Feature request #21968

More styling options for custom NULL representation

Added by Brett Carlock almost 6 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29783


In addition to setting the string representation for NULL objects by string content, I'd love to be able to set custom string formatting for font/weight/size/color/etc to help these stand out in the table visually, and also so that a string of NULL cannot be confused with the NULL object/property representation in any normal situation. Unfortunately, I've run across data where NULL string values were inserted into the table alongside empty and actual NULL values, and parsing out what was what was a nightmare.

So, instead of my NULL representation only being <NULL> like current, I could have it be <NULL>, and also be colorized red, for instance. Instant visual confirmation that what I'm looking at is actually really a NULL, and not a manual entry of a NULL string.

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