Closed): Query builders LIKE statement treats every string like '%string%' with...
- Steps to reproduce:
* Open Shapefile;
* Open attribute table;
* Open query builder;
* Create following query:... -
08:07 AM Bug report #2006 (Closed): Python: cannot connect SIGNAL canvasClicked with a function
- the latter works. The problem is that your tool is destroyed before you get a chance to use it. Following works:
<... -
08:07 AM Bug report #2006 (Closed): Python: cannot connect SIGNAL canvasClicked with a function
- the latter works. The problem is that your tool is destroyed before you get a chance to use it. Following works:
<... -
06:56 AM Bug report #2006 (Closed): Python: cannot connect SIGNAL canvasClicked with a function
- I cannot connect SIGNAL canvasClicked anymore (QGIS 1.3.0)
QObject.connect(emitPoint, SIGNAL("canvasClicked( ... -
02:50 AM Feature request #1413: Add multi-layer selection in the legend
- +1
Really need this feature
10:45 AM Bug report #2005 (Closed): interpolation plugin crashes QGIS
- TIN interpolation using lines (not points) from the attached shp crashes QGIS:
Fatal: ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::... -
10:09 AM Bug report #2004 (Closed): does not have a directory browser button
- The GRASS module is useful to convert a bunch of files in the same directory. It would be much more usef...
09:58 AM Bug report #2003 (Closed): crash when refreshing layer list if this contains unclean vectors
- When reloading the layers lists from the GRASS Browser, QGIS crashes if the list contains an unclean vector:
terminat... -
09:58 AM Bug report #2002 (Closed): GRASS commands with single '' instead of ""
- fixed in commit:3338ac60 (SVN r11800)
09:58 AM Bug report #2002 (Closed): GRASS commands with single '' instead of ""
- fixed in commit:3338ac60 (SVN r11800)
09:38 AM Bug report #2002 (Closed): GRASS commands with single '' instead of ""
- In the GRASS output, GRASS commands (e.g. -o 'dsn=/home/paolo/Desktop/Dati_corso_QGIS/fiumi-princ.shp' outpu...
04:34 AM Bug report #1757: Raster drop down dialog "files of type" too wide
- Hi,
this situation after rev 11795 is getting worst. In fact at 1680x1050 the dialog is some way still usable (see t... -
03:34 AM Bug report #2001 (Closed): Postgis Manager notes for enhancements/bug fixes
- *) enhancement: when loading data from shapefiles, the "choose input shapefile" shows
always the home folder (at leas... -
02:27 AM Bug report #1938 (Closed): Deleted features in shapefile reappear with "ERROR" in attribute table.
- Still not replicable here. Please reopen if necessary, but if possible attach problematic sample data.
02:27 AM Bug report #1938 (Closed): Deleted features in shapefile reappear with "ERROR" in attribute table.
- Still not replicable here. Please reopen if necessary, but if possible attach problematic sample data.
02:09 AM Feature request #2000 (Closed): Add a "don't make caps at the end of polylines" and "side" option...
- The first one is available in GRASS v.buffer, but this misses a option to avoid the dissolve of buffer results, so ac...
02:01 AM Bug report #1998: qgis crashes when zooming out with otfr enabled
- I must say also that in the very same situation (two layers, one wgs84, one with projected crs, otfr enabled and proj...
01:57 AM Bug report #1986: fTools basics stats randomly crashes qgis
- I can confirm both the problems under qgis 1.3 from repository and ubuntu 9.04.
I can see the "real" fields duplicat... -
12:39 AM Bug report #1986: fTools basics stats randomly crashes qgis
- This problem appears with differents datas sources. As a test, take an attribute and click several times on the "Ok" ...
01:20 PM Feature request #1999 (Open): Use QtSql for database access instead of native sqlite calls
- Rationale:
Using the native sqlite approach (e.g. in [[QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem]]) requires including redundant ... -
03:42 AM Bug report #1998: qgis crashes when zooming out with otfr enabled
- world borders shape here:
[] -
03:33 AM Bug report #1998 (Closed): qgis crashes when zooming out with otfr enabled
- Not really sure to what component assign this ticket.
I was having a look to ticket #1993 and I noticed the followin... -
03:23 AM Bug report #1997: Quantum GIS 1.0.2 action causes problem with Konqueror under Kubuntu 8.04
- Hi,
please upgrade to 1.3, it was a big jump forward since 1.0.x
I cannot replicate the problem with qgis 1.3 and k... -
02:27 AM Bug report #1993: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very hi...
- Replying to [comment:5 vince]:
> To me, it is wrong at large and small scales. Look at the screenshots I made, always...
12:59 AM Bug report #1993: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very hi...
- To me, it is wrong at large and small scales. Look at the screenshots I made, always in Lambert 93 system.
03:31 PM Bug report #1993: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very hi...
- I'm not really very deep into projections matters, so I may not be able to explain this correctly, and if I'm saying ...
11:37 AM Bug report #1993: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very hi...
- Ok, sorry. You will find appended a shapefile with French limits. Set project to Lambert 93 (EPSG 2154 or 2174, I don...
10:59 AM Bug report #1993: North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) at very hi...
- can you post sample data? are you using a geographic or projected crs? otfr on?
please try to be more specific when ... -
09:11 AM Bug report #1993 (Closed): North arrow changes direction (with OTFR disabled and projected CRS) a...
- Depending on the zoom level, the north arrow points sometimes north, sometimes south...
05:26 PM Bug report #1997 (Closed): Quantum GIS 1.0.2 action causes problem with Konqueror under Kubuntu 8.04
- I installed Quantum GIS 1.0.2 under Kubuntu 8.04 (using Qt 4.3.4).
I downloaded the Alaska example dataset and work... -
04:11 PM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- Replying to [comment:8 vince]:
> The bug affects the linear ruler too. It seems to be triggered by the 'on the fly' p... -
09:09 AM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- The bug affects the linear ruler too. It seems to be triggered by the 'on the fly' projection conversion option.
02:23 PM Bug report #1996 (Closed): Screwed cyrrilics in python debug window
- If error is one of the plugins occur, first line on a debug window are experiencing some kind of encoding problem. Te...
11:40 AM Bug report #1994 (Closed): Removing a connection from SPIT retains the name
- fixed in commit:e117f68d (SVN r11793).
11:40 AM Bug report #1994 (Closed): Removing a connection from SPIT retains the name
- fixed in commit:e117f68d (SVN r11793).
10:57 AM Bug report #1994: Removing a connection from SPIT retains the name
- Replying to "vince":/issues/show/1994:
> When I, for example, on the spit dialog, I click on remove to erase a former... -
09:15 AM Bug report #1994 (Closed): Removing a connection from SPIT retains the name
- When I, for example, on the spit dialog, I click on remove to erase a former [[PostGres]] connection, it seems to go ...
10:44 AM Bug report #1995 (Closed): Impossible too enter SRID > 1000000 in Spit
- SRIDs > 100000 are reserved for user defined projections in QGIS.
Nevertheless you can enter values up to 1000000000 ... -
10:44 AM Bug report #1995 (Closed): Impossible too enter SRID > 1000000 in Spit
- SRIDs > 100000 are reserved for user defined projections in QGIS.
Nevertheless you can enter values up to 1000000000 ... -
10:19 AM Bug report #1995 (Closed): Impossible too enter SRID > 1000000 in Spit
- The French IGN defines some French projections (cf. IGNF file in Proj) to have SRID like 320002120 for Lambert II ext...
09:45 AM Bug report #1891 (Closed): disabled plugin repositories not reenable.
- Fixed in commit:d650055e (SVN r11790) / Plugin Installer 1.0.5
09:45 AM Bug report #1891 (Closed): disabled plugin repositories not reenable.
- Fixed in commit:d650055e (SVN r11790) / Plugin Installer 1.0.5
07:52 AM Bug report #1986: fTools basics stats randomly crashes qgis
- Can you please provide sample data? I have used the plugin extensively, and never got this crash
01:26 AM Bug report #1942: Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- Replying to [comment:3 jef]:
> fixed in commit:afc55a1d (SVN r11773)
thanks for the fix.
it would be possible... -
12:49 AM Bug report #1971: print composer crashes when adding image path
- All replicable here, on qgis 1.3 from repository and Ubuntu 9.04.
12:44 AM Feature request #1992 (Closed): fixed space font for GRASS output window
- In the grass output window, proportional fonts are used. This is inconvenient for reports (e.g. r.coin, and several o...
07:33 AM Bug report #1991: Interpolation plugin does not set file extension to tif
- I would say the bug is that it only saves ascii grid files at the moment ;-)
What it should do is to read the availab... -
07:21 AM Bug report #1991 (Closed): Interpolation plugin does not set file extension to tif
- When saving the interpolated raster from the interpolation plugin, the file extension (.tif) is not added automatically
07:20 AM Bug report #1990 (Closed): Set to current extent wrong for interpolation plugin
- If I define the extent for analysis in the interpolation plugin using the "Set to current extent" button, it sets it ...
07:03 AM Bug report #1989 (Closed): v.distance should have radio buttons, not checkboxes
- In the current v.distance GRASS module, users can select multiple metrics, but only a target column to write to; as a...
06:59 AM Bug report #1988 (Closed): 3rd image missing for some GRASS commands
- The GRASS modules that have 3 images (e.g. v.overl*) do not have the third image available on the GRASS toolbox (both...
06:07 AM Bug report #1987 (Closed): Layer with partial unique index are wrong handeld
- fixed in commit:9037374d (SVN r11785)
06:07 AM Bug report #1987 (Closed): Layer with partial unique index are wrong handeld
- fixed in commit:9037374d (SVN r11785)
05:41 AM Bug report #1987 (Closed): Layer with partial unique index are wrong handeld
- If you have a postgis point table with a partial unique index like ...
04:02 PM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:8 jef]:
> Replying to [comment:7 vince]:
> > This is not OS dependent, it is caused by a change ... -
09:11 AM Bug report #1959 (Closed): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:7 vince]:
> This is not OS dependent, it is caused by a change of API between SIP 4.8 and 4.9. T... -
09:11 AM Bug report #1959 (Closed): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:7 vince]:
> This is not OS dependent, it is caused by a change of API between SIP 4.8 and 4.9. T... -
10:15 AM Bug report #1668 (Closed): it's not possible to rebuild the toolbar in the mapcomposer
- Fixed in commit:7da03a83 (SVN r11776)
10:15 AM Bug report #1668 (Closed): it's not possible to rebuild the toolbar in the mapcomposer
- Fixed in commit:7da03a83 (SVN r11776)
09:08 AM Bug report #1942 (Closed): Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- fixed in commit:afc55a1d (SVN r11773)
09:08 AM Bug report #1942 (Closed): Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- fixed in commit:afc55a1d (SVN r11773)
08:49 AM Bug report #1942: Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- sorry I mean #1972
08:49 AM Bug report #1942: Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- The same is true when map units are meters. In this case the problem is the opposite as it is necessary to define lab...
08:49 AM Bug report #1972 (Closed): Font size for labels is limited to 99
- see #1942
08:49 AM Bug report #1972 (Closed): Font size for labels is limited to 99
- see #1942
06:34 AM Bug report #1986 (Closed): fTools basics stats randomly crashes qgis
- Using basic stats from the ftools Tools on a shapefile with strings and reals datas randomly crashes qgis with a segf...
05:42 AM Bug report #1985 (Closed): Canceling new project remove layers
- Fixed in commit:d726cb98 (SVN r11770)
05:42 AM Bug report #1985 (Closed): Canceling new project remove layers
- Fixed in commit:d726cb98 (SVN r11770)
12:46 AM Bug report #1985: Canceling new project remove layers
- Replying to [comment:2 lroubeyrie]:
> and sure when clicking "cancel" I expect the layers to be here (in the legend ... -
12:40 AM Bug report #1985: Canceling new project remove layers
- When I say the canvas is not updated, it's to point a inconsistency between the canvas and the layer tree (legend), a...
12:33 AM Bug report #1985: Canceling new project remove layers
- It is enough to pan or zoom and the layers do disappear in the canvas.
The following question is, what we expect to... -
12:08 AM Bug report #1985 (Closed): Canceling new project remove layers
- After adding some layers, clicking on "New project" but canceling the dialog box will remove all the layers in the la...
10:10 PM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- This is not OS dependent, it is caused by a change of API between SIP 4.8 and 4.9. The version of SIP should be tested.
09:02 PM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:5 vince]:
> Ah, apologies, I just cut/pasted out of a tcl script (Macports), where some characte... -
02:13 PM Bug report #1972: Font size for labels is limited to 99
- I would say that this bug is the same of #1942, just on the other end.
If you agree I will close this as duplicate a... -
12:11 PM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- Replying to [comment:6 lutra]:
> Hi,
> did you made any further test?
> Can you relate your problem with the behaviou... -
11:56 AM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- Replying to [comment:4 vince]:
> You're right, it does only happen for a single layer and a single projection. Bad lu... -
10:49 AM Bug report #1980 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- Fixed in commit:48402812 (SVN r11767)
10:49 AM Bug report #1980 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- Fixed in commit:48402812 (SVN r11767)
09:55 AM Bug report #1961 (Closed): Relative path with spatialite driver
- should be fixed in commit:4ed28f36 (SVN r11763)
09:55 AM Bug report #1961 (Closed): Relative path with spatialite driver
- should be fixed in commit:4ed28f36 (SVN r11763)
05:52 AM Bug report #1971: print composer crashes when adding image path
- >If I add an image to a map composer, the icon remains pressed, and nothing happens until I click on the page
Yes, t...
01:01 AM Bug report #1758 (Feedback): Tools (Ftools): clip and difference tools give the same results
- Now clip and difference seem to give the same result
01:01 AM Bug report #1758 (Feedback): Tools (Ftools): clip and difference tools give the same results
- Now clip and difference seem to give the same result
12:05 AM Bug report #1917: [Vista] GRASS module v.out.* crashes
- All the module belonging to the v.out.* category seem to give the same result.
This is still valid with the lastest ... -
11:56 PM Bug report #1981 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- I don't know why the trac replicated 3 times this ticket opened by me
11:56 PM Bug report #1981 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- I don't know why the trac replicated 3 times this ticket opened by me
11:55 PM Bug report #1982 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- I don't know why the trac replicated 3 times this ticket opened by me
11:55 PM Bug report #1982 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- I don't know why the trac replicated 3 times this ticket opened by me
11:53 PM Bug report #1916: (windows) : "Access violation - No RTTI Data!"
- I have seen this popping out on a Vista machine of a friend... just once while working in the legend, without annoyin...
11:21 PM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Ah, apologies, I just cut/pasted out of a tcl script (Macports), where some characters must be escaped. The right com...
11:40 AM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- I tried the above suggestion, but got an error with the sed command. My sed knowledge is not enough to sort out the i...
03:56 AM Bug report #1984 (Closed): QGIS Doesn't send VERSION parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
- Hi,
Althought not mandatory in WMS specs, the VERSION parameter has become important since most WMS servers now offer... -
02:34 AM Feature request #1983 (Closed): Visual notice of scale-based layer visibility
- It would be nice if the layer/legend manager gave a visual representation
of scale-based layer visibility.
For exa...
09:08 PM Bug report #1959: Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Try this on the python/core directory:...
12:38 PM Bug report #1982 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- Tested on qgis trunk on Debian and Ubuntu.
Open the print composer, choose A0 as paper size, compse the map and then... -
12:21 PM Bug report #1981 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- Tested on qgis trunk on Debian and Ubuntu.
Open the print composer, choose A0 as paper size, compse the map and then... -
12:14 PM Bug report #1980 (Closed): Print composer print an A0 pdf as A4
- Tested on qgis trunk on Debian and Ubuntu.
Open the print composer, choose A0 as paper size, compse the map and then... -
09:17 AM Bug report #1977: spatialite layers disappear when enabling reprojection
- Right - if I do the same in a different projection, this does not appear.
09:07 AM Bug report #1977: spatialite layers disappear when enabling reprojection
- not reproducable here. Are you projecting to the same CRS your data is in?
09:00 AM Bug report #1977 (Closed): spatialite layers disappear when enabling reprojection
- Load a [[SpatiaLite]] layer; enable on the fly reprojection; the layer is no longer shown on the canvas. If you load ...
09:06 AM Bug report #1979 (Closed): ILWIS raster map filter not working
- When loading a raster, if you select the ILWIS filter for file names (*.mpr/mpl), files with extension mpr are not sh...
09:02 AM Bug report #1976 (Closed): print composer: menu bar can be removed, not put back
- duplicate of #1668
09:02 AM Bug report #1976 (Closed): print composer: menu bar can be removed, not put back
- duplicate of #1668
08:56 AM Bug report #1976 (Closed): print composer: menu bar can be removed, not put back
- In the print composer window, if you right-click on the menu bar, you can make the menu bar disappear. I did not find...
09:00 AM Bug report #1978 (Closed): QGIS take ages to open big (or just complex) vectors
- Hi,
I noticed that while trying open a quite big shapefile -
06:40 AM Feature request #1975: ability to create legend groups via the QGis api
- This feature was already requested already in the middle of some discussion here in the Trac :) very useful indeed +1
06:35 AM Feature request #1975 (Closed): ability to create legend groups via the QGis api
- Using the QGis API it is possible to add layers to the currently opened project using the function addMapLayer() of t...
06:10 AM Feature request #1974 (Closed): Enable render caching where possible
- User story 1:
Joe is reordering layers, each of which points back to a postgis database with thousands of records. E...
02:52 PM Bug report #1959 (Feedback): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:1 jctull]:
> With qt-4.5.3, this appears to be fixed.
I jumped the gun. Still unable to build w... -
02:52 PM Bug report #1959 (Feedback): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Replying to [comment:1 jctull]:
> With qt-4.5.3, this appears to be fixed.
I jumped the gun. Still unable to build w... -
12:34 PM Bug report #1959 (Closed): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- With qt-4.5.3, this appears to be fixed.
12:34 PM Bug report #1959 (Closed): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- With qt-4.5.3, this appears to be fixed.
01:50 AM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- I found a way to easy replicate the behaviour. I guess.
Open a new project, in my case by default it opens in wgs84... -
03:26 AM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- You're right, it does only happen for a single layer and a single projection. Bad luck, the layer is not free so I ca...
01:45 PM Feature request #1973 (Closed): Projet name has to be separate of the QGIS version in the title b...
- Fixed with r commit:943a3122 (SVN r11747)
01:45 PM Feature request #1973 (Closed): Projet name has to be separate of the QGIS version in the title b...
- Fixed with r commit:943a3122 (SVN r11747)
08:15 AM Feature request #1973 (Closed): Projet name has to be separate of the QGIS version in the title b...
- In the title bar of the main window, title of the project (or name of the project file) appear just after the name of...
08:00 AM Feature request #1276: Allow for smaller icon display
- As you can see on the capture, toolbar buttons are note resized to match icons size. There's always a lot of unused p...
03:31 AM Bug report #1972 (Closed): Font size for labels is limited to 99
- I cannot set the size of labels to more than 99 units. While it seems crazy to print labels of 1000 font point size, ...
12:16 AM Bug report #1971: print composer crashes when adding image path
- Furthermore, adding a valid path does not persiste across images (if I add a second image, I have to add my path again)
12:11 AM Bug report #1971 (Closed): print composer crashes when adding image path
- If I add an image to a map composer, the icon remains pressed, and nothing happens until I click on the page. If I tr...
12:00 AM Bug report #1955 (Closed): QGis segfaults unless I am root
- This should be related to your GRASS version (too old) - please try with a grass64. Thanks.
12:00 AM Bug report #1955 (Closed): QGis segfaults unless I am root
- This should be related to your GRASS version (too old) - please try with a grass64. Thanks.
11:39 PM Bug report #1969: Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- Not replicable here. Can you check in which condition does this happen? Only with particular data or projections mayb...
09:57 AM Bug report #1969 (Closed): Measure tools and scale give wrong readings with OTFR disabled
- In 1.3.0, the area measurement tool sometimes goes daft. Proof on the attached screenshot.
11:36 PM Feature request #1970: label placement
- It does not work as expected, but given that there is a simple workaround, I would classify this as minor
09:48 PM Feature request #1970 (Closed): label placement
- When using the placement option from a Data Field the left and right are swapped.
ie, a field that says left puts th... -
12:48 PM Bug report #1921 (Closed): Unexpected clearing of QgsApplication::mPkgDataPath
06:21 AM Bug report #1966: qgis don't start after grass upgrade
- Replying to "torstenosgeo":/issues/show/1966:
> Hallo,
Auch Hallo ;)
> it is temporarely possible to install grass6... -
02:27 AM Bug report #1966 (Closed): qgis don't start after grass upgrade
- Not a QGIS issue: the package is not aligned to testing. Please note that the package is not official, and until we'l...
02:27 AM Bug report #1966 (Closed): qgis don't start after grass upgrade
- Not a QGIS issue: the package is not aligned to testing. Please note that the package is not official, and until we'l...
02:36 AM Bug report #1964 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- See #1966
02:36 AM Bug report #1964 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- See #1966
12:45 AM Bug report #1965: qgis crashes after start
- Replying to [comment:1 lutra]:
> is this duplicate of #1965? reopen if necessary
I meant #1964 -
12:44 AM Bug report #1965 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- is this duplicate of #1965? reopen if necessary
12:44 AM Bug report #1965 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- is this duplicate of #1965? reopen if necessary
12:12 AM Bug report #1965 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- Package: qgis
Version: 1.3.0~gfossit20090914-1
Severity: important
qgis crashes after start. On the console I... -
12:43 AM Feature request #62: Qgis only supports postgres keys of type int
- What prevents us from applying this patch?
12:39 AM Feature request #1968 (Closed): change icon for OGR Layer Converter plugin
- Currently the plugin OGR Layer Converter is presented with the "GDAL" icon. Perhaps it is better to change it so it d...
12:29 AM Feature request #1563 (Closed): Raster: tile indexes
- Done with buildvrt, in GDAL tools plugin
12:29 AM Feature request #1563 (Closed): Raster: tile indexes
- Done with buildvrt, in GDAL tools plugin
12:15 AM Bug report #1967 (Closed): no version information available for some libs
- Package: grass
Version: 6.4.0~rc4-3
Severity: normal
I get the error/warning messages:
v.label: /usr/lib/libi... -
12:14 AM Bug report #1966 (Closed): qgis don't start after grass upgrade
- Package: qgis
Version: 1.1.0~gfossit20090602-1
Severity: normal
it is temporarely possible to install grass6.... -
11:38 PM Bug report #1964 (Closed): qgis crashes after start
- Hallo,
qgis crashes after start. On the console I get the following messeges:
/usr/bin/qgis.bin: /usr/lib/libidn... -
11:46 AM Bug report #1963 (Closed): "Ghost Lines" when using Anti-aliasing, polygons with shared boundarie...
- QT's anti-aliasing output exhibits an inherent limitation of AA, where polygon edges are drawn/feathered twice and th...
08:02 AM Feature request #1960: more icon sets
- I dont think these are a good candidate - the icons are tiny and there are no 'source' files in order to allow us to ...
07:04 AM Feature request #1962 (Closed): bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not co...
- Applied in commit:77c03ad4 (SVN r11741). Many thanks.
07:04 AM Feature request #1962 (Closed): bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not co...
- Applied in commit:77c03ad4 (SVN r11741). Many thanks.
06:55 AM Feature request #1962: bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not considered ...
- int8_classify.patch fixes the problem in both 'graduated' and 'continuos' thematizations.
reviews welcome. -
05:52 AM Feature request #1962: bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not considered ...
- additional note, the type query returns 'int8' as looks to be expected by code in qgspostgresprovider.cpp constructor.
05:35 AM Feature request #1962: bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not considered ...
- Sorry, another thing I haven't specified is that data access is trough postgres.
That's where 'bigint' and 'numeric' ... -
05:26 AM Feature request #1962: bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not considered ...
- Forgot to mention the dataset source: -
05:25 AM Feature request #1962 (Closed): bigint types in graduated or continuos color symbology are not co...
- While playing a bit with freegis country data r1 I found that qgis symbology manager
doesn't allow to use fields of t...
11:46 AM Bug report #1961 (Closed): Relative path with spatialite driver
- Hi all,
On the qgis 1.4.0 trunk (windows Vista).
I see the option to save project with relative path don't work wit... -
10:27 AM Feature request #1960 (Closed): more icon sets
- It would seem appropriate adding these sets of icons: -
06:38 AM Feature request #243 (Closed): Add a feature to calculate field values in attribut tables
- A field calculator is available from
commit:59a486bd (SVN r11736) on (more operators will follow)
Marco -
06:38 AM Feature request #243 (Closed): Add a feature to calculate field values in attribut tables
- A field calculator is available from
commit:59a486bd (SVN r11736) on (more operators will follow)
Marco -
02:57 AM Bug report #1796: Multi-line text in a SVG file is not drawn correctly in Print Composer
- Replying to [comment:6 mhugent]:
> This is most likely a bug in the Qt svg code
Marco, are you able to report this o... -
02:31 AM Bug report #1796: Multi-line text in a SVG file is not drawn correctly in Print Composer
- This is most likely a bug in the Qt svg code
02:16 PM Bug report #1959 (Closed): Trunk build fails with sip-4.9 and PyQt-4.6
- Build errors out on OS X using latest sip and pyqt releases (also qt-4.5.2-cocoa):
Don... -
11:38 AM Bug report #1914: Relative paths aren't stored for GRASS layers
- again sorry for the noise, I tought it was already solved in a previous revision.
10:55 AM Bug report #1914 (Closed): Relative paths aren't stored for GRASS layers
- Replying to [comment:4 lutra]:
> I have to reopen this after having done the same for #1864.
right, and I close this... -
10:55 AM Bug report #1914 (Closed): Relative paths aren't stored for GRASS layers
- Replying to [comment:4 lutra]:
> I have to reopen this after having done the same for #1864.
right, and I close this... -
10:18 AM Bug report #1914 (Feedback): Relative paths aren't stored for GRASS layers
- I have to reopen this after having done the same for #1864.
Add a GRASS layer, uncheck "save relative paths" and sav... -
10:18 AM Bug report #1914 (Feedback): Relative paths aren't stored for GRASS layers
- I have to reopen this after having done the same for #1864.
Add a GRASS layer, uncheck "save relative paths" and sav... -
11:37 AM Bug report #1864: Saving projects with relative paths
- right, I didn't compiled in the last days and I tought it was already solved. Thanks.
10:52 AM Bug report #1864 (Closed): Saving projects with relative paths
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> Sorry to have to reopen this ticket, but saving with relative paths seems not work a... -
10:52 AM Bug report #1864 (Closed): Saving projects with relative paths
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> Sorry to have to reopen this ticket, but saving with relative paths seems not work a... -
10:13 AM Bug report #1864 (Open): Saving projects with relative paths
10:13 AM Bug report #1864 (Feedback): Saving projects with relative paths
- Sorry to have to reopen this ticket, but saving with relative paths seems not work any more, at least under Linux (te...
10:13 AM Bug report #1864 (Feedback): Saving projects with relative paths
- Sorry to have to reopen this ticket, but saving with relative paths seems not work any more, at least under Linux (te...
10:24 AM Bug report #1900 (Feedback): Qgis crashes after closing a GRASS mapset and removing a GRASS layer...
- I have to reopen this ticket because I'm seeing this behaviour again (under Ubuntu 9.04, both qgis 1.3 from repo and ...
10:24 AM Bug report #1900 (Feedback): Qgis crashes after closing a GRASS mapset and removing a GRASS layer...
- I have to reopen this ticket because I'm seeing this behaviour again (under Ubuntu 9.04, both qgis 1.3 from repo and ...
01:59 AM Bug report #1958 (Closed): [OS X] crash when digitizing on MacOS X Leopard with snapping toleranc...
- When adding points on a vector layer with the toggle editing mode, Qgis 1.3 crashes on Mac OS X if snapping is not se...
01:36 AM Feature request #1957 (Closed): Use right-click drag for panning and center on mouse pointer on w...
- I use Josm for OpenSteetMap editing and I find two mouse behaviour very useful:
* Use the right-click and drag to pa... -
01:25 AM Bug report #1956 (Closed): Sample data GPX file should be in WGS84
- As far I know, GPX files should use the WGS84 spatial reference system, as stated here: -
12:24 AM Feature request #1936 (Closed): SpatiaLite: support subset string
- applied in commit:4b87fbff (SVN r11732). Thanks.
12:24 AM Feature request #1936 (Closed): SpatiaLite: support subset string
- applied in commit:4b87fbff (SVN r11732). Thanks.
04:18 PM Bug report #1955 (Closed): QGis segfaults unless I am root
- QGis Stable(qgis-1.0.2-1.fc11.i586) on Fedora 11 with Grass 6.3.0-12.fc11.i586 will run as root but segfaults at star...
02:39 PM Feature request #1954 (Closed): Save SpatiaLite connections in QGIS projects
- added in commit:ed34b139 (SVN r11730)
02:39 PM Feature request #1954 (Closed): Save SpatiaLite connections in QGIS projects
- added in commit:ed34b139 (SVN r11730)
09:41 AM Feature request #1954 (Closed): Save SpatiaLite connections in QGIS projects
- QGIS works great on opening projects with relative paths to datasources. But this does not work for [[SpatiaLite]] la...
10:52 AM Bug report #1911: Postgis Manager errors when "loading from" or "dumping to" shapefiles
- Confirmed on Debian unstable with commit:e2beee91 (SVN r11721)
07:57 AM Bug report #1953 (Closed): Missing copyright in CMake modules
- Most of the [source:trunk/qgis/cmake@11650 [[FindXXX]] modules] for CMake include neither copyright notice nor refer ...
05:58 AM Bug report #1952 (Closed): Impossible to open a Grass dataset
- Ok, this is caused by a Grass problem. Sorry for the noise.
05:58 AM Bug report #1952 (Closed): Impossible to open a Grass dataset
- Ok, this is caused by a Grass problem. Sorry for the noise.
03:05 AM Bug report #1952: Impossible to open a Grass dataset
- Er, no, but where is that supposed to be? Also, can a lock file lock a fresh new dataset?
02:48 AM Bug report #1952: Impossible to open a Grass dataset
- hi,
did you checked if you have a lock file? -
02:39 AM Bug report #1952 (Closed): Impossible to open a Grass dataset
- There is no way I can open a Grass database, even when created in Qgis. I get the message "Already opened", and nothi...
12:07 PM Bug report #1938: Deleted features in shapefile reappear with "ERROR" in attribute table.
- I cannot replicate the problem under ubuntu 32 bit with qgis trunk. Can you post a sample to be tested by others?
07:45 AM Bug report #1950 (Closed): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- I'm just reclosing this to apply a more meaningful resolution, as the issues were all outside of Qgis.
07:45 AM Bug report #1950 (Closed): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- I'm just reclosing this to apply a more meaningful resolution, as the issues were all outside of Qgis.
07:43 AM Bug report #1950 (Feedback): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
02:13 AM Bug report #1950 (Closed): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Well, I found the trick. There was two problems at stake:
1. The python Framework installed by Macports is incomplet... -
02:13 AM Bug report #1950 (Closed): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Well, I found the trick. There was two problems at stake:
1. The python Framework installed by Macports is incomplet...
01:16 AM Bug report #1945: [Vista] Qgis crashes removing GRASS raster layer from map canvas
- confirmed on Vista 32 bit with the lastest dev version available with the osgeo4w installer. Should we file the "Vist...
12:43 AM Bug report #1951 (Closed): Dragging tif/shape layer to QGIS canvas produces an error
- fixed
12:43 AM Bug report #1951 (Closed): Dragging tif/shape layer to QGIS canvas produces an error
- fixed
08:53 PM Bug report #1951 (Closed): Dragging tif/shape layer to QGIS canvas produces an error
- If I drag a tif file from the file manager to open QGIS - it produces an error. -
10:31 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Replying to [comment:13 kyngchaos]:...
10:00 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- > On the other hand, similarly to what I did with Grass, I can use install_name_tool to change the reference inside t...
09:49 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- BTW, there is maybe another solution to the Python framework problem. With -framework Python, ld accepts also -F {FRA...
09:35 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Replying to [comment:10 kyngchaos]:
> I looked into the cmake python detection, and it's two separate steps - the lib... -
06:59 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- I looked into the cmake python detection, and it's two separate steps - the library and the executable. The executab...
06:42 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- I got it, and you were right:...
06:24 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Replying to [comment:7 kyngchaos]:
> But, is it _configured_ and compiled with your python in the PATH? At runtime, ... -
06:11 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- > That's what I did. In my .cshrc, /usr/pkg/bin is leading in the path, so:
But, is it _configured_ and compiled wit... -
05:26 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Replying to [comment:3 vince]:
> Ok, I've got that. The LC_ID_DYLIB field in the various Grass libs is wrong (points... -
06:19 AM Bug report #1924 (Closed): QGIS 1.1.0-3 (dmg) and Mac OS X 10.5.8 : a crash a launch - Sept. 11, ...
- From offlist, fixed by installing current frameworks. non-issue.
06:19 AM Bug report #1924 (Closed): QGIS 1.1.0-3 (dmg) and Mac OS X 10.5.8 : a crash a launch - Sept. 11, ...
- From offlist, fixed by installing current frameworks. non-issue.
10:53 PM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Replying to [comment:4 kyngchaos]:
> As I said: add your Python bin folder to the PATH before configuring Qgis.
Tha... -
05:34 PM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- > Okay, so let me put it another way: I have two Python frameworks. One is the Apple default, the other is the new 2....
01:29 PM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- > > Otherwise, I don't get the Grass plugin, but maybe it's because I lack gdal-grass.
> Qgis uses the GRASS librari... -
12:40 PM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- Thanks for that quick answer.
Replying to [comment:1 kyngchaos]:
> Works fine in the Xcode project build. locale_ch... -
11:35 AM Bug report #1950: Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- > First, the build fails in spatialite.c. It appears that OS X 10.6, or my configuration, does not like the call to "...
10:32 AM Bug report #1950 (Closed): Python binary choice on OS X (10.6) / Building bug
- As usual, and after a summer break, I'm back on porting Qgis to Macports. I selected the new release 1.3.0.
First, t... -
04:14 PM Feature request #1949: Ability to select features by polygon
- Thanks for the help, I didn't see that option. However that option also uses intersects to select the features. Plus ...
04:02 PM Feature request #1949: Ability to select features by polygon
- Hi,
did you tested the "select by location" tool in the "tools -> research tools" menu? -
04:33 AM Feature request #1949 (Feedback): Ability to select features by polygon
- I tried the select plus plugin, but it does not have the function to select features that lie fully within a polygon....
04:33 AM Feature request #1949 (Feedback): Ability to select features by polygon
- I tried the select plus plugin, but it does not have the function to select features that lie fully within a polygon....
11:11 AM Bug report #1176: Transverse mercator south orientated projections not supported
- Replying to [comment:10 halfhaggis]:
> I'm not sure what the right approach to fixing this in qgis is, but using the ... -
08:41 AM Bug report #1945: [Vista] Qgis crashes removing GRASS raster layer from map canvas
- Hi pcav,
with 1.4.0 (dev) it works fine on XP now, thanks.
On Vista32 and Vista64 it still crashes.
01:51 AM Feature request #1948: Ability to deselect features
- Oh thanks for the plugin hint. But yes very strange that these features are not in core, or at least bundled with the...
11:02 PM Feature request #1948: Ability to deselect features
- Maybe it would be better to have the [[PlugIn]] Functions in the QGIS Core?
I think lots of users don't know much abo... -
10:33 PM Feature request #1948 (Closed): Ability to deselect features
- use the "select plus" plugin
10:33 PM Feature request #1948 (Closed): Ability to deselect features
- use the "select plus" plugin
09:55 PM Feature request #1948 (Closed): Ability to deselect features
- Having the ability to deselect all selected features would be nice.
10:38 PM Feature request #1949 (Closed): Ability to select features by polygon
- the "select by polygon" feature already exist.
10:38 PM Feature request #1949 (Closed): Ability to select features by polygon
- the "select by polygon" feature already exist.
09:58 PM Feature request #1949 (Closed): Ability to select features by polygon
- The ability to select vector features that are "fully" contained within a user defined polygon.
09:52 PM Feature request #1947 (Closed): Ability to create vector scratch layer for editing purposes
- I would like the ability to create a vector scratch layer for storing temporary features that are in the process of b...
09:26 PM Feature request #1946 (Closed): Numerical vertex edit not available in undo/redo stack
- When performing a numerical vertex edit on a shape polygon the action does not get registered in the undo/redo stack....
08:33 AM Bug report #1945: [Vista] Qgis crashes removing GRASS raster layer from map canvas
- Please test with a very recent version (dev): this should have been fixed
07:51 AM Bug report #1935 (Closed): Crash when setting edit widget in layer properties dialogue/attribute ...
- Replying to [comment:2 neumann]:
> Further investigation shows that it has to do with the Postgis provider and the_ge... -
07:51 AM Bug report #1935 (Closed): Crash when setting edit widget in layer properties dialogue/attribute ...
- Replying to [comment:2 neumann]:
> Further investigation shows that it has to do with the Postgis provider and the_ge... -
07:16 AM Bug report #1935: Crash when setting edit widget in layer properties dialogue/attribute tab to im...
- Further investigation shows that it has to do with the Postgis provider and the_geom column. Attributes/columns befor...
01:14 AM Bug report #1945 (Closed): [Vista] Qgis crashes removing GRASS raster layer from map canvas
- I installed QGIS Mimas 1.3.0 (OSGeo4W setup, advanced installation with qgis-grass-plugin 1.0.2-2 and grass 6.4.0svn3...
04:27 PM Bug report #1933 (Closed): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- Replying to [comment:3 jpalmer]:
> How about modifying the [[QgsPostgresProvider]]::setSubsetString method to recheck... -
04:27 PM Bug report #1933 (Closed): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- Replying to [comment:3 jpalmer]:
> How about modifying the [[QgsPostgresProvider]]::setSubsetString method to recheck... -
03:03 PM Bug report #1933 (Feedback): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- The case I was wanting to implement already involves a view. It would be useful to use the where cause to show differ...
03:03 PM Bug report #1933 (Feedback): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- The case I was wanting to implement already involves a view. It would be useful to use the where cause to show differ...
10:33 AM Bug report #1933: Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- s/to/so/
10:33 AM Bug report #1933 (Closed): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- the where clause can be changed later, to the id needs to be unique even without the where clause. An alternative wo...
10:33 AM Bug report #1933 (Closed): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- the where clause can be changed later, to the id needs to be unique even without the where clause. An alternative wo...
02:06 PM Bug report #1944 (Closed): Cannot upload more than one changed node with OSM provider
- After having downloaded a small area of [[OpenStreetMap]] data (about 100 features), making one change (say a polygon...
08:07 AM Bug report #1931 (Closed): file extension missing when saving an image from map composer
- Fixed in
08:07 AM Bug report #1931 (Closed): file extension missing when saving an image from map composer
- Fixed in
06:49 AM Feature request #1943: ftools/buffer produce result shape with wrong crs parameters
- This is weird.
I'm using qgis 1.3 and 1.4 trunk under Ubuntu 9.04
I apparently see no problems (with or without OTF... -
05:50 AM Feature request #1943: ftools/buffer produce result shape with wrong crs parameters
- Replying to [comment:1 lutra]:
> Hi,
> what version of qgis are you using?
> Here on 1.3 seems to have no probl... -
05:46 AM Feature request #1943: ftools/buffer produce result shape with wrong crs parameters
- Hi,
what version of qgis are you using?
Here on 1.3 seems to have no problems. -
04:56 AM Feature request #1943 (Closed): ftools/buffer produce result shape with wrong crs parameters
- When buffering a shapefile that has epsg 21781 (CH1903) with ftools buffer, the resulting shapefile is lacking the to...
05:14 PM Bug report #1942 (Closed): Allow more decimal/integer places in the labels font size selector
- In order to create labels on a feature in geographic CRS, you must have a font size >= 0.01 degrees (which is about 8...
12:53 PM Bug report #1941 (Closed): save as shapefile leads to disordered attributes (PostGIS)
- Replying to [comment:3 cmoe]:
> The layers that I tested, have the geometry column on second place, maybe there is so... -
12:53 PM Bug report #1941 (Closed): save as shapefile leads to disordered attributes (PostGIS)
- Replying to [comment:3 cmoe]:
> The layers that I tested, have the geometry column on second place, maybe there is so... -
10:08 AM Bug report #1941: save as shapefile leads to disordered attributes (PostGIS)
- Replying to [comment:2 jef]:
> Is it just a different order of attributes or do fieldnames and content get mixed up?
... -
09:48 AM Bug report #1941: save as shapefile leads to disordered attributes (PostGIS)
- Is it just a different order of attributes or do fieldnames and content get mixed up?
07:21 AM Bug report #1941 (Closed): save as shapefile leads to disordered attributes (PostGIS)
- 1. load a postgis layer
2. save the loaded layer as shapefile
3. open attribute table
=> the resultant attribut... -
08:00 AM Bug report #1937 (Closed): SpatiaLite provider broken
- Apparently fixed in
08:00 AM Bug report #1937 (Closed): SpatiaLite provider broken
- Apparently fixed in
04:20 AM Bug report #1574: Displaying ECW raster images is very slow
- confirmed, 1.3.0: now it's MUCH faster!
11:29 PM Bug report #1940 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin - getMainWindow
- ...
11:29 PM Bug report #1940 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin - getMainWindow
- ...
10:12 PM Bug report #1940 (Closed): OpenStreetMap plugin - getMainWindow
- I would like to test the [[OpenStreetMap]] plugin with QGis 1.3.0 (11643:11644) . It occurs the following python erro...
04:32 PM Bug report #1916: (windows) : "Access violation - No RTTI Data!"
- Replying to "lutra":/issues/show/1916:
> This is the message that appears under windows (Vista, Xp) when clicking (ev... -
04:13 PM Bug report #1916 (Closed): (windows) : "Access violation - No RTTI Data!"
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> Replying to [comment:1 jef]:
> > Just left clicking doesn't do it here.
> Here to... -
04:13 PM Bug report #1916 (Closed): (windows) : "Access violation - No RTTI Data!"
- Replying to [comment:2 lutra]:
> Replying to [comment:1 jef]:
> > Just left clicking doesn't do it here.
> Here to... -
04:27 PM Bug report #1934 (Closed): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- QGIS queries the provider, if I can delete attributes. Depending on it's response the buttons are enabled or disable...
04:27 PM Bug report #1934 (Closed): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- QGIS queries the provider, if I can delete attributes. Depending on it's response the buttons are enabled or disable...
02:29 PM Feature request #1939 (Closed): Use ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} instead of dl for library dependencies
- applied in commit:0e4c5229 (SVN r11693). Thanks.
02:29 PM Feature request #1939 (Closed): Use ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} instead of dl for library dependencies
- applied in commit:0e4c5229 (SVN r11693). Thanks.
02:18 PM Feature request #1939 (Closed): Use ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} instead of dl for library dependencies
- All platforms do not require linking against libdl; [[NetBSD]] is one example. Therefore, it is incorrect to hardcod...
10:18 AM Bug report #1938: Deleted features in shapefile reappear with "ERROR" in attribute table.
- I should add that when I try to deleted the records that have "ERROR", qgis becomes unresponsive. CTRL-C does not wo...
10:07 AM Bug report #1938 (Closed): Deleted features in shapefile reappear with "ERROR" in attribute table.
- I am using r11960 on Ubuntu amd64.
I selected several features in the "Open Attribute Table" window and clicked on...
10:08 AM Bug report #1937: SpatiaLite provider broken
- Internal [[SpatiaLite]], yes. Patch underway (thanks Alessandro Furieri!).
09:47 AM Bug report #1937: SpatiaLite provider broken
- Replying to "pcav":/issues/show/1937:
> A [[SpatiaLite]] db cannot be opened - when opening it throws an error.
Work... -
09:41 AM Bug report #1937 (Closed): SpatiaLite provider broken
- A [[SpatiaLite]] db cannot be opened - when opening it throws an error.
07:30 AM Feature request #1936 (Closed): SpatiaLite: support subset string
- This patch adds support for subset strings (SQL where clause) in [[SpatiaLite]] layers to limit the dataset....
09:56 AM Bug report #1929: transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- An interesting note from Giovanni Pasini:
With a single band raster map (eg. topographical black/white map) if there... -
06:40 AM Bug report #1934: Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Seems that this problem is OGR-related. OGR can't delete fields
03:54 AM Bug report #1934: Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- Confirmed on Windows XP Pro SP3: I can create a new field but can't delete any existing field - Delete button is disa...
02:53 AM Bug report #1935 (Closed): Crash when setting edit widget in layer properties dialogue/attribute ...
- If one opens the layer properties dialogue --> Attribute Tab --> Edit Widget --> Separate Dialogue --> choose "immuta...
11:53 PM Bug report #1934 (Closed): Unable to remove shapefile field in Attribute table
- I compiled latest SVN trunk on Ubuntu amd64.
Steps to reproduce:
1) open vector layer
2) open layer properties
3) g... -
05:21 PM Bug report #1933 (Closed): Fix PostGIS dataprovider to check for unique data with SQL where clause
- The method [[QgsPostgresProvider]]::uniqueData within qgspostgresprovider.cpp should be updated to use the SQL where ...
10:38 AM Bug report #1932 (Closed): file extension missing when saving a mapfile from mapserver export plu...
- looks an easy fix
10:34 AM Bug report #1931 (Closed): file extension missing when saving an image from map composer
- if you compose a map in the map composer, the file produced misses a png or jpg etc. extension. Looks an easy fix
08:40 AM Bug report #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
- ah, and btw I'm using 11659
08:38 AM Bug report #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
- sorry, it is a mess with those [BR]s, still don't understand why simple <enter> doesn't work as a new line in trac
08:36 AM Bug report #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
- Now it doesn't crash, but if you choose such location
it ... -
07:04 AM Bug report #1929: transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- Replying to [comment:2 pcav]:
> See the attached image: I set up 100% transparency on 0 value, but the white collars ... -
03:51 AM Bug report #1929: transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- Hi,
I tested also a different tiff/vrt on ubuntu 9.04 with qgis 1.3 installed from the ubuntugis repositories. Trans... -
04:19 AM Bug report #1926: QGIS Daphnis doesn't run
- it works fine here with sp3, but I install only trough osego4w, not standalone.
12:19 AM Bug report #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
- Please chack again after commit:43408110 (SVN r11561), which might fix it
11:12 PM Bug report #1929: transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- See the attached image: I set up 100% transparency on 0 value, but the white collars are still shown.
Debian, QGIS co... -
01:18 PM Bug report #1929 (In Progress): transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- Paolo,
I just fired up your vrt dataset on a linux box (Ubuntu 9.04 - stock GDAL) running QGIS trunk .
In the col... -
03:19 AM Bug report #1929 (Closed): transparency of 0 value do not apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
- If I load a virtual raster (BW, TIFF) and I apply full transparency to value 0 (to remove collars),
the areas=0 remai... -
08:29 PM Bug report #1926: QGIS Daphnis doesn't run
- I just installed Daphnis in Win XP2 and it is running perfectly. Some one knows if Daphnis doesn't run in Win XP SP3
04:36 AM Bug report #1930 (Closed): OSM layer has missing road
The OSM plugin seems to have missed a road in Lancaster. It's a roundabout. I can't get home if it's not there :)
Also available in: Atom