Bug report #20362
Updated by Mathieu Pellerin - nIRV over 6 years ago
OK, that one is odd. A critical bug in the wms provider is triggered by the browser panel's preview under a specific set of circumstances.
*Steps to reproduce*
# Launch QGIS and open the browser panel
# Add a XYZ item to the browser panel's XYZ node (use the following URL: https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x})
# Make sure the newly-added XYZ item isn't selected yet
# Activate the preview section of the browser panel
# Select the newly-added XYZ item (do not open the preview tab)
# Double-click on the XYZ item to add it to the main canvas
# At that stage, if your console is open, you'll see a flood of messages (see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab0q0Pr5zYs&feature=youtu.be)
# If you try to shutdown QGIS, it'll freeze, stuck in the infinite loop of console debug messages
# Alternatively, if you open the preview tab in the browser panel, the console flood stops, and QGIS will exit properly
I'm attaching the debug log output in case it's of help.
*Steps to reproduce*
# Launch QGIS and open the browser panel
# Add a XYZ item to the browser panel's XYZ node (use the following URL: https://services.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x})
# Make sure the newly-added XYZ item isn't selected yet
# Activate the preview section of the browser panel
# Select the newly-added XYZ item (do not open the preview tab)
# Double-click on the XYZ item to add it to the main canvas
# At that stage, if your console is open, you'll see a flood of messages (see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab0q0Pr5zYs&feature=youtu.be)
# If you try to shutdown QGIS, it'll freeze, stuck in the infinite loop of console debug messages
# Alternatively, if you open the preview tab in the browser panel, the console flood stops, and QGIS will exit properly
I'm attaching the debug log output in case it's of help.