Algorithm v.split.vert - Split lines to shorter segments by max number of vertices. starting... g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" min_area=0.0001 snap=-1 input="/home/me/some path" layer=my fancy layer output=tmp1472549688385 --overwrite -o g.region n=5930769.96256 s=5930389.27356 e=562902.394021 w=561211.382406 res=100 v.split input=tmp1472549688385 vertices="1" output=output6b46595bd8c74cc0aecd28af99b15614 --overwrite v.out.ogr -s -e input=output6b46595bd8c74cc0aecd28af99b15614 type=auto output="/tmp/processing734b47517cfb48078378d67b082e1d3d/806449016e044658bac900964cf9835c" format=ESRI_Shapefile output_layer=output --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... Executing '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' ... Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default Projection information updated Description: Imports vector data into a GRASS vector map using OGR library. Keywords: vector, import, OGR Usage: [-flc2tojrewi] input=string [layer=string[,string,...]] [output=name] [spatial=xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax[,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,...]] [where=sql_query] [min_area=value] [type=string[,string,...]] [snap=value] [location=name] [columns=name[,name,...]] [encoding=string] [key=string] [geometry=name] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui] Flags: -f List supported OGR formats and exit -l List available OGR layers in data source and exit -c Do not clean polygons (not recommended) -2 Force 2D output even if input is 3D Useful if input is 3D but all z coordinates are identical -t Do not create attribute table -o Override dataset projection (use location's projection) -j Perform projection check only and exit -r Limit import to the current region -e Extend region extents based on new dataset Also updates the default region if in the PERMANENT mapset -w Change column names to lowercase characters -i Create the location specified by the "location" parameter and exit. Do not import the vector data. --o Allow output files to overwrite existing files --h Print usage summary --v Verbose module output --q Quiet module output --ui Force launching GUI dialog Parameters: input OGR datasource name Examples: ESRI Shapefile: directory containing shapefiles MapInfo File: directory containing mapinfo files layer OGR layer name. If not given, all available layers are imported Examples: ESRI Shapefile: shapefile name MapInfo File: mapinfo file name output Name for output vector map spatial Import subregion only Format: xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax - usually W,S,E,N where WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword Example: income = 10000 min_area Minimum size of area to be imported (square meters) Smaller areas and islands are ignored. Should be greater than snap^2 default: 0.0001 type Optionally change default input type options: point,line,boundary,centroid default: point: import area centroids as points line: import area boundaries as lines boundary: import lines as area boundaries centroid: import points as centroids snap Snapping threshold for boundaries (map units) '-1' for no snap default: -1 location Name for new location to create columns List of column names to be used instead of original names, first is used for category column encoding Encoding value for attribute data Overrides encoding interpretation, useful when importing ESRI Shapefile key Name of column used for categories If not given, categories are generated as unique values and stored in 'cat' column geometry Name of geometry column If not given, all geometry columns from the input are used ERROR: Sorry is not a valid option ERROR: Sorry is not a valid option ERROR: Number of vertices must be at least 2 ERROR: Vector map not found Execution of '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' finished. Cleaning up temporary files... Starting GRASS GIS... Executing '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' ... ERROR: Vector map not found Execution of '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' finished. Cleaning up temporary files... Converting outputs Loading resulting layers The following layers were not correctly generated. Split by vertices You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm