From 2011-10-15 to 2011-11-13
08:44 AM Bug report #21: Synchronizing the list of plugins from django to redmine
- Or use the REST API: -
08:44 AM Bug report #21: Synchronizing the list of plugins from django to redmine
- Or use the REST API:
09:44 AM Bug report #4513 (Closed): Add organization responsible for the plugin
- Among the plugin metadata, also the organization who produced it should be visible in the website.
08:42 AM Feature request #4510 (Closed): Provide cleaner url for plugin pages
- Fixed in trunk
06:41 AM Feature request #4510 (Resolved): Provide cleaner url for plugin pages
03:01 AM Feature request #4510 (Closed): Provide cleaner url for plugin pages
- Rather than a plugin id, the URL for plugins would be better named after the plugin internal name.
Example: http://pl...
05:18 AM Bug report #4508 (Open): user image is missing from planet pages
- See top right in page:
the missing image is:
01:00 AM Feature request #4446 (Closed): make upload limit for plugins a little bigger?
- I have a plugin (xytools) in which there is a docs directory in which there are some (big) screendumps...
Trying to ... -
12:57 AM Bug report #4445 (Closed): search for 'xytoo' does not reveal XyTools plugin, but 'tool' does
- trying to upgrade the XyTools plugin I searched with xy first on the frontpage, but could not find something
I see t...
08:00 AM Bug report #4248 (Closed): Missing author firstname in author datails page
- In LDAP we have
sn record (set to surname)
cn record (set to full name)
givenName (set to first name)
I tested with... -
06:10 AM Bug report #4248: Missing author firstname in author datails page
- It seems like that the import is already set up correctly...
12:54 AM Bug report #4248 (In Progress): Missing author firstname in author datails page
12:54 AM Bug report #4248: Missing author firstname in author datails page
- There is a possibility to import profile data from LDAP to Django User model when the user is created, I will investi...
02:44 PM Bug report #4248: Missing author firstname in author datails page
- I've gone to the OSGEO portal to fill my profile's empty fields (if any), but I wasn't able to find either name or fi...
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