Bug report #14165

Updated by Paolo Cavallini almost 7 years ago

I'm getting:

Failed to create the output layer: non riesco a creare il layer (errore

OGR:Geometry type of `Unrecognised: 1003' not supported in shapefiles.

Type can be overridden with a layer creation option



Note from Even Rouault:

>> Sounds like a PolygonZ (=1003) is passed to OGR as WKB encoded with ISO

>> SQL/MM to GDAL 1.11 or older. Only GDAL 2.0 will support that. GDAL 1.X

>> will only support old-style 99-402 extended dimension (Z) WKB, so

>> Polygon25D = 0x80000003


> Thanks Even. In this case, the plugin would be essentially broken in all

> systems with gdal<2 (as in Debian sid9), right?

Yes, it seems than any 3D geometry outputted by this plugin will not be GDAL

1.X compatible. 2D geometries should be OK though.

Perhaps there's somewhere in QGIS code base a way of converting ISO WKB to

old-style WKB ?
