Bug report #21017
Updated by Jürgen Fischer about 6 years ago
Error follows on from a previously closed bug ticket #20340.
When I try to use the SAGA's RGB Composite tool I get the following message (abbreviated below). This seems to be related to discussion here: [[https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8418]]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Error: select a library
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/temp/test.sgrd]
Error: Grid
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
The full log is:
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'Rgb composite' starting…
Input parameters:
{ 'B_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif', 'B_METHOD' : 0, 'B_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'B_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'B_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'B_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'B_STDDEV' : 2, 'G_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif', 'G_METHOD' : 0, 'G_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'G_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'G_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'G_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'G_STDDEV' : 2, 'RGB' : 'C:/temp/test.tif', 'R_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif', 'R_METHOD' : 0, 'R_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'R_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'R_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'R_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'R_STDDEV' : 2 }
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif"
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
grid_visualisation "RGB Composite" -R_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -G_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -B_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -R_METHOD 0 -G_METHOD 0 -B_METHOD 0 -R_RANGE_MIN 0 -R_RANGE_MAX 255 -R_PERCTL_MIN 1 -R_PERCTL_MAX 99 -R_STDDEV 2.0 -G_RANGE_MIN 0 -G_RANGE_MAX 255 -G_PERCTL_MIN 1 -G_PERCTL_MAX 99 -G_STDDEV 2.0 -B_RANGE_MIN 0 -B_RANGE_MAX 255 -B_PERCTL_MIN 1 -B_PERCTL_MAX 99 -B_STDDEV 2.0 -RGB "C:/temp/test.tif"
io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>set SAGA=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr\modules
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd grid_visualisation "RGB Composite" -R_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -G_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -B_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -R_METHOD 0 -G_METHOD 0 -B_METHOD 0 -R_RANGE_MIN 0 -R_RANGE_MAX 255 -R_PERCTL_MIN 1 -R_PERCTL_MAX 99 -R_STDDEV 2.0 -G_RANGE_MIN 0 -G_RANGE_MAX 255 -G_PERCTL_MIN 1 -G_PERCTL_MAX 99 -G_STDDEV 2.0 -B_RANGE_MIN 0 -B_RANGE_MAX 255 -B_PERCTL_MIN 1 -B_PERCTL_MAX 99 -B_STDDEV 2.0 -RGB "C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd]
Error: Red
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
library path: C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: grid_visualisation
library : Grids
tool : RGB Composite
author : O.Conrad (c) 2002
processors : 8 [8]
Load grid: C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd...
Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 3 [-R_GRID <str>] [-R_METHOD <str>] [-R_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-R_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-R_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-R_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-R_STDDEV <double>] [-G_GRID <str>] [-G_METHOD <str>] [-G_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-G_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-G_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-G_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-G_STDDEV <double>] [-B_GRID <str>] [-B_METHOD <str>] [-B_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-B_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-B_STDDEV <double>] [-A_GRID <str>] [-A_METHOD <str>] [-A_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-A_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-A_STDDEV <double>] [-RGB <str>]
-R_GRID:<str> Red
Grid (input)
-R_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-R_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-R_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-R_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-R_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-R_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-G_GRID:<str> Green
Grid (input)
-G_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-G_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-G_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-G_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-G_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-G_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-B_GRID:<str> Blue
Grid (input)
-B_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-B_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-B_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-B_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-B_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-B_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-A_GRID:<str> Alpha
Grid (optional input)
-A_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-A_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-A_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-A_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-A_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-A_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-RGB:<str> Composite
Grid (output)
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/temp/test.sgrd]
Error: Grid
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
library path: C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: io_grid_image
library : Images
tool : Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)
author : O.Conrad (c) 2005
processors : 8 [8]
Load grid: C:/temp/test.sgrd...
Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 [-GRID <str>] [-SHADE <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-FILE_KML <str>] [-COLOURING <str>] [-COL_PALETTE <str>] [-COL_COUNT <num>] [-COL_REVERT <str>] [-STDDEV <double>] [-STRETCH_MIN <double>] [-STRETCH_MAX <double>] [-LUT <str>] [-SHADE_TRANS <double>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN <double>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX <double>]
-GRID:<str> Grid
Grid (input)
-SHADE:<str> Shade
Grid (optional input)
-FILE:<str> Image File
File path
-FILE_KML:<str> Create KML File
Default: 1
-COLOURING:<str> Colouring
Available Choices:
[0] stretch to grid's standard deviation
[1] stretch to grid's value range
[2] stretch to specified value range
[3] lookup table
[4] rgb coded values
Default: 0
-COL_PALETTE:<str> Color Palette
Available Choices:
[22] NEON
[24] ASPECT_1
[25] ASPECT_2
[26] ASPECT_3
Default: 0
-COL_COUNT:<num> Number of Colors
Default: 100
-COL_REVERT:<str> Revert Palette
Default: 0
-STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-STRETCH_MIN:<double> Stretch to Value Range
Value range
-STRETCH_MAX:<double> Stretch to Value Range
Value range
-LUT:<str> Lookup Table
Table (optional input)
-SHADE_TRANS:<double> Shade Transparency []
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 40.000000
-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN:<double> Shade Brightness []
Value range
-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX:<double> Shade Brightness []
Value range
Execution completed in 22.85 seconds
{'RGB': 'C:/temp/test.tif'}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/temp/test.tif</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
When I try to use the SAGA's RGB Composite tool I get the following message (abbreviated below). This seems to be related to discussion here: [[https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/8418]]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Error: select a library
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/temp/test.sgrd]
Error: Grid
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
The full log is:
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'Rgb composite' starting…
Input parameters:
{ 'B_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif', 'B_METHOD' : 0, 'B_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'B_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'B_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'B_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'B_STDDEV' : 2, 'G_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif', 'G_METHOD' : 0, 'G_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'G_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'G_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'G_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'G_STDDEV' : 2, 'RGB' : 'C:/temp/test.tif', 'R_GRID' : 'C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif', 'R_METHOD' : 0, 'R_PERCTL_MAX' : 99, 'R_PERCTL_MIN' : 1, 'R_RANGE_MAX' : 255, 'R_RANGE_MIN' : 0, 'R_STDDEV' : 2 }
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif"
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
grid_visualisation "RGB Composite" -R_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -G_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -B_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -R_METHOD 0 -G_METHOD 0 -B_METHOD 0 -R_RANGE_MIN 0 -R_RANGE_MAX 255 -R_PERCTL_MIN 1 -R_PERCTL_MAX 99 -R_STDDEV 2.0 -G_RANGE_MIN 0 -G_RANGE_MAX 255 -G_PERCTL_MIN 1 -G_PERCTL_MAX 99 -G_STDDEV 2.0 -B_RANGE_MIN 0 -B_RANGE_MAX 255 -B_PERCTL_MIN 1 -B_PERCTL_MAX 99 -B_STDDEV 2.0 -RGB "C:/temp/test.tif"
io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>set SAGA=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>set SAGA_MLB=C:/PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps\saga-ltr\modules
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/FerrousSi_SWIR2divSWIR1.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_gdal 0 -TRANSFORM 1 -RESAMPLING 3 -GRIDS "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -FILES "C:/Users/User/OneDrive - University of Tasmania/Unearthed Data Challange/GIS/Landsat_8/LC08_L1TP_100080_20181219_20181219_01_RT_2018-12-19/Band Ratios/Fe2 SWIR2divNIR + GRNdivRED.tif"
Error: select a library
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
68 loaded tool libraries (630 tools):
- climate_tools
- contrib_perego
- db_odbc
- db_pgsql
- docs_html
- garden_3d_viewer
- garden_fractals
- garden_games
- garden_learn_to_program
- garden_webservices
- grid_analysis
- grid_calculus
- grid_calculus_bsl
- grid_filter
- grid_gridding
- grid_spline
- grid_tools
- grid_visualisation
- imagery_classification
- imagery_isocluster
- imagery_maxent
- imagery_photogrammetry
- imagery_segmentation
- imagery_svm
- imagery_tools
- io_esri_e00
- io_gps
- io_grid
- io_grid_image
- io_shapes
- io_shapes_dxf
- io_table
- io_virtual
- pj_georeference
- pj_geotrans
- pj_proj4
- pointcloud_tools
- pointcloud_viewer
- shapes_grid
- shapes_lines
- shapes_points
- shapes_polygons
- shapes_tools
- shapes_transect
- sim_cellular_automata
- sim_ecosystems_hugget
- sim_erosion
- sim_fire_spreading
- sim_hydrology
- sim_ihacres
- sim_qm_of_esp
- sim_rivflow
- statistics_grid
- statistics_kriging
- statistics_points
- statistics_regression
- ta_channels
- ta_compound
- ta_hydrology
- ta_lighting
- ta_morphometry
- ta_preprocessor
- ta_profiles
- ta_slope_stability
- table_calculus
- table_tools
- tin_tools
- tin_viewer
type -h or --help for further information
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd grid_visualisation "RGB Composite" -R_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd" -G_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/a4383c5db83c45569086a42694c3c502/L8Fe2.sgrd" -B_GRID "C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/24eaba4f23614d2e8d1ea9e4ac2dd83a/L8Fe2.sgrd" -R_METHOD 0 -G_METHOD 0 -B_METHOD 0 -R_RANGE_MIN 0 -R_RANGE_MAX 255 -R_PERCTL_MIN 1 -R_PERCTL_MAX 99 -R_STDDEV 2.0 -G_RANGE_MIN 0 -G_RANGE_MAX 255 -G_PERCTL_MIN 1 -G_PERCTL_MAX 99 -G_STDDEV 2.0 -B_RANGE_MIN 0 -B_RANGE_MAX 255 -B_PERCTL_MIN 1 -B_PERCTL_MAX 99 -B_STDDEV 2.0 -RGB "C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd]
Error: Red
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
library path: C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: grid_visualisation
library : Grids
tool : RGB Composite
author : O.Conrad (c) 2002
processors : 8 [8]
Load grid: C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_62f1db45cbbf463e8ddd11d0771a7761/bd44649ecd0e47c2bc7f9fbe8ca1f000/L8FerrousSi.sgrd...
Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 3 [-R_GRID <str>] [-R_METHOD <str>] [-R_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-R_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-R_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-R_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-R_STDDEV <double>] [-G_GRID <str>] [-G_METHOD <str>] [-G_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-G_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-G_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-G_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-G_STDDEV <double>] [-B_GRID <str>] [-B_METHOD <str>] [-B_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-B_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-B_STDDEV <double>] [-A_GRID <str>] [-A_METHOD <str>] [-A_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-A_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-A_STDDEV <double>] [-RGB <str>]
-R_GRID:<str> Red
Grid (input)
-R_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-R_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-R_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-R_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-R_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-R_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-G_GRID:<str> Green
Grid (input)
-G_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-G_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-G_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-G_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-G_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-G_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-B_GRID:<str> Blue
Grid (input)
-B_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-B_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-B_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-B_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-B_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-B_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-A_GRID:<str> Alpha
Grid (optional input)
-A_METHOD:<str> Value Preparation
Available Choices:
[0] take original value (0 - 255)
[1] rescale to 0 - 255
[2] user defined
[3] percentiles
[4] standard deviation
Default: 4
-A_RANGE_MIN:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-A_RANGE_MAX:<double> Rescale Range
Value range
-A_PERCTL_MIN:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-A_PERCTL_MAX:<double> Percentiles
Value range
-A_STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-RGB:<str> Composite
Grid (output)
C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\bin>saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 -COLOURING 4 -GRID:"C:/temp/test.sgrd" -FILE:"C:/temp/test.tif"
Error: input file [C:/temp/test.sgrd]
Error: Grid
##### ## ##### ##
### ### ## ###
### # ## ## #### # ##
### ##### ## # #####
##### # ## ##### # ##
SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)
library path: C:\PROGRA~1\QGIS3~1.4\apps\saga-ltr\modules\
library name: io_grid_image
library : Images
tool : Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)
author : O.Conrad (c) 2005
processors : 8 [8]
Load grid: C:/temp/test.sgrd...
Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 [-GRID <str>] [-SHADE <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-FILE_KML <str>] [-COLOURING <str>] [-COL_PALETTE <str>] [-COL_COUNT <num>] [-COL_REVERT <str>] [-STDDEV <double>] [-STRETCH_MIN <double>] [-STRETCH_MAX <double>] [-LUT <str>] [-SHADE_TRANS <double>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN <double>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX <double>]
-GRID:<str> Grid
Grid (input)
-SHADE:<str> Shade
Grid (optional input)
-FILE:<str> Image File
File path
-FILE_KML:<str> Create KML File
Default: 1
-COLOURING:<str> Colouring
Available Choices:
[0] stretch to grid's standard deviation
[1] stretch to grid's value range
[2] stretch to specified value range
[3] lookup table
[4] rgb coded values
Default: 0
-COL_PALETTE:<str> Color Palette
Available Choices:
[22] NEON
[24] ASPECT_1
[25] ASPECT_2
[26] ASPECT_3
Default: 0
-COL_COUNT:<num> Number of Colors
Default: 100
-COL_REVERT:<str> Revert Palette
Default: 0
-STDDEV:<double> Standard Deviation
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-STRETCH_MIN:<double> Stretch to Value Range
Value range
-STRETCH_MAX:<double> Stretch to Value Range
Value range
-LUT:<str> Lookup Table
Table (optional input)
-SHADE_TRANS:<double> Shade Transparency []
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 40.000000
-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN:<double> Shade Brightness []
Value range
-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX:<double> Shade Brightness []
Value range
Execution completed in 22.85 seconds
{'RGB': 'C:/temp/test.tif'}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/temp/test.tif</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.