Bug report #16198
Updated by Giovanni Manghi almost 8 years ago
calling the asPolygon() member function of any QgsGeometry in Python (on the console and from within a plugin) produces a segmentation fault
To reproduce it, run the following two lines on the python console:
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromWkt("Polygon((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10, 0 0))")
polygon = geometry.asPolygon()
I am running Python 3.6 and PyQt 5.7.1
The backtrace is from a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release binary, I am in the middle of compiling a Debug binary
To reproduce it, run the following two lines on the python console:
geometry = QgsGeometry().fromWkt("Polygon((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10, 0 0))")
polygon = geometry.asPolygon()
I am running Python 3.6 and PyQt 5.7.1
The backtrace is from a CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release binary, I am in the middle of compiling a Debug binary