Feature request #21474

New layer on top of layer order panel

Added by Martin Pergler almost 6 years ago.

Category:Map Canvas
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:29291


Newly added layers position themselves fairly intuitively in the (legend) tree layer view; thanks!

However, if layer rendering is controlled by the layer order panel instead of tree layer view, new layers currently end up on the bottom of the order, in particular often invisible under DEM- or aerial-related rasters forming the base map.

It feels it would be more natural to have them end up on top, i.e. in front of other layers, and let the user move them down in the order if necessary.

Could this be made default behaviour, or if there are frequent use cases where the current "underneath" behaviour is desired, be made an option?


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