Feature request #21642

Show filtered/total/selected with Show Feature Count

Added by Brett Carlock almost 6 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29458


I think it'd be great if the Show Feature Count was a bit more detail-rich.

For instance, on a layer that has 714 features total and no filters, it shows [714], which is great. However, when I apply a filter that only selects for 120 features, it only shows [120]. I think it being a bit more informative and showing something like [120/714] would be really awesome.

Combining that with the ability to show the number of selected features per layer would also be great. In this fashion, you get an easy summary of each layer that doesn't clear from the status bar when focus changes to another layer (troublesome when you do a select by... analysis and change layers to inspect something else, you don't have any way to see the number of selected items unless you go to the attribute table).

Perhaps when a layer has selected features, one could put the yellow selection square logo with the number of selected features next to the layer name. This could look something like [120/714] [🔲 5].

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