Feature request #18752

Implement a Command Palette into QGis

Added by Stephen Sinclair almost 7 years ago.

Pull Request or Patch supplied:No Resolution:
Easy fix?:No Copied to github as #:26639


Hi maintainers, and thank you for this outstanding software.
Although not new to map making, I am more of a website developer now. I recently installed QGis 3.01 on my Ubuntu machine and learned it using the outstanding CUNY training by Frank Donnelly.
Now up to the point.
Even with a well written manual, one gets confused with the abundance of functions in QGis. I also find the icons difficult to read, even when compared to the ones in the manual. This is, IMHO, a MS Office GUI like approach and not effective enough.
It may also prevent newbies to dive deeper into the software.
As a developer, I have to use editors which are also full of functions. All of them (think: VS Code, Atom, SublimeText) have a textual Command Palette:

allowing quick access to any function in the software and its plugins by typing a substring of their name
keeping track in a list of the most frequently used functions
I think it would be an interesting idea to develop that function into QGis as it allows much faster access to the functions used.
It could be inplemented either as a core module or as a plugin.
Hope this helps.

Also available in: Atom PDF