From 2008-05-12 to 2008-06-10
08:05 AM Bug report #1114 (Closed): No digitizing when one table column is type timestamp?
- no response for for 2 weeks
08:05 AM Bug report #1114 (Closed): No digitizing when one table column is type timestamp?
- no response for for 2 weeks
11:38 PM Feature request #1028: Debian package on life support
- Hi,
glad to see that progress is being made.
any guid... -
03:58 AM Bug report #1085: layer's SRS not recognized (at *first load* only)
- Replying to [comment:1 msieczka]:
> The bug is gone. I don't know why exactly. I cannot find anything possibly relate... -
02:50 AM Bug report #1085 (Closed): layer's SRS not recognized (at *first load* only)
- The bug is gone. I don't know why exactly. I cannot find anything possibly related in recent QGIS SVN comits. But I m...
02:50 AM Bug report #1085 (Closed): layer's SRS not recognized (at *first load* only)
- The bug is gone. I don't know why exactly. I cannot find anything possibly related in recent QGIS SVN comits. But I m...
07:37 PM Bug report #992 (Feedback): GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- The problem is that QGIS 0.8.0 properly displayed JPEG2000 images. Since then, neither Jasper nor Kakadu have change...
07:37 PM Bug report #992 (Feedback): GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- The problem is that QGIS 0.8.0 properly displayed JPEG2000 images. Since then, neither Jasper nor Kakadu have change...
06:44 PM Bug report #992: GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- This is indeed a bug introduce by QGIS. QGIS 0.8.0 worked fine, that was great. None of the subsequent releases of ...
06:28 PM Bug report #992 (Closed): GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- I cannot reproduce these issues on linux(ubuntu 8.04) with QGIS r>8376, GDAL 1.4 or 1.5 and Jasper 1.9
I can reprodu... -
06:28 PM Bug report #992 (Closed): GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- I cannot reproduce these issues on linux(ubuntu 8.04) with QGIS r>8376, GDAL 1.4 or 1.5 and Jasper 1.9
I can reprodu... -
07:36 PM Bug report #996 (Feedback): Re: [Quantum GIS] #996: QGIS corrupts JPEG2000 colors
- The problem is that QGIS 0.8.0 properly displayed JPEG2000 images. Since then, neither Jasper nor Kakadu have change...
07:36 PM Bug report #996 (Feedback): Re: [Quantum GIS] #996: QGIS corrupts JPEG2000 colors
- The problem is that QGIS 0.8.0 properly displayed JPEG2000 images. Since then, neither Jasper nor Kakadu have change...
06:42 PM Bug report #996: Re: [Quantum GIS] #996: QGIS corrupts JPEG2000 colors
- The point is that the current version of QGIS, downloaded from the official QGIS web site, does not properly display ...
06:28 PM Bug report #996 (Closed): Re: [Quantum GIS] #996: QGIS corrupts JPEG2000 colors
- On Ubuntu 8.04 with GDAL 1.4 (using Jasper 1.9) the colors are correct for this image. As this color issue is also a ...
06:28 PM Bug report #996 (Closed): Re: [Quantum GIS] #996: QGIS corrupts JPEG2000 colors
- On Ubuntu 8.04 with GDAL 1.4 (using Jasper 1.9) the colors are correct for this image. As this color issue is also a ...
06:55 PM Bug report #1074 (Closed): WMS connection dialog does not see selection
- Fixed by commit:03fbf87d (SVN r8629).
06:55 PM Bug report #1074 (Closed): WMS connection dialog does not see selection
- Fixed by commit:03fbf87d (SVN r8629).
06:54 PM Bug report #1074: WMS connection dialog does not see selection
- [[QgsServerSourceSelect]]::on_lstLayers_itemSelectionChanged() was not fully converted from Qt3 to Qt4 in commit:2170...
02:23 PM Bug report #1120 (Closed): k parameter always set to 0
- should be fixed in commit:2b3bb91e (SVN r8593)
02:23 PM Bug report #1120 (Closed): k parameter always set to 0
- should be fixed in commit:2b3bb91e (SVN r8593)
09:03 AM Bug report #1103 (In Progress): split feature - Bug in copy attributes
- it's link with [[QgsGeometryMap]]. [[QgsGeometryMap]] bug when featureId is negative. To have a different issue :
01:18 AM Bug report #1113: Wrong layer order in generated Mapfile
- The only thing I did was to install the Windows binary and enable the [[MapServer]] Export plugin. You can see the cu...
11:33 PM Feature request #1121 (Closed): GRASS command history
- It would be good if the history of GRASS commands woul be recoverable and saved, so user could be launch it again, ed...
07:32 PM Bug report #1113: Wrong layer order in generated Mapfile
- Make sure you are using the mapserver exporter shipped with 0.10.0 and not the plugin downloaded from the repository.
07:29 PM Bug report #1082 (Closed): Missing version 0.10.0 listed in New Ticket form
- Added to version and milestone drop-downs
07:29 PM Bug report #1082 (Closed): Missing version 0.10.0 listed in New Ticket form
- Added to version and milestone drop-downs
07:06 AM Bug report #1120: k parameter always set to 0
- Notice: the issue takes place only in pl_PL.UTF-8. QGIS started from a terminal after "export LC_ALL=C" does not have...
07:50 AM Bug report #1120 (Closed): k parameter always set to 0
- 1. load any shapefile
2. file > properties > change SRS
3. choose *any* SRS with k!=0 (eg. EPSG 2172, 2180)
4. app...
09:34 PM Bug report #1097 (Closed): labels should be scaled to the same size as in map
- Fixed in commit:3079c4bc (SVN r8558) in trunk
09:34 PM Bug report #1097 (Closed): labels should be scaled to the same size as in map
- Fixed in commit:3079c4bc (SVN r8558) in trunk
09:51 AM Bug report #577 (Closed): Error reading ArcGIS Binary Float Grid files (FLT)
- QGIS no longer crashes but the flt's are not properly displayed. This is actually a GDAL limitation and a bug report ...
09:51 AM Bug report #577 (Closed): Error reading ArcGIS Binary Float Grid files (FLT)
- QGIS no longer crashes but the flt's are not properly displayed. This is actually a GDAL limitation and a bug report ...
09:30 AM Bug report #992: GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- QGIS, version 0.10.0-Io revision 8376, compiled for Mac OS X, downloaded from the official QGIS web site, does not pr...
08:55 AM Bug report #992: GeoJP2 images improperly displayed as all black
- coatman - Could you please verify that this is still an issue with v0.10.0.
If it is still a problem, it would be g... -
06:19 AM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- Replying to [comment:8 hamish]:
> * SRS [+init=epsg:1234] - spatial reference system (eg the EPSG codes) a commonly...
11:59 AM Bug report #1118 (Closed): "Display Field" option in layer properties greyed out for Postgis layers
- fixed in
11:59 AM Bug report #1118 (Closed): "Display Field" option in layer properties greyed out for Postgis layers
- fixed in
11:50 AM Bug report #1118 (In Progress): "Display Field" option in layer properties greyed out for Postgis...
11:22 AM Bug report #1118 (Closed): "Display Field" option in layer properties greyed out for Postgis layers
- Postgis layers are not allowed to have the display field changed in the general tab of the layer properties. This mea...
11:59 AM Bug report #1119 (Closed): Display field does not stick in general tab of layer properties
- fixed in
11:59 AM Bug report #1119 (Closed): Display field does not stick in general tab of layer properties
- fixed in
11:50 AM Bug report #1119 (In Progress): Display field does not stick in general tab of layer properties
11:26 AM Bug report #1119 (Closed): Display field does not stick in general tab of layer properties
- For shapefiles, when changing the "Display Field" item under the General tab of the layer properties, the drop-down m...
03:01 AM Feature request #1117 (Closed): Reload SVG Symbology Directory
- Environment: qgis 0.9.1 Ubuntu 7.10
Qgis is loading the catalogue of available SVGs for symbology only on ... -
02:33 AM Feature request #1116 (Closed): Symlinks in plugin directory
- Problem description:
Environment: qgis 0.9.1 Ubuntu 7.10
after developing a small plugin I put the lib in my home d...
12:37 AM Bug report #1114: No digitizing when one table column is type timestamp?
- perhaps this is a problem with the trigger. At least it's not reproducable here using commit:5fecb607 (SVN r8539) wit...
11:24 PM Bug report #1114 (Closed): No digitizing when one table column is type timestamp?
- When i have digitizing a point in a postgis layer and save this changes the following message apear:
FEHLER: ungült... -
11:53 PM Bug report #1115 (Closed): WMS Layer GetMap Request with Wrong Parameters
- WMS Request doesn't work as expected with a different projection than EPSG:4326.
The parameters BBOX and WIDTH and ... -
11:16 PM Bug report #1113 (Closed): Wrong layer order in generated Mapfile
- The order of layers in the generated mapfile don't refer to the order in the QGIS project. I tried if they are ordere...
03:06 AM Feature request #1112 (Closed): Milestone 0.10.0 is missing in Milstone select box
- duplicate of #1082
03:06 AM Feature request #1112 (Closed): Milestone 0.10.0 is missing in Milstone select box
- duplicate of #1082
02:58 AM Feature request #1112 (Closed): Milestone 0.10.0 is missing in Milstone select box
- The Ticket System should offer a milestone 0.10.0 in the Milestone select box
11:31 PM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- Replying to [comment:7 jef]:
> Good idea - but I just noticed that QGIS also does this if you
> configure it to "Prom... -
11:08 AM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- Replying to [comment:5 hamish]:
> fyi, grass throws up a GUI in these cases asking the user which one they'd
> like t... -
07:10 AM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- Paul Kelly wrote on the grass-users list:
> There are actually only a few +datum= codes recognised by
> PROJ.4 - most... -
02:15 PM Feature request #1111 (Closed): mapfile export - some issues
- Mapfile export with the python plugin in "io" has some flaws. I tried patching some of them, and will attach the chan...
01:15 AM Bug report #1110: jpeg image textures not shown on windows
- Replying to [comment:2 pcav]:
> Great! Thank you Marco. You have a beer paid here in Evora.
> BTW: also GML support i... -
07:32 PM Bug report #1079: on the fly projections do not work
- ok, the srs.db file is badly missing +datum= and +towgs84= parameters from many SRS codes. So anything that should do...
06:50 PM Bug report #1079: on the fly projections do not work
- see also bugs #1037 and #1035
06:09 AM Bug report #1079: on the fly projections do not work
- From the above linked nabble archive thread:
> This is Frank Warmerdam's answer :
> >
> > The problem is that if EPSG... -
07:27 PM Bug report #1037: srs.db incomptatible with GDAL >= 1.4.4
- the real problem is not the extra 00s, it is trying to do exact string matching from two different sources of data an...
06:51 PM Bug report #1037: srs.db incomptatible with GDAL >= 1.4.4
- see also bug #1079
07:24 PM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- IMHO it is absolutely critical that srs.db be generated automatically. It is just too big a task to edit the 3500 sta...
06:50 PM Feature request #1035: automated generation of srs.db (in line with postgis, proj and gdal)
- see also bug #1079
01:39 AM Bug report #1110: jpeg image textures not shown on windows
- Great! Thank you Marco. You have a beer paid here in Evora.
BTW: also GML support is missing from GDAL as you package... -
09:15 AM Bug report #1110 (In Progress): jpeg image textures not shown on windows
- Hi Paolo,
yes, I think it depends on the missing jpeg library in my builds.
It will be probably added into the next ... -
07:58 AM Bug report #1110 (Closed): jpeg image textures not shown on windows
- When slecting a jpeg image for filling a layer, the image is not shown in the windows version.
All well on linux. -
07:57 AM Feature request #1109 (Closed): Add shapefiles to dataset
- 1. create a new directory called data/ in the docs/trunk/english_us directory of the repository
2. add the Alaska sh...
08:33 PM Bug report #1108 (Closed): Mac build instructions point to dead url
- Reading this "page": it...
03:41 PM Bug report #1106 (Closed): Unable to edit PostGIS layers with case sensitive attribute names
- You are absolutelly right. Sorry for submitting non-existing bug. I is probably my sleep deficit. I upgraded to the 1...
03:41 PM Bug report #1106 (Closed): Unable to edit PostGIS layers with case sensitive attribute names
- You are absolutelly right. Sorry for submitting non-existing bug. I is probably my sleep deficit. I upgraded to the 1...
03:19 PM Bug report #1106: Unable to edit PostGIS layers with case sensitive attribute names
- Please supply an example table which you can't edit. Following table works for me:
"... -
02:18 PM Bug report #1106 (Closed): Unable to edit PostGIS layers with case sensitive attribute names
- There is no way how to edit data in [[PostGIS]] tables using the case sensitive attribute names. The only thing neede...
02:37 PM Bug report #1107 (Closed): Mapfile export - DATA parameter does not work for the case sensitive P...
- The DATA parameter is incorrectly written into the mapfile when [[PostGIS]] layer used. There are no double quotation...
02:10 PM Feature request #1105 (Closed): Mapfile export - PostGIS port is missing
- It would be great to include also the 'port' parameter into the mapfile export. This is currently missing, so the def...
02:07 PM Bug report #1104 (Closed): Mapfile export PostGIS layers
- The [[PostGIS]] layer parameter CONNECTION is wrongly written into the mapfile. There are used only the single quotes...
09:59 AM Bug report #1103 (Closed): split feature - Bug in copy attributes
- Hi all,
I use QGIS for one month and i think it's a good soft but there is a problems with the split feature.
Explain... -
03:39 AM Bug report #1102 (Closed): Digitizing over an image hides image with white mask
- same as #1016
03:39 AM Bug report #1102 (Closed): Digitizing over an image hides image with white mask
- same as #1016
03:12 AM Bug report #1102 (Closed): Digitizing over an image hides image with white mask
- There is a problem when digitizing a polygon on top of a raster image. When digitizing a polygon layer on top of an i...
12:04 PM Feature request #1099 (Closed): button to add class graduated symbol dialog
- 'add class' among other things added to unique value dialog in commit:d31074c2 (SVN r8494)
12:04 PM Feature request #1099 (Closed): button to add class graduated symbol dialog
- 'add class' among other things added to unique value dialog in commit:d31074c2 (SVN r8494)
06:23 PM Feature request #1099: button to add class graduated symbol dialog
- I'm almost done with following change of the unique value dialog:
- allow selection of multiple classes
- add a class... -
05:32 PM Feature request #1099 (In Progress): button to add class graduated symbol dialog
01:39 PM Bug report #1080 (Closed): crash when loading GRASS vectors and rasters
- Replying to [comment:2 pcav]:
> This may be related to locale: in LOCALE=it_IT, points are replaced with
> commas in ... -
01:39 PM Bug report #1080 (Closed): crash when loading GRASS vectors and rasters
- Replying to [comment:2 pcav]:
> This may be related to locale: in LOCALE=it_IT, points are replaced with
> commas in ... -
09:03 AM Bug report #1080: crash when loading GRASS vectors and rasters
- This may be related to locale: in LOCALE=it_IT, points are replaced with commas in the description of projections, th...
09:03 AM Bug report #1079: on the fly projections do not work
- This may be related to locale: in LOCALE=it_IT, points are replaced with commas in the description of projections, th...
08:37 AM Feature request #1092: Map Print Composer Enhancements
- Replying to "williamskg6":/issues/show/1092:
> In Windows QGIS 0.10.0, the Print Composer will not let the user add a... -
08:24 AM Bug report #1015 (Closed): map legend resize
- Replying to [comment:3 paoloC]:
> Replying to [comment:2 jef]:
> > You should be able to resize the legend by pressin... -
08:24 AM Bug report #1015 (Closed): map legend resize
- Replying to [comment:3 paoloC]:
> Replying to [comment:2 jef]:
> > You should be able to resize the legend by pressin... -
08:19 AM Bug report #986 (Closed): MapComposer fails to create a pdf in Windows
- Since Windows doesn't support pdf writing nativelt, you need an external pdf creator/virtual printer. I use the free ...
08:19 AM Bug report #986 (Closed): MapComposer fails to create a pdf in Windows
- Since Windows doesn't support pdf writing nativelt, you need an external pdf creator/virtual printer. I use the free ...
08:15 AM Bug report #737 (Closed): Labels are not printed on Windows XP
- Replying to [comment:2 StevenB]:
> Does this still occur with 0.10?
No, it doesn't
08:15 AM Bug report #737 (Closed): Labels are not printed on Windows XP
- Replying to [comment:2 StevenB]:
> Does this still occur with 0.10?
No, it doesn't
01:53 AM Feature request #1101: GRASS Toolbox Enhancements
- Since the files are too big to be attached, I uploaded them to my personal web area: -
01:11 AM Feature request #1101 (Closed): GRASS Toolbox Enhancements
- Hi all,
Even if I named the short summary as "Enhancement", some changes to the qgm GRASS modules I'm proposing here... -
01:42 AM Bug report #808: fails to create ".gislock" on Windows
- Locking is not permitted on windows. This is a [[WinGRASS]] problem.
01:41 AM Bug report #1044: crash when creating new GRASS location on Windows
- I think that the only possible solution is to introduce a *name check* to prevent this error, telling that the locati...
01:36 AM Bug report #874 (Closed): Windows - Crash when creatin new mapset in GRASS with custom proyection...
01:36 AM Bug report #874 (Closed): Windows - Crash when creatin new mapset in GRASS with custom proyection...
10:59 PM Bug report #1096 (Closed): Snapping to currently moved vertex should be suppressed
- This is fixed in svn
10:59 PM Bug report #1096 (Closed): Snapping to currently moved vertex should be suppressed
- This is fixed in svn
12:40 PM Feature request #1099: button to add class graduated symbol dialog
- Replying to "mhugent":/issues/show/1099:
> It would be useful to have a button that allows adding additional classes ... -
11:49 AM Feature request #1099 (Closed): button to add class graduated symbol dialog
- It would be useful to have a button that allows adding additional classes in unique value and graduated symbol dialog
12:09 PM Feature request #1100 (Closed): Cancel digitised feature with escape key
- It would be handy to cancel digitising of a feature with the escape key
10:51 AM Bug report #1098 (Closed): Consider scale dependent rendering in print composer
- Scale dependent rendering should also be considered in print composer
10:50 AM Bug report #1097 (Closed): labels should be scaled to the same size as in map
- Text labels are not scaled in print composer to have the same size as in the map.
10:32 AM Bug report #1096 (Closed): Snapping to currently moved vertex should be suppressed
- When moving a vertex, snapping to the previous location should be suppressed, otherwise it is hard to move away from ...
08:40 AM Bug report #1095 (Closed): 3-D GRASS line vectors from r.contour - Cant query or identify the lin...
- I noticed this in previous releases too. When I use r.contour in GRASS to create contour lines from a GRASS raster, ...
02:10 AM Feature request #1094 (Closed): map and feature-table in view combined / feature-table docked to ...
- When editing maps, I often wish for a view where the map is present on the upper 2/3s of the screen, and below there ...
09:12 AM Feature request #1016: mysterious white box obscures data in the map window
- see also #1093
09:12 AM Bug report #1093 (Closed): Measurement of distance and area "whites out" rectangular regions
- duplicate of #1016
09:12 AM Bug report #1093 (Closed): Measurement of distance and area "whites out" rectangular regions
- duplicate of #1016
09:08 AM Bug report #920 (Closed): Plugin Manager activation toggle not clickable
- duplicate of #928
09:08 AM Bug report #920 (Closed): Plugin Manager activation toggle not clickable
- duplicate of #928
09:08 AM Bug report #931 (Closed): Unable to check/uncheck plugins with mouse in plugin manager
- duplicate of #928
09:08 AM Bug report #931 (Closed): Unable to check/uncheck plugins with mouse in plugin manager
- duplicate of #928
09:05 AM Bug report #928 (Closed): Plugin Manager: let select/de-select plugins also by clicking within th...
- fixed in commit:4ae99989 (SVN r8457)
09:05 AM Bug report #928 (Closed): Plugin Manager: let select/de-select plugins also by clicking within th...
- fixed in commit:4ae99989 (SVN r8457)
10:57 AM Bug report #1091 (Closed): Plugin Manager - clicking checkboxes doesn't work (Windows v. 0.10.0)
- duplicate of #931
10:57 AM Bug report #1091 (Closed): Plugin Manager - clicking checkboxes doesn't work (Windows v. 0.10.0)
- duplicate of #931
10:27 AM Bug report #1091: Plugin Manager - clicking checkboxes doesn't work (Windows v. 0.10.0)
- Note - after clearing all plugins and restarting, clicking on the text name of a plugin now fills/clears that plugin'...
10:23 AM Bug report #1091 (Closed): Plugin Manager - clicking checkboxes doesn't work (Windows v. 0.10.0)
- In the Windows version of QGIS 0.10.0, the checkboxes on the plugin manager do nothing when clicked on. You can clic...
10:55 AM Bug report #1088 (Closed): QGIS crash if I display Labels on Polygons
- fixed in commit:b0c223cb (SVN r8453)
10:55 AM Bug report #1088 (Closed): QGIS crash if I display Labels on Polygons
- fixed in commit:b0c223cb (SVN r8453)
10:47 AM Bug report #1093: Measurement of distance and area "whites out" rectangular regions
- This appears to be a problem when the project coordinate system is set incorrectly. When manually setting all of the...
10:42 AM Bug report #1093 (Closed): Measurement of distance and area "whites out" rectangular regions
- When measuring distance or area on the Windows XP version of QGIS 0.10.0, the rectangular extent of the area covered ...
10:35 AM Feature request #1092 (Closed): Map Print Composer Enhancements
- In Windows QGIS 0.10.0, the Print Composer will not let the user add a new map. Click on the button, nothing happens...
02:19 AM Bug report #1089: Crash when zooming in on rendered composer map
- This is a side effect introduced with the rendercontext branch
07:51 PM Feature request #1090 (Closed): add a section to the introduction about conventions used in the m...
- A section will be added to the introduction describing the conventions used in the manual, including inline styles wh...
11:03 AM Feature request #440: Don't display the qgis window on a second monitor that isn't present
- The Trolltech Task Tracker entry for this bug is
"211712": -
10:07 AM Bug report #1089: Crash when zooming in on rendered composer map
- The first backtrace, with drawImage(), occurs when using a point shapefile.
This backtrace below occurred following t...
06:04 PM Bug report #942 (Closed): gpx extension not added to file name
- Fixed in commit:f67d6008 (SVN r8447).
06:04 PM Bug report #942 (Closed): gpx extension not added to file name
- Fixed in commit:f67d6008 (SVN r8447).
05:10 PM Bug report #1012 (Closed): "Zoom to Selection"-Button does not work
- Works for me in 0.10. Please reopen if it doesn't work for you.
05:10 PM Bug report #1012 (Closed): "Zoom to Selection"-Button does not work
- Works for me in 0.10. Please reopen if it doesn't work for you.
05:04 PM Feature request #969 (Closed): Allow for smaller (fractional) outline width for polygons and line...
- This is fixed in commit:68cdb3ab (SVN r8441).
05:04 PM Feature request #969 (Closed): Allow for smaller (fractional) outline width for polygons and line...
- This is fixed in commit:68cdb3ab (SVN r8441).
12:34 PM Feature request #1087: adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not a simple...
- Replying to [comment:3 jef]:
> commit:68cdb3ab (SVN r8441) adds support for domain types that directly base on the ge... -
12:29 PM Feature request #1087 (Closed): adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not...
- commit:68cdb3ab (SVN r8441) adds support for domain types that directly base on the geometry type. domains that base...
12:29 PM Feature request #1087 (Closed): adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not...
- commit:68cdb3ab (SVN r8441) adds support for domain types that directly base on the geometry type. domains that base...
02:00 AM Feature request #1087: adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not a simple...
- Replying to [comment:1 jef]:
> Could you provide a SQL script to create your table?
of course:
CREATE DOMAIN check_... -
11:45 AM Bug report #891 (Closed): OTF reprojected vectors are not present in map composer
- The rendercontext branch has been merged into trunk, and I can't reproduce the bug. Reopen if it still occurs for you.
11:45 AM Bug report #891 (Closed): OTF reprojected vectors are not present in map composer
- The rendercontext branch has been merged into trunk, and I can't reproduce the bug. Reopen if it still occurs for you.
07:45 AM Bug report #822 (Closed): SVG output in mapcomposer
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
07:45 AM Bug report #822 (Closed): SVG output in mapcomposer
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
07:43 AM Bug report #374 (Closed): Raster absolute/relative url when exporting map in SVG
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
07:43 AM Bug report #374 (Closed): Raster absolute/relative url when exporting map in SVG
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
07:38 AM Bug report #950 (Closed): Print Composer Empty
- Closing this (see above comment). Please reopen if it is definitely a bug and occurs in version 0.10.
07:38 AM Bug report #950 (Closed): Print Composer Empty
- Closing this (see above comment). Please reopen if it is definitely a bug and occurs in version 0.10.
07:34 AM Bug report #1089 (Closed): Crash when zooming in on rendered composer map
- Qgis crashes when I zoom in on a composer map in render mode. To reproduce the problem:...
06:58 AM Bug report #215 (Closed): svg export doesn't do text
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
06:58 AM Bug report #215 (Closed): svg export doesn't do text
- This appears to be fixed with the switch to QSvgGenerator.
09:48 PM Feature request #440: Don't display the qgis window on a second monitor that isn't present
- The lost toolbar is a Qt bug. I have submitted a report to Trolltech.
If you have Apple's Developer Tools installed,... -
03:15 PM Bug report #913 (Closed): svn trunk has been failing to build for several days now
- commit:6f03494d (SVN r8439) should fix this.
03:15 PM Bug report #913 (Closed): svn trunk has been failing to build for several days now
- commit:6f03494d (SVN r8439) should fix this.
01:59 PM Bug report #130: database default fields
- Replying to [comment:20 mhugent]:
> If it works or not seems to depend on the Qt version. The last try is commit:7af5... -
01:25 PM Bug report #130 (Closed): database default fields
- If it works or not seems to depend on the Qt version. The last try is commit:7af5433f (SVN r8436). It did not work fo...
01:25 PM Bug report #130 (Closed): database default fields
- If it works or not seems to depend on the Qt version. The last try is commit:7af5433f (SVN r8436). It did not work fo...
06:23 AM Bug report #1088: QGIS crash if I display Labels on Polygons
- Attachment is to big. Load the file from
06:14 AM Bug report #1088 (Closed): QGIS crash if I display Labels on Polygons
- Version 0.10.0 on Windows XP Sp2
How to repeat:
1. Start Quantum GIS
2. Maximize Quantum GIS (important)
3. ... -
04:33 AM Feature request #1087: adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not a simple...
- Could you provide a SQL script to create your table?
04:22 AM Feature request #1087 (Closed): adding postgis data with geometry field based on a domain and not...
- I've noticed a strange behaviour when adding a postgis layer into the project:
i connect to my db and i can only sele...
08:09 AM Feature request #1086 (Closed): Don't change active layer when adding new layer if identify tool ...
- When adding new layer, QGIS automatically selects the new layer. It may not be desirable if identify tool is used, as...
05:55 AM Bug report #1085 (Closed): layer's SRS not recognized (at *first load* only)
- Even if the layer's SRS is not prone to bug #1079, as described in #1079 comment:2, QGIS fails to recognize the layer...
05:36 AM Bug report #1079: on the fly projections do not work
- AFAIK, QGIS fails to recognize only SRSs which contain an *explicit k parameter* in the SRS proj4 string (which are s...
02:18 PM Bug report #1084: ECW takes a long time to display
- Ah, my brain's pattern-matching missed this as I scanned the full bug list ;) Bummer that I have to open a raster fi...
01:50 PM Bug report #1084 (Closed): ECW takes a long time to display
- This effectively a duplicate of ticket #778 and this issue this was addressed in commit:ce7c48f9 (SVN r8399).
01:50 PM Bug report #1084 (Closed): ECW takes a long time to display
- This effectively a duplicate of ticket #778 and this issue this was addressed in commit:ce7c48f9 (SVN r8399).
01:41 PM Bug report #1084 (Closed): ECW takes a long time to display
- In 0.9.1 ECW display is instantaneous, no matter how large the ECW was, probably because it used the inherent overvie...
07:27 AM Feature request #459: Collapse GRASS tool list
- Hi
I will be revising the grass toolbox with module search and module categories before 1.0 release of QGIS. Please ...
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