Bug report #19791

3d map in layout shows blank screen

Added by Gerhard Spieles over 6 years ago.

Affected QGIS version:3.3(master) Regression?:No
Operating System:win 10 Easy fix?:No
Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Crashes QGIS or corrupts data:No Copied to github as #:27616


1. add a 3dmap in a layout,
2. set the scensettings to the 3dmap
3. in the 3d map the message "Load" appears for a long time
4. the "Load" meesage disappears and
5. a blank screen is shown in the added 3dmap and nothing happens
6. Taskmaanager shows, that qgis needs round 40% of CPU capacity

Screenshots are attached.
Actualize the 3dmap leads mostly to a crash.

3dmap.jpg (216 KB) Gerhard Spieles, 2018-09-06 11:49 PM

3dlayout.jpg (166 KB) Gerhard Spieles, 2018-09-06 11:49 PM

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