Feature request #21739

Ability to choose sheets from Spreadsheet data sources

Added by Brett Carlock almost 6 years ago.

Category:Data Provider
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29554


Currently, we can import a spreadsheet (spatial or non-spatial) with ease. Good stuff.

However, the import is quite limited in that it only chooses the first sheet from the object.

I'd like to see this behavior improved to have a similar UI/UX to the layer picker when opening geopackages, folders of shapefiles, File Geodatabases, etc. where the list of objects is presented, and you can choose one/some/all/none to import, along with metadata about each feature. Aside from just being consistent, this would make it far easier to work with spreadsheet data without having to constantly subset/export/import the sheets you want at any given time, making it easier to work from a single source document.

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