From 2006-06-13 to 2006-07-12
10:34 PM Feature request #190 (Closed): rotated point symols
- Would it be possible to enclude an option to use point symbols with a rotation (similar to data defined alignment for...
08:21 PM Bug report #189 (Closed): labels on point data dont show
- In the version 0.7 for mac os x, I cannot get labels to show up for a point layer. However labels show up fine for a...
11:48 AM Revision 7db2c8fd (qgis): Fix for ticket #184. Also includes some tweaks to resolve some
- compiler warnings, and to avoid flushing cout unnecessarily.
git-svn-id: ... -
11:48 AM Revision 53bd5941 (qgis): Fix for ticket #184. Also includes some tweaks to resolve some
- compiler warnings, and to avoid flushing cout unnecessarily.
git-svn-id: c8812... -
11:32 AM Revision a43043c7 (qgis): Legend: allow swapping of legend layers between toplevel layers and lay...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:32 AM Revision 863c74a3 (qgis): Legend: allow swapping of legend layers between toplevel layers and lay...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:40 AM Revision 86a2a219 (qgis): Use QFile::encode to convert a QString containing a filename to a c-str...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:40 AM Revision 9712510d (qgis): Use QFile::encode to convert a QString containing a filename to a c-str...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:34 AM Bug report #188: Edits of an added feature do not commit
- This works for me. I just edited an attribute value of an uncommited feature. Did you do anything special to get the ...
02:49 AM Bug report #184 (Closed): qgis-config --libs returns wrong libs
- Fixed in SVN commit:53bd5941 (SVN r5588). There seems to be no easy way to get the required libraries automatically, ...
02:49 AM Bug report #184 (Closed): qgis-config --libs returns wrong libs
- Fixed in SVN commit:53bd5941 (SVN r5588). There seems to be no easy way to get the required libraries automatically, ...
02:36 AM Bug report #148 (Closed): Legend groups capture legend items
- With commit:863c74a3 (SVN r5587), it is now possible to swap layers in a group with toplevel layers (or to drag layer...
02:36 AM Bug report #148 (Closed): Legend groups capture legend items
- With commit:863c74a3 (SVN r5587), it is now possible to swap layers in a group with toplevel layers (or to drag layer...
01:36 AM Revision 0ba61630 (qgis): In the Attributes Table, the Copy button is now hooked up to the same e...
- As part of this "merge", the main application copy will now precede its results with a row of attribute headers.
Als... -
01:36 AM Revision 1a253488 (qgis): In the Attributes Table, the Copy button is now hooked up to the same e...
- As part of this "merge", the main application copy will now precede its results with a row of attribute headers.
Als... -
07:16 PM Bug report #131 (In Progress): PostGIS digitizing
- I see where the problem is and have devised a potential fix on my machine. I'll commit it to subversion in the next ...
06:53 PM Feature request #100 (In Progress): identify tool: the .Area "column" is missleaading
- Perhaps the Area, Length, etc can be put in a differing style to distinguish them from the layer attributes.
There a... -
06:45 PM Bug report #188 (Closed): Edits of an added feature do not commit
- In theory, if you add a feature to a layer, then show that layer in the attribute table, then edit an attribute of th...
02:12 AM Bug report #187: GRASS: Crash when trying to edit a layer where the editor has not sufficient rights
- sorry for the unreadble gdb-output. Here it is again...
02:09 AM Bug report #187 (Closed): GRASS: Crash when trying to edit a layer where the editor has not suffi...
- Hi developers,
I have found a bug which causes QGIS to crash.
It can be reproduced when you try to edit a layer whic...
01:45 AM Bug report #131: PostGIS digitizing
- 1 example: ERROR: insert or update on table "fix_2006" violates foreign key constraint "verifica_id_radio"
DETAIL: Ke... -
08:29 PM Bug report #131: PostGIS digitizing
- Can you provide an example where "value not allowed" occurs?
There are always going to be cases where there may be a... -
08:25 PM Bug report #135: Qgis slow to show the attribute table with lots of rows
- As part of my changes to my working copy of the HEAD version, I have made a change to the way the attribute table loa...
08:21 PM Bug report #134 (In Progress): After create a postgis layer and filldata, Qgis dont display attri...
- I am currently doing some work in subversion HEAD version that should fix this if it hasn't already been fixed. It s...
03:32 PM Revision af33fb9a (qgis): do not consider layer extents containing 'inf' or 'nan' for wms boundin...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:32 PM Revision 433b0ab5 (qgis): do not consider layer extents containing 'inf' or 'nan' for wms boundin...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:06 PM Revision 196f610c (qgis): in QgsWmsProvider: clear the style list after one top level <Layer> ele...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:06 PM Revision 42d814ec (qgis): in QgsWmsProvider: clear the style list after one top level <Layer> ele...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:26 AM Bug report #186 (Closed): SPIT - Importing shape files always fails with some shapefiles
- I haven't been able to import Shape files not even once. I always get the error message:
Problem inserting features ... -
09:15 AM Revision 91f23481 (qgis): For Mac OS X, use the standard Ctrl+? instead of F1 for the primary hel...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:15 AM Revision b2dad325 (qgis): For Mac OS X, use the standard Ctrl+? instead of F1 for the primary hel...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:58 AM Revision 09d82770 (qgis): For Mac OS X, if the GDAL plugins are bundled with the application, set...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:58 AM Revision ca51e255 (qgis): For Mac OS X, if the GDAL plugins are bundled with the application, set...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:24 AM Bug report #185 (Closed): values proj out of boundary
- if there are values out of boundary (-180, +180) or on edge in the layer (+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no...
03:52 AM Bug report #179: Transparent WMS Layer aren't shown transparent.
- Browsing the Trolltech task tracker yields two bugs that may be causing this problem:
12:10 PM Revision f8025fd6 (qgis): Remember the last directory used for the composer image select file
- dialog box
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
12:10 PM Revision 47a5086d (qgis): Remember the last directory used for the composer image select file
- dialog box
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
11:59 AM Revision 614a2209 (qgis): Tweak the line thicknesses so that the various boxes and frames in
- the map composer always appear.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c0... -
11:59 AM Revision b7682ce8 (qgis): Tweak the line thicknesses so that the various boxes and frames in
- the map composer always appear.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
11:28 AM Revision 27acc8fe (qgis): Fix for ticket #171. The default symbol scale is now 0.5 - not sure
- why it needs to be that to get symbols of a similar size to the map
canvas, but it works fine.
git-svn-id: http://s... -
11:28 AM Revision 775422ee (qgis): Fix for ticket #171. The default symbol scale is now 0.5 - not sure
- why it needs to be that to get symbols of a similar size to the map
canvas, but it works fine.
git-svn-id: http://s... -
11:17 AM Revision 865a2b41 (qgis): Remove some code inside am #ifdef QT < 0x4
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:17 AM Revision e8d45783 (qgis): Remove some code inside am #ifdef QT < 0x4
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:07 AM Revision ed44feec (qgis): Fix for ticket #174 (graduated colours for vectors in legend were
- missing the upper value of the range)
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c... -
11:07 AM Revision 44b3b600 (qgis): Fix for ticket #174 (graduated colours for vectors in legend were
- missing the upper value of the range)
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff... -
08:30 AM Bug report #184 (Closed): qgis-config --libs returns wrong libs
- should return something like:
-L/usr/lib -lqgis_composer -lqgis_core -lqgis_gui -lqgis_legend -lqgis_raster -
08:29 AM Revision 2e25deab (qgis): Fix a mistake in the previous commit (r5573)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:29 AM Revision 6538908d (qgis): Fix a mistake in the previous commit (r5573)
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:12 AM Revision fa5948c8 (qgis): - Fix a missing slot warning
- - Tidy up #ifdef QGISDEBUGs
- Replace some qt3 compabitilty code with the 'qt4 way'
- Use a default label buffer size... -
08:12 AM Revision ee075a0c (qgis): - Fix a missing slot warning
- - Tidy up #ifdef QGISDEBUGs
- Replace some qt3 compabitilty code with the 'qt4 way'
- Use a default label buffer size... -
07:57 AM Bug report #36: Update library sonames before release
- Soo... there's nothing to be done. libqgis is history and these libs are all new for 0.8. Keeping this task around as...
07:48 AM Bug report #36: Update library sonames before release
- I'm going to create a package for each lib, so the sonames should increase independently.
07:16 AM Revision 1d4d6377 (qgis): Change an assert to an error message to avoid any future crashes like
- that in ticket #136
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
07:16 AM Revision b26ce471 (qgis): Change an assert to an error message to avoid any future crashes like
- that in ticket #136
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
02:29 AM Bug report #171 (Closed): symbol size too large in Map Composer
- Fixed in SVN commit:27acc8fe (SVN r5578) by setting the default symbol scale to 0.5 instead of 1.0
02:29 AM Bug report #171 (Closed): symbol size too large in Map Composer
- Fixed in SVN commit:27acc8fe (SVN r5578) by setting the default symbol scale to 0.5 instead of 1.0
02:07 AM Bug report #174 (Closed): legend: range not displayed
- Fixed in SVN commit:ed44feec (SVN r5576)
02:07 AM Bug report #174 (Closed): legend: range not displayed
- Fixed in SVN commit:ed44feec (SVN r5576)
11:40 PM Feature request #183 (Closed): Sample label text should show buffer, orientation, etc
- Setting a coloured buffer isn't reflected in the sample text in the label dialog box.
11:36 PM Bug report #168: legend in map composer: misalignment
- I'm unable to reproduce this problem - can you give some more detail on what you do to cause the problem?
11:28 PM Revision fd1eb1fe (qgis): Further mods to work-around the problem in ticket #83
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:28 PM Revision bca2e9c3 (qgis): Further mods to work-around the problem in ticket #83
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:17 PM Bug report #136 (Closed): Qgis crashes when accessing a postgres view of a view
- The problem seems to have fixed itself in SVN commit:bca2e9c3 (SVN r5572). The assert that was causing the crash has ...
10:17 PM Bug report #136 (Closed): Qgis crashes when accessing a postgres view of a view
- The problem seems to have fixed itself in SVN commit:bca2e9c3 (SVN r5572). The assert that was causing the crash has ...
05:01 PM Revision a8f632d4 (qgis): when capturing line and polygons: don't place a vertex at the position ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:01 PM Revision 9d4766b3 (qgis): when capturing line and polygons: don't place a vertex at the position ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:41 AM Feature request #182 (Closed): Deal properly with multiple raster drivers supporting the same format
- The filelist is built by iterating over the driver list from the gdal driver manager. The following code in qgsraster...
04:13 AM Revision 82bb1ac2 (qgis): In Vertex editing, if editing a polygon, preference is now given to edi...
- This is solving a similar problem to the linestring case in r5550.
git-svn-id: -
04:13 AM Revision dc63a47a (qgis): In Vertex editing, if editing a polygon, preference is now given to edi...
- This is solving a similar problem to the linestring case in r5550.
git-svn-id: -
03:32 AM Revision 002e57a0 (qgis): * In Vertex editing, restore the rubberbanding to moving verticies, whi...
- * Bonus bugfix: If two adjacent verticies were moved in succession, the second vertex would show a rubberband from th...
03:32 AM Revision 423fa0bb (qgis): * In Vertex editing, restore the rubberbanding to moving verticies, whi...
- * Bonus bugfix: If two adjacent verticies were moved in succession, the second vertex would show a rubberband from th...
01:19 AM Revision dd2b966d (qgis): Possible workaround for ticket #83. Adds a new toggle to the option
- dialog that lets the user swap between using a QImage or a QPixmap for
rendering the map. May or may not fix things. ... -
01:19 AM Revision 6abc64b5 (qgis): Possible workaround for ticket #83. Adds a new toggle to the option
- dialog that lets the user swap between using a QImage or a QPixmap for
rendering the map. May or may not fix things. ... -
04:25 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- SVN commit:6abc64b5 (SVN r5568) has a possible work-around to the problem. There is now a toggle in the options dialo...
12:31 PM Revision 4dd9a2b7 (qgis): Fix for the bug mentioned in ticket #177
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:31 PM Revision f523c270 (qgis): Fix for the bug mentioned in ticket #177
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:16 AM Revision 2fd90533 (qgis): Fix for ticket #178. The default value of the scale bar border line
- was 0.01, which in most cases was too small to generate a visible line
in the print composer window. Default is now 2... -
11:16 AM Revision 52293bfa (qgis): Fix for ticket #178. The default value of the scale bar border line
- was 0.01, which in most cases was too small to generate a visible line
in the print composer window. Default is now 2... -
10:34 AM Revision a12ef198 (qgis): Apply patch in ticket #166 to remove warnings about unknown vector drivers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:34 AM Revision 5a60618f (qgis): Apply patch in ticket #166 to remove warnings about unknown vector drivers
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:39 AM Bug report #164: WMS connects but shows white map
- What is the WMS server that you're trying to connect to?
We have found that some servers are mis-configured and ten... -
03:34 AM Bug report #177 (Closed): labels in map composer
- The problem with the border not being drawn is fixed in SVN commit:4dd9a2b7 (SVN r5567).
Being able to have labels ... -
03:34 AM Bug report #177 (Closed): labels in map composer
- The problem with the border not being drawn is fixed in SVN commit:4dd9a2b7 (SVN r5567).
Being able to have labels ... -
03:34 AM Bug report #181 (Closed): Multi-line labels in print composer
- The labels in the print composer should allow for multi-line text.
03:22 AM Bug report #180 (Closed): User-variable line thickness for composer label box
- The user should probably be able to vary the line thickness of the optional label box in the print composer.
02:16 AM Bug report #178 (Closed): scalebar broken
- Fixed in SVN commit:52293bfa (SVN r5566).
02:16 AM Bug report #178 (Closed): scalebar broken
- Fixed in SVN commit:52293bfa (SVN r5566).
01:34 AM Feature request #166 (Closed): patch to fix OGR driver warnings
- Applied in SVN commit:07e02c9e (SVN r5547).
01:34 AM Feature request #166 (Closed): patch to fix OGR driver warnings
- Applied in SVN commit:07e02c9e (SVN r5547).
01:26 AM Bug report #170 (Closed): labels not shown in GRASS DBF layers
- Apparently this has been fixed (svn 5562?)
01:26 AM Bug report #170 (Closed): labels not shown in GRASS DBF layers
- Apparently this has been fixed (svn 5562?)
08:31 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- My, it's even worse with anti-aliasing on:)
As far as I could tell, the only solution while Qt still has the bug is... -
08:22 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- In the latest preview release, this problem can NOT be solved by turning on anti-aliasing, at least with the data set...
11:09 AM Revision a29468e7 (qgis): Downgrade the QgsLogger::warning 'fileVectorFilters, unknown driver"
- to a QgsLogger::debug, as the messages are confusing the users, and
don't impact on Qgis's ability to load such files... -
11:09 AM Revision d4662e8f (qgis): Downgrade the QgsLogger::warning 'fileVectorFilters, unknown driver"
- to a QgsLogger::debug, as the messages are confusing the users, and
don't impact on Qgis's ability to load such files... -
08:30 AM Revision 7272974e (qgis): fix for bug #172 'Labels appear as default'
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:30 AM Revision 5945a32e (qgis): fix for bug #172 'Labels appear as default'
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:00 AM Bug report #179 (Closed): Transparent WMS Layer aren't shown transparent.
- I believe, that since my update from QT-4.1.2 to QT-4.1.3 former transparent shown WMS layer are shown opaque now. Pe...
03:47 AM Bug report #178 (Closed): scalebar broken
- scalebar misses black lines (only black boxes are drawn). it is ok in 0.7
03:46 AM Bug report #177 (Closed): labels in map composer
- in map composer labels can occupy only one row, and if we activate the box surrounding it, no black border is drawn (...
03:44 AM Feature request #176 (Closed): editing data tables
- the data table associated with shapefiles or GRASS vectors cannot be edited (only postgis tables can). I remember it ...
03:40 AM Feature request #175 (Closed): query builder for shapefiles and other data
- query builder works only with postgis data; it would be useful to have it for all vectors, or at least with shapefiles
02:57 AM Bug report #174 (Closed): legend: range not displayed
- If we choose a graduated color for vectors, the legend created in [[MapComposer]] only the first value is shown (not ...
01:55 AM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- Some images showing the problem are available in ticket #173.
01:54 AM Bug report #173 (Closed): Polygon clipping/fill issues
- This ticket is a duplicate of #83.
It is a bug in Qt4, the progress of which can be followed at http://www.trolltech... -
01:54 AM Bug report #173 (Closed): Polygon clipping/fill issues
- This ticket is a duplicate of #83.
It is a bug in Qt4, the progress of which can be followed at http://www.trolltech... -
11:26 PM Bug report #173 (Closed): Polygon clipping/fill issues
- There is a problem with polygon fills reminiscent of the issues we had on OS X at 0.7.4. This occurs when rendering a...
11:37 PM Bug report #172 (Closed): Labels appear as default
11:32 PM Bug report #172: Labels appear as default
- fixed in commit:7272974e (SVN r5563)
08:46 AM Bug report #172 (Closed): Labels appear as default
- When trying to label a shape file the default label appears on every element rather than the correct label from the a...
11:44 AM Revision 32fadc35 (qgis): Add the possibility to set a different pkgdatapath at runtime. This is ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:44 AM Revision 54cd327a (qgis): Add the possibility to set a different pkgdatapath at runtime. This is ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:30 AM Bug report #171 (Closed): symbol size too large in Map Composer
- Symbol size is far larger in Map Composer than in map canvas
08:21 AM Bug report #170 (Closed): labels not shown in GRASS DBF layers
- Labels are not shown for GRASS vectors when linked to dbf (everything ok for those linked to [[PostgreSQL]]). 0.7 doe...
08:17 AM Feature request #169 (Closed): persistent layer properties
- It would be very useful to have the possibility of saving layer properties even independently of projects; therefore ...
08:02 AM Bug report #168 (Closed): legend in map composer: misalignment
- When resizing fonts (eg because of a too long label) in a legend, in Map Composer, text gets misaligned. A screenshot...
07:56 AM Feature request #167 (In Progress): PostGIS geometry collections are not shown
- Geometry collection [[PostGIS]] layers are not loadable. It will be important to allow this in the next version.
04:18 AM Feature request #166 (Closed): patch to fix OGR driver warnings
- Hi,
to fix the following warnings:
Warning: fileVectorFilters, unknown driver: GRASS
Warning: fileVectorFilters, un...
07:28 AM Bug report #165 (Closed): Georeferenzierer Plugin Helmert transformation crash
- In the Georeferenzierer Plugin on a Win2K Maschine,
the Helmert transformation option leeds to a Qgis crash.
07:21 AM Bug report #164 (Closed): WMS connects but shows white map
- Hi,
I have recompiled QGIS from scratch (3 July 2006)
and still have no luck with WMS. On a machine without
proxy it... -
07:14 AM Bug report #3910: WMS Identify fails to provide a useful error message on failure
- Hi,
the same happens here, when using a proxy:
"Could not understand the response. The wms provider said:
08:23 PM Revision b12da704 (qgis): Removed doc/README from Removal of the empty README caused...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:23 PM Revision 49baafa8 (qgis): Removed doc/README from Removal of the empty README caused...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:41 PM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
- -anti-aliasing turned of in qgis= 11 minuts to download d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp
-anti-aliasing turned on in qgis... -
05:18 PM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
- Do you have anti-aliasing turned on in qgis? Could you try loading your layer with and without anti-aliasing to see i...
10:43 AM Bug report #73: Can't load vector layer
- Version of Qgis : Qgis-user] QGIS 0.8.0 Preview Release 1 source downloaded and compiled this morning.
The layer d09... -
04:38 PM Revision 69995c15 (qgis): Remove empty README file
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:38 PM Revision 61bc4a0d (qgis): Remove empty README file
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:35 PM Revision df5b9e59 (qgis): Remove extra slashes from paths. I patched the debian package for this ...
- was.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
04:35 PM Revision 35e726c4 (qgis): Remove extra slashes from paths. I patched the debian package for this ...
- was.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
08:07 AM Revision 1ed0915d (qgis): Makefiles for building win32 version
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:07 AM Revision 467a5020 (qgis): Makefiles for building win32 version
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 AM Revision 3d6a8827 (qgis): Changes related to windows build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 AM Revision 5068f3ab (qgis): Changes related to windows build
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:51 AM Revision ef5c1311 (qgis): Add $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) which is useful for a Mac universal binary compil...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:51 AM Revision 46af42ae (qgis): Add $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) which is useful for a Mac universal binary compil...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:51 PM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
- Turns out this is not a bug. The current UI creates a list of eligible layers from those loaded in QGIS. To import a ...
09:51 PM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
- Turns out this is not a bug. The current UI creates a list of eligible layers from those loaded in QGIS. To import a ...
09:28 AM Bug report #163 (Closed): GRASS and don't open file selector
- When using these tools from the GRASS toolbox, no file selection dialog is opened to allow section of the input vecto...
07:52 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- After trying out 4.1.4 myself i also observe such crashes (under KDE). The backtrace is not very usefull as i didn't ...
07:38 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- Hm, this tarantella environment seems to be strange. Do you have a backtrace so we can see where the crash exactly ha...
01:22 AM Bug report #73 (Feedback): Can't load vector layer
- see shapefiles on
When I try to load shapefile d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp layer w... -
01:22 AM Bug report #73 (Feedback): Can't load vector layer
- see shapefiles on
When I try to load shapefile d09_pente_vecteur_class.shp layer w... -
07:50 AM Bug report #162 (Closed): QGIS crashes when you select "delete attribute" at attribute table
- QGIS crashes when you select "delete attribute" at attribute table
07:35 AM Bug report #161 (Closed): Attributes are set to numbers although attribute type character
- 1. Create a geometry table with character attribute "text".
2. Open attribute table and click "start digitizing".
3. ... -
07:21 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- Good news and bad news.
Good: I just made an upgrade QT-4.1.2 to QT-4.1.3 and now start digitzing doesn't lead to a ... -
05:34 AM Bug report #160 (Closed): GRASS: Deleting attributes
- Dear devs,
when I try to delete an Attribute in GRASS digitize-mode (from edit attribute-menu) I get a confirmation ...
04:36 PM Revision 869e12c4 (qgis): Translation updates from Stephan Holl
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:36 PM Revision c6dd1556 (qgis): Translation updates from Stephan Holl
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:55 AM Revision 129ee08d (qgis): The real fix for ticket #153. Not sure what I was thinking when I did
- r5552.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
10:55 AM Revision 814974bf (qgis): The real fix for ticket #153. Not sure what I was thinking when I did
- r5552.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
03:24 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- >I would be surprised (at qgis) if the zoom to a single selected point gave a view with
>lots of other, unselected, p... -
03:09 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- After some more thought, I think the problem (and solution) comes down to: what does the user expect when zooming int...
03:11 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Yep! Now it looks to be fixed. Thank you very much.
02:16 AM Bug report #134: After create a postgis layer and filldata, Qgis dont display attributes
- I think that this has been fixed in the latest SVN (#5553) version of Qgis, and is related to ticket #153. We will ho...
01:57 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Should be fixed in SVN commit:814974bf (SVN r5554). I'll be bold and close the bug again, confident that the bug is f...
01:57 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Should be fixed in SVN commit:814974bf (SVN r5554). I'll be bold and close the bug again, confident that the bug is f...
01:56 PM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Oh dear. I'll have another go at fixing it :)
05:55 AM Bug report #153 (Feedback): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- For me it doesn't work. There are much more empty columns than before. All columns right of the geometry column are n...
05:55 AM Bug report #153 (Feedback): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- For me it doesn't work. There are much more empty columns than before. All columns right of the geometry column are n...
03:32 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Fixed in SVN commit:c8e57255 (SVN r5553).
Actual problem was with tables where the geometry column was not the last ... -
03:32 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Fixed in SVN commit:c8e57255 (SVN r5553).
Actual problem was with tables where the geometry column was not the last ... -
02:56 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Got it - I can now reproduce the problem. Will try to fix it now...
12:31 PM Revision 0c740142 (qgis): Fix for ticket #153.
- The attribute table was failing to display the contents of the last column
in a table for tables where the geometry c... -
12:31 PM Revision c8e57255 (qgis): Fix for ticket #153.
- The attribute table was failing to display the contents of the last column
in a table for tables where the geometry c... -
11:07 AM Bug report #152 (Closed): Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
05:24 AM Revision b151fb27 (qgis): In the vector symbology dialog, add a tooltip to the "no fill" button
- to more clearly indicate what that button does.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05... -
05:24 AM Revision 36c5e220 (qgis): In the vector symbology dialog, add a tooltip to the "no fill" button
- to more clearly indicate what that button does.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410... -
04:00 AM Revision 36b0a6ca (qgis): In Vertex editing, when doing a mousedown to choose which geometry to
- edit, the closest geometry will be selected (not just the first within
snapping range),
AND then the closest vertex ... -
04:00 AM Revision adfd606f (qgis): In Vertex editing, when doing a mousedown to choose which geometry to
- edit, the closest geometry will be selected (not just the first within
snapping range),
AND then the closest vertex ... -
02:56 AM Revision 94870369 (qgis): In the PostGIS provider, restored the ability to save added and
- changed geometries to pre-1.0 PostGIS servers (pre-r3907). This also now includes
the ability to sniff the PostGIS v... -
02:56 AM Revision c59ea1d6 (qgis): In the PostGIS provider, restored the ability to save added and
- changed geometries to pre-1.0 PostGIS servers (pre-r3907). This also now includes
the ability to sniff the PostGIS v...
06:53 PM Feature request #59: copy to clipboard support
- Note that as a workaround in the subversion head version, you can select the point in question and copy it - the clip...
10:34 AM Bug report #148: Legend groups capture legend items
- If a legend layer is inside a legend group, an item called 'make to toplevel item' appears in the right click menu. C...
01:44 AM Bug report #147: Labels not displayed for GRASS vector layers
- Mac OSX.4.6 --
I am having very similar problem, except with an imported .shp/.dbf layer.
Attributes are present. -... -
12:35 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- Sounds like a reasonable solution to let the user decide whether to zoom in to a very large scale or to zoom to a pre...
11:56 PM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- Now it works but the selected point will be shown in a very very large scale. I think the best way to zoom to one sel...
12:15 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
- The file contains two tables. The table good_col.sql creates a table public.test and was created by QGIS....
12:12 PM Revision 3d8060f6 (qgis): Only display some debugging output when debugging is turned on
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:12 PM Revision e2faa857 (qgis): Only display some debugging output when debugging is turned on
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:43 AM Revision 2b3d499a (qgis): Remove unnecessary connect() calls - they were generating a warning on ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:43 AM Revision 07538fa2 (qgis): Remove unnecessary connect() calls - they were generating a warning on ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:33 AM Revision 9b1c05ec (qgis): Moved a std::cerr debug line into #ifdef QGISDEDUG
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:33 AM Revision 07e02c9e (qgis): Moved a std::cerr debug line into #ifdef QGISDEDUG
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:30 AM Revision 846a7bf3 (qgis): Removed an unnecessay call to connect() that was generating a warning
- on stdout
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
11:30 AM Revision d1b27167 (qgis): Removed an unnecessay call to connect() that was generating a warning
- on stdout
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c -
02:50 AM Bug report #159 (Closed): SVG export doesn't crop layers to page size
- if I export a map in svg and if I zoomed in this map, svg export wil export all the map, not only the extended zoom.
12:13 PM Revision b3a8097a (qgis): Minor change to text in raster file chooser filter box for the *
- filter. Also wrap some user visible text in tr()
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d0... -
12:13 PM Revision 332ece96 (qgis): Minor change to text in raster file chooser filter box for the *
- filter. Also wrap some user visible text in tr()
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-041... -
12:07 PM Revision bd23b2f8 (qgis): Removed a bit of duplicated code
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:07 PM Revision 901ad5b6 (qgis): Removed a bit of duplicated code
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:46 AM Revision 7e3491ee (qgis): Remove some unnecessary calls to connect(). They have been causing
- warnings from Qt during runtime, and don't seem to affect the
operation of qgis when removed.
git-svn-id: http://sv... -
11:46 AM Revision 81dc34d6 (qgis): Remove some unnecessary calls to connect(). They have been causing
- warnings from Qt during runtime, and don't seem to affect the
operation of qgis when removed.
git-svn-id: http://sv... -
11:28 AM Revision 8d1452b5 (qgis): Fix for ticket #149.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:28 AM Revision 69f024ef (qgis): Fix for ticket #149.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:28 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
- Fixed in SVN commit:69f024ef (SVN r5542).
02:28 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
- Fixed in SVN commit:69f024ef (SVN r5542).
02:22 AM Bug report #153: Last column of Postgis table is missing
- Works for me. Can you provide some details on the table definition and an example of some of the data in it?
08:02 PM Revision 1a2e8905 (qgis): Updated german translation - thanks to Stephan Holl
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:02 PM Revision 80495f81 (qgis): Updated german translation - thanks to Stephan Holl
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:46 PM Revision 497a2bf9 (qgis): Updates for marker cache so that I can support qpicture again (still in...
- Markers now are drawn generically onto a QPainter device and there will be two wrappers - one that returns a qpicture...
01:46 PM Revision 3169c34c (qgis): Updates for marker cache so that I can support qpicture again (still in...
- Markers now are drawn generically onto a QPainter device and there will be two wrappers - one that returns a qpicture...
11:07 AM Revision 57a21ca7 (qgis): Behave better when zooming to selection when the selection is a single ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:07 AM Revision a0cf5e37 (qgis): Behave better when zooming to selection when the selection is a single ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:08 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- Zoom to selection for a single point now does something more sensible (SVN commit:57a21ca7 (SVN r5539)). Not sure if ...
12:39 AM Bug report #154: Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- Works for me, except that selecting just one point and then zooming to selection results in a very zoomed out map.
12:29 AM Bug report #38: Saved WMS layers do not reload
- Some more details are in ticket #156.
12:29 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
- This is the same bug as in ticket #38.
12:29 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
- This is the same bug as in ticket #38.
02:30 AM Bug report #156 (Closed): saved QGIS-project does not recognize WMS
- Dear Devs,
saving a qgs.-project with WMS-layers inside cannot be opened again. The WMS-layers are not found anymore... -
09:54 AM Bug report #158 (Closed): loading a float raster layer returns an integer when the no-data value ...
- If you have an AAIGrid raster layer no-data value set to -9999, such as when you export an AAIGrid from [[ArcMAP]], t...
09:42 AM Bug report #157 (Closed): Add a Rastor Layer dialog defaults the file type to tif regardles of th...
- When you open the Add a Raster Layer Dialog: 'Open a GDAL supported Raster Data Source' the 'Files of Type' drop down...
03:48 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- OK. I made some tests and it looks like a GNOME problem. Our Tarantelle secure network based on GNOME. When I start Q...
01:58 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- This seems to be a harder problem.
It depends on the platform/system I start QGIS. From a native KDE environment it ... -
10:46 AM Bug report #155: Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS Layer
- Unfortunately, this also works in my computing environment. Does the database report anything unusual when clicking t...
01:31 AM Bug report #152: Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
- Mmmmm...
I can't reproduce the mentioned behavior too now. Perhaps I detected this error at an older rev. With rev 5... -
10:38 AM Bug report #152: Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
- This works correctly when i do it on my computer(kubuntu 6.06, svn version updated 21.06.06). Probably you could post...
06:51 PM Revision 6eeaa515 (qgis): For the calculation of the extent of WMS layers: ignore layers where th...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:51 PM Revision eee6c567 (qgis): For the calculation of the extent of WMS layers: ignore layers where th...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 AM Revision 2348cb3b (qgis): Fix for the multipolygon rubberband bug
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:53 AM Revision a8847431 (qgis): Fix for the multipolygon rubberband bug
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:02 PM Revision 7adc002b (qgis): Improved rubber banding for vertex editing. Still buggy for multipolygons
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:02 PM Revision 02d951ad (qgis): Improved rubber banding for vertex editing. Still buggy for multipolygons
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
06:15 AM Bug report #155 (Closed): Attribute Table crashes when click start digitizing button on PostGIS L...
- The attribute table disappears and it is not possible to recover the attribute table after a click on the start digit...
04:28 AM Bug report #154 (Closed): Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
- Zoom to selected does not work with POINT Layer
04:27 AM Bug report #153 (Closed): Last column of Postgis table is missing
- When opening the attribut table of a postgis layer the last column of the postgis table is empty.
After identifying ...
08:22 AM Bug report #152 (Closed): Layer Group is not saved/restored correctly
- 1. Add Group: Add layers to group
2. Save Project
3. Load Project
As the result all prior grouped layers appears as ...
07:08 PM Revision 3fb3af29 (qgis): Scripts and files used for the release of QGIS/Mac.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:08 PM Revision 2b4fef5b (qgis): Scripts and files used for the release of QGIS/Mac.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:32 PM Revision 9320b44b (qgis): Some refactoring to prepare the way for reinstating qpicture based symb...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
05:32 PM Revision 0e484f58 (qgis): Some refactoring to prepare the way for reinstating qpicture based symb...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:30 PM Revision 03dcacf6 (qgis): Anal retentive alphebetisation of includes...and remove duplicate inclu...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:30 PM Revision b3a65274 (qgis): Anal retentive alphebetisation of includes...and remove duplicate inclu...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
12:55 AM Feature request #151 (Closed): Copying of basic symbology (e.g. colour) to other layers needed
- Dragging and dropping files between different file groups in the legend works sometimes and doesn't work other times....
12:33 AM Feature request #150 (Closed): User should be able to change the copyright text colour
- The user should be able to change the copyright text colour.
This would be handy when the background is an image of ... -
12:27 AM Bug report #149 (Closed): Toggle map rendering is ineffective
- The map rendering toggle on the status bar doesn't stop rendering from happening when changes are made to the legend ...
12:27 AM Bug report #148 (Closed): Legend groups capture legend items
- 1. Add a couple of layers to qgis
2. Create a legend group
3. Drag and drop a layer into the legend group
4. It i... -
09:21 PM Bug report #147 (Closed): Labels not displayed for GRASS vector layers
- When turning on labels for GRASS vector layers, the default word "Label" is displayed instead of the value of the sel...
03:51 PM Bug report #146: Save project dialog breaks text instead of wrapping
- Looks fine under Linux, perhaps due to the smaller icon to the left.
11:58 AM Bug report #146 (Closed): Save project dialog breaks text instead of wrapping
- When exiting QGIS, the dialog that asks if you want to save the project breaks the text at the edge of the box inste...
12:33 PM Bug report #74 (Closed): Spit dialog gets lost behind main window whenever it loses focus
- This works properly now. Note that since the SPIT dialog is non-modal, it is still possible for it to be hidden when ...
12:33 PM Bug report #74 (Closed): Spit dialog gets lost behind main window whenever it loses focus
- This works properly now. Note that since the SPIT dialog is non-modal, it is still possible for it to be hidden when ...
10:41 AM Revision cbad69e2 (qgis): Include directory for ogr includes was not on compile line - only appar...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:41 AM Revision 470177cc (qgis): Include directory for ogr includes was not on compile line - only appar...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:37 AM Revision 1067fee4 (qgis): For Mac OS X, if the QtCore framework is bundled with the application, ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
10:37 AM Revision 87d2fea3 (qgis): For Mac OS X, if the QtCore framework is bundled with the application, ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:22 AM Revision f0314f39 (qgis): Add in include and lib directories for the gdal stuff in the core direc...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
04:22 AM Revision 4eab0967 (qgis): Add in include and lib directories for the gdal stuff in the core direc...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:28 AM Revision 2b863618 (qgis): For the debian version to sort properly you actually need to use Ymd fo...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
03:28 AM Revision 527d76a1 (qgis): For the debian version to sort properly you actually need to use Ymd fo...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:40 PM Bug report #104: GRASS-shell does not produce output
- If QGIS is started from a GRASS shell (e.g. by running grass61 then starting QGIS), then g.list rast does produce out...
11:09 PM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
- I have modified the trac settings to always notify the original reporter of changes to a ticket.
11:09 PM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
- I have modified the trac settings to always notify the original reporter of changes to a ticket.
09:24 PM Revision 6914f483 (qgis): Build with no debugging for smaller distributeable bundle
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:24 PM Revision d9741bae (qgis): Build with no debugging for smaller distributeable bundle
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:15 PM Revision 703ac0e0 (qgis): Fix date stamping to work in that back to front oh-so-strange american ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
09:15 PM Revision 12887dde (qgis): Fix date stamping to work in that back to front oh-so-strange american ...
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:20 AM Revision 0bb7fb5e (qgis): Some updates prior to generating 0.8 preview rpms.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
08:20 AM Revision e464365b (qgis): Some updates prior to generating 0.8 preview rpms.
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:45 AM Revision 5b7bd668 (qgis): Added Q icon to the help dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:45 AM Revision fcb5b1f7 (qgis): Added Q icon to the help dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:44 AM Revision 2487270f (qgis): 60x60 Q icon
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:44 AM Revision f052ad14 (qgis): 60x60 Q icon
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:43 AM Revision aa0de664 (qgis): Added Q icon to the about dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:43 AM Revision e984d481 (qgis): Added Q icon to the about dialog
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:43 AM Revision 3fd7c580 (qgis): Added method to return path to icons directory
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
07:43 AM Revision 79aecf6a (qgis): Added method to return path to icons directory
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:26 AM Revision 4b28856b (qgis): Make editing icons more consistent with other icons.
- Disable tests in mac build script.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093... -
01:26 AM Revision e4ee9eda (qgis): Make editing icons more consistent with other icons.
- Disable tests in mac build script.
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de... -
03:22 PM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- This is a bug in Qt, the status of which can be followed at
03:31 AM Bug report #83: Strange polygon fill rendering
- The comments about white speckle in polygons may be caused by this Qt bug (
03:27 AM Bug report #145 (Closed): Email Notification by Trac?
- Hi,
it would be great to receive comments on my
tickets - somehow they don't reach me.
Maybe an issue in
http://svn... -
03:24 AM Feature request #144 (Closed): GRASS-shell: close button
- Hi,
please add a "close" button to the GRASS-shell.
11:40 PM Revision 001f7d60 (qgis): Correct some user visible text
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
11:40 PM Revision 0b12acaa (qgis): Correct some user visible text
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
02:42 PM Bug report #143 (Closed): postgis view load error
- Ticket has been resolved in SVN commit:0b12acaa (SVN r5519) mainly through improved communication of the problem to t...
02:42 PM Bug report #143 (Closed): postgis view load error
- Ticket has been resolved in SVN commit:0b12acaa (SVN r5519) mainly through improved communication of the problem to t...
09:30 AM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
- Gavin,
I just rebuilt the latest SVN. I tried to load the postgis layer and see the new message you put in there, "N...
01:25 AM Revision 0e1b4007 (qgis): Give mac is own little script for building
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:25 AM Revision aa681630 (qgis): Give mac is own little script for building
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:24 AM Revision 314da428 (qgis): Added geos cflags to make to remove build issue on mac
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:24 AM Revision 803b83dc (qgis): Added geos cflags to make to remove build issue on mac
- git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
01:59 PM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
- Kirk,
By 'error dialog box' I mean the dialog box that says that the view couldn't be loaded, and also lists the col... -
06:36 AM Bug report #143: postgis view load error
- Not to beat this to death but.... The problem is that the view creates an (for lack of better term) an inner join. Th...
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