Feature request #19848

Shared borders as result of processing-intersect-tool (like in ArcGIS-Basic-Version)

Added by Ralf Koenig over 6 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:27672


In ArcGis (from Basic-License on) you have the opportunity to select a "line"-output (ArcToolBox-Analysis-Overlay-Intersect) when intersecting 2 different polygon layers.
(This is (for example) helpful to get informations of the length of the parcel along streets by property-owner and street name)
The result contains a set of polylines which are the shared/cutting border of both polygon-layers with attributes of both layers. The polylines are starting/ending at every changing polygon of the neighbouring polygons
QGIS only gives the opportunity to get the shared polygon-area with this tool.
(There are only complicated workarounds in QGIS with splitting outlines and joins by location of resulting lines/its midpoints). It would be helpful to have the same tool like in ArcGis

In the example-file grey and white-filled polygons (neighbouring) are input-layers, the resulting lines have diffrent colours (by id e.g.)

example.png (76.9 KB) Ralf Koenig, 2018-09-14 11:12 AM

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