Algorithm r.blend.combine - Blends color components of two raster maps by a given ratio and export into a unique raster. starting... g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs" input=/home/me/some path/input.vrt output=tmp14725505976613 --overwrite -o input=/home/me/some path/input.vrt output=tmp14725505976614 --overwrite -o g.region -a n=6004660.43002 s=5916071.27811 e=589319.585921 w=454181.083265 res=0.999900132121 r.blend -c first=tmp14725505976614 second=tmp14725505976614 percent="50" output=outputd55279a08d2f435592089285e26c4b3b --overwrite r.out.gdal -t createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" input=outputd55279a08d2f435592089285e26c4b3b output="/tmp/processing734b47517cfb48078378d67b082e1d3d/2c454e5c936e4171aada5c8ba76eda04/output.tif" --overwrite Starting GRASS GIS... Executing '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' ... Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default Projection information updated Description: Imports raster data into a GRASS raster map using GDAL library. Keywords: raster, import Usage: [-ojeflkcp] input=name output=name [band=value[,value,...]] [memory=value] [target=name] [title=phrase] [offset=value] [location=name] [table=file] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui] Flags: -o Override projection (use location's projection) -j Perform projection check only and exit -e Extend region extents based on new dataset Also updates the default region if in the PERMANENT mapset -f List supported formats and exit -l Force Lat/Lon maps to fit into geographic coordinates (90N,S; 180E,W) -k Keep band numbers instead of using band color names -c Create the location specified by the "location" parameter and exit. Do not import the raster file. -p Print number of bands and exit --o Allow output files to overwrite existing files --h Print usage summary --v Verbose module output --q Quiet module output --ui Force launching GUI dialog Parameters: input Name of raster file to be imported output Name for output raster map band Band(s) to select (default is all bands) memory Maximum memory to be used (in MB) Cache size for raster rows options: 0-2047 default: 300 target Name of GCPs target location Name of location to create or to read projection from for GCPs transformation title Title for resultant raster map offset The offset will be added to the band number while output raster map name creation default: 0 location Name for new location to create table File prefix for raster attribute tables The band number and ".csv" will be appended to the file prefix ERROR: Sorry is not a valid option Description: Imports raster data into a GRASS raster map using GDAL library. Keywords: raster, import Usage: [-ojeflkcp] input=name output=name [band=value[,value,...]] [memory=value] [target=name] [title=phrase] [offset=value] [location=name] [table=file] [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui] Flags: -o Override projection (use location's projection) -j Perform projection check only and exit -e Extend region extents based on new dataset Also updates the default region if in the PERMANENT mapset -f List supported formats and exit -l Force Lat/Lon maps to fit into geographic coordinates (90N,S; 180E,W) -k Keep band numbers instead of using band color names -c Create the location specified by the "location" parameter and exit. Do not import the raster file. -p Print number of bands and exit --o Allow output files to overwrite existing files --h Print usage summary --v Verbose module output --q Quiet module output --ui Force launching GUI dialog Parameters: input Name of raster file to be imported output Name for output raster map band Band(s) to select (default is all bands) memory Maximum memory to be used (in MB) Cache size for raster rows options: 0-2047 default: 300 target Name of GCPs target location Name of location to create or to read projection from for GCPs transformation title Title for resultant raster map offset The offset will be added to the band number while output raster map name creation default: 0 location Name for new location to create table File prefix for raster attribute tables The band number and ".csv" will be appended to the file prefix ERROR: Sorry is not a valid option Calculating the three component maps... Invalid map Invalid map Invalid map Parse error ERROR: parse error ERROR: An error occurred while running r.mapcalc ERROR: Raster map or group not found Execution of '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' finished. Cleaning up temporary files... Starting GRASS GIS... Executing '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' ... ERROR: Raster map or group not found Execution of '/home/me/.qgis2//processing/' finished. Cleaning up temporary files... Converting outputs Loading resulting layers The following layers were not correctly generated. Blended You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm